JV averages about 20% usage already.. and is such a professional / team player that I doubt he'd care if he got even less touches. Millsap would make JV a good defender as Millsap can cover the perimeter or the low post. Millsap is one of the better (smarter) defenders out there.
I'd rather just keep JV. If the argument is that his $16M cap hit would go to waste.. then the reverse argument is that it would be hard to find a defensive minded center that can rebound that makes much less. Deadmon and Capela are the only guys I can think of but their respective teams won't be trading them any time soon (SAS and Houston).
I'd rather just keep JV. If the argument is that his $16M cap hit would go to waste.. then the reverse argument is that it would be hard to find a defensive minded center that can rebound that makes much less. Deadmon and Capela are the only guys I can think of but their respective teams won't be trading them any time soon (SAS and Houston).