It's time to stop settling for moral victories and to chart an actual path to contention rather than flying by the seat of our pants. Any objective observer would say we have no shot at a title for the next few years; why not prepare for 3-5 years from now? If we put off what's necessary now, we'll get surpassed by the next wave of up-and-comers, and will be looking at true contention 5-7 years from now.
Not to mention that making the Finals isn't even guaranteed the next two years. If we lose to Boston or Philly, these two years are more time wasted. And there's a pretty serious risk that if we don't make any headway, our already-limited assets walk for no return, which is what happened to the Atlanta Hawks.
"Sit back and enjoy the ride" is just avoiding what's difficult now at the expense of the future imo.
Not to mention that making the Finals isn't even guaranteed the next two years. If we lose to Boston or Philly, these two years are more time wasted. And there's a pretty serious risk that if we don't make any headway, our already-limited assets walk for no return, which is what happened to the Atlanta Hawks.
"Sit back and enjoy the ride" is just avoiding what's difficult now at the expense of the future imo.
The other underlying premise is that teams should only be moving forward if they are on a path to true contention. But what happens if you're not? Let's say 5 years go by and the Raps don't have a superstar. Do they blow it up? What about 10 years? 15 years? 20 years? When do you stop blowing it up? Cause if you look at this team and want to blow it up, I have a hard time understanding under what conditions a team shouldn't tank.