Rap Challenger wrote:
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Alabi didn't really have his feet under him this first game, lost his footing a few times under the net.. Although, I didn't see anything wrong with his defense, which is what really mattered to me. Ed Davis, good game all around for this kid, nice job around the hoop, and his D, a few blocks where he came out of no where were amazing.. Derozan, where did he go wrong will ball-handling.. Half the time he was bringing it up the court and driving to the net, past multiple defenders.. Also, his shot? Did anyone see the little fake left, turn right fade away jumper in the low post? That was beautiful man..
That's all I'm concerned to comment on, just gotta let the rest of the summer play go on and see how it goes, too early to say 'sign this guy, sign that dude' yet.. Good game for Raptors, and that's a good sign.
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