Can anyone explain why a Kleiza, playing the role of The Turnstile, got 35m tonight? What did Gully Jully do wrong to get such a short leash? Dude dropped 5 dimes in his first 9 minutes, most coming in the 2nd q and then Jay hooked him. What gives? Does JT not see that you can't start Bargs/Kleiza/Derozan? With those three playing 1 on 1, amir banged up and Jose needing shots to open up the floor for the rest of his game (offense at least, his d is still a joke).
go small/quick with jb/lb/dd/ed/amir
go with shawts jc/lb/sw/lk/ab
go for d with jb/sw/jw/ed/aj
go big n dumb jc/jw/lk/jd/ab
go young and street jb/dd/sw/aj/jd
go eurotrash jc/lb/lk/ab/sa*
*for the purpose of this topic I'm going to co opt my favourite announcer slip: when they refer to non european who play internationally as "european" ie Look at SA win despite starting 2 euros
go small/quick with jb/lb/dd/ed/amir
go with shawts jc/lb/sw/lk/ab
go for d with jb/sw/jw/ed/aj
go big n dumb jc/jw/lk/jd/ab
go young and street jb/dd/sw/aj/jd
go eurotrash jc/lb/lk/ab/sa*
*for the purpose of this topic I'm going to co opt my favourite announcer slip: when they refer to non european who play internationally as "european" ie Look at SA win despite starting 2 euros