TheGloveinRapsUniform wrote:
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Coaches have to be liked (to a certain degree), and very highly respected and trusted by the players. The strength of those last 2 has to be almost familial, where guys have to want to sacrifice for each other. They can criticize the team as a whole because that's fine, as long as they keep that "we're in it together" attitude. The second the sense of being a group is broken, the season is lost. They can maybe mention individuals, but they'll never just throw a guy under the bus. IF a reporter tries to trap a coach like Casey to say something bad about Andrea (or whoever), the worst he'll probably say is something like "we need Andrea to be better, and he can be, but we need everybody to play better because it takes a team effort to have a chance to win every night".
But if one man's play is clearly impacting the team negatively, or just so horrid even just on his own, the GM has every right to go out and criticize him, and talk about making changes. He's responsible for choosing teh talent and changing the talent. While you can blame a player for their play, you can blame a GM for getting that player. The coach actually has very little impact on individual play, and the level depends on how much players buy in. If everyone buys in, usually everybody looks good, and when someone doesn't, it's probably not the coaches fault and probably more like the Raps PG situation, where you have 2 players and just not enough minuts for them. So a GM has every right to say something like "so-and-so isn't giving us what we need, especialy on the glass, so we could have to make a change in the best interest of our team moving forward".
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