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Nets' Devin Harris Estimates 75% of NBA Players Own Guns

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  • Nets' Devin Harris Estimates 75% of NBA Players Own Guns

    WOW .... talk about ridiculous. Do they have guns to protect their millions or their image?

    An incident involving Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas in which he allegedly drew a firearm on a teammate has set off a firestorm of opinion among current NBA players, who tell of a flourishing gun culture in the NBA. If true, it could spell trouble for NBA commissioner David Stern, who is still smarting from former referee Tim Donaghy's admission that he bet on games.

    Reached after practice Friday, Nets guard Devin Harris shed light on a potentially frightening situation for the NBA. He estimated that as many as 75% of players in the league own guns.

    "I mean, look at the situation," said Harris, who told the newspaper he did not own a gun. "A lot of guys have been robbed. A couple of guys, God rest their souls, have passed away. I guess they feel like they need some sort of protection, I don't know. I can't speak for everybody."I'd say between 60 and 75% (of players own guns)."

    Nets teammate Jarvis Hayes, who played with Arenas in Washington from 2003-07, agreed with Harris' estimate - and he's among the NBA players who pack heat.

    "Yeah, I have (a gun)," Hayes said. "It's in Atlanta, not here."
    Source - Click here

  • #2
    I hope they kick Arenas out of the league for this. I'm a little biased considering I think he is a arrogant ass though.


    • #3
      so what he is saying is everyone in the league has a gun except for anyone on the raptors. I could see Duncan, Parker, and Ginobli packin heat. Here's a fun little game, for bored fans. If each Raptor had to own one gun, what gun would it be?

      To start things off, obviously Reggie would have a sawed-off shottie. I could see him stashing down his pants and walkin' with that limp to disguise it.


      • #4
        GOSH NBA players! This is the NBA not the NFL, let the NFL players keep and use their guns whenever they want, but the NBA having guns is getting to a serious trend. Devin does have a point because Panda-face Antoine Walker and Eddy Curry have been victims of armed robbery (though they should of the gym to not look vulnerable and fat to the robbers).

        Still, this "information" coming from Devin Harris is just plain BS percentages coming from his head. Did he research it during his injury time with an Excel worksheet? Coming from Devin Harris doesn't have as much weight as when the Oak-man himself said that all NBA players are smoking or just trying out weed. The Oak-man has the wisdom to make those announcements.

        Gilbert is looking really funny these days and this gun crap he's in is the diarrhea on top of this crap pile.


        • #5
          visko23 wrote: View Post
          so what he is saying is everyone in the league has a gun except for anyone on the raptors. I could see Duncan, Parker, and Ginobli packin heat. Here's a fun little game, for bored fans. If each Raptor had to own one gun, what gun would it be?

          To start things off, obviously Reggie would have a sawed-off shottie. I could see him stashing down his pants and walkin' with that limp to disguise it.
          Reggie doesn't need no gun, he is a family guy and isn't all about being a gangsta trying to look cool, but he can beat the shit out of you.

          Americans have a different mentality and that's why they love owning guns. It doesn't make someone who owns a gun a criminal by owning a gun legally perse, however there are alot of stupid players in the NBA who do own guns and will do stupid things with it.

          Most or all Raptors players probably don't bring their guns to Canada due to legality issues and the fact that its alot safer here. However when they go back home during the offseason, I bet some of them do keep a pistol somewhere, here is my list of Raptor players whom I think do own a piece:

          Chris Bosh - the guy is all about image and he probably owns a couple of guns just to look cool.

          Jarret Jack - probably goes hunting or something.

          Sonny Weems - walks like a gangster, you know he owns a piece.

          Amir Johnson - he is the poster boy of someone who owns a gun.

          Antoine Wright - can't shoot a basketball or a gun but still owns one.

          Honorable mention: Rasho - he probably got an AK-47 hidden under the mattress.
          Last edited by Hotshot; Sat Jan 2, 2010, 07:13 PM.


          • #6
            The majority of NBA players are Americans and Americans have a strong gun culture. The gun laws in the U.S. are not that strict. In Canada we are pretty anti-gun and gun regulations are strict. Its easy to get a hunting rifle but pistols and assault rifles require a thorough background check by law enforcement... That's not so much the case in America. What I'm saying is that we, as Canadians, are going to look at such a statement are very shocking but an American might not. An American might not find it ridiculous. Also, we need to judge the statement. What is Harris basing his statement on? Could he be exaggerating? Of course. Could he possibly have a good handle on what the other 29 teams in the league are doing? Of course not.

