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DJ Augustin signs 1-year Deal with Raptors

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  • CalgaryRapsFan
    isaacthompson wrote: View Post
    Masai went out of his way to sign a guy that's spent his career on the bench. Don't you think that's slightly unusual? He obviously saw something in him that no one else did.
    I think all his signings so far fit with what his stated strategy for the season:

    - start the season with the primary core of players intact from last season (ie: Gay, DeRozan, Lowry, Johnson)

    - add talented young players with potential, without breaking the bank (hard to do given self-imposed hard cap) or commiting beyond this season

    - return to DC's defense-first philosophy

    - evaluate the roster throughout the first half of the season

    - I think that there are 2 ways the season can unfold, both on and off the court:

    Option #1
    - young players (ie: Valanciunas, Ross, Acy, Buycks) take a step forward in their individual development
    - top players (ie: Gay, DeRozan, Lowry, Johnson) take a step forward and become more consistent
    - young injured players (ie: Fields, Augustin) return to form
    - young role players (ie: Novak, Hansborough) provide solid depth
    - the team exceeds expectations and is in the heart of the playoff race, showing good signs of organic growth, team chemistry and renewed defensive prowess
    --> MU decides to make a run at the playoffs and only tweaks will be made to the roster

    Option #2
    - the team stumbles out of the gate, the naysayers were proven right and the team looks more like a #10-12 seed than a #6-9 seed
    --> the core is blown up (ie: big name players traded for combination of young players and draft picks) by/before the trade deadline, allowing an all-out tank through the second half of the season (I think this is the type of thing TL was referring to in his "suck to be good" quote)
    --> signings like Hansborough and Augustin look like genius moves, as they can either be traded as assets with expiring contracts or let walk after the season (they are the ultimate extreme low risk / potential high reward in multiple ways type of signing)
    Last edited by CalgaryRapsFan; Thu Jul 18, 2013, 10:38 AM.

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  • Joey
    Employee wrote: View Post
    This is going to be weird going into the season without a PG controversy of who should be starting.
    If DJ has a good Pre-Season, or Lowry has a Bad one, I'm sure the debate will be brought back to life around here. LOL

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  • Employee
    I remember two years ago going on the trade machine and trying to figure out ways to get DJ for Jose in some way. The dude has dropped off hard in the last year. Writing was on the wall for DJ as soon as the Pacers signed CJ. I'm not excited about this signing at all but it's a one year deal and I can live with it.

    This is going to be weird going into the season without a PG controversy of who should be starting.

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  • Mediumcore
    joey_hesketh wrote: View Post
    I completely agree.. but judging from the way Casey has used JV last year, I still see him as being the 4th option on the floor in Caseys eyes. And like I said, unless Casey stole some plays from Carlisle before he left, I'm not sure I trust Casey coaching in the half court.
    This is where the new assistant coach from the D-League comes in I hope. If he can expand Casey's play book on offense to something more than iso with Rudy or DeMar at the top of the 3 point line then it can only be a good thing. I'm feeling good about Casey's defense returning to form this season.

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  • Arsenalist
    Mediumcore wrote: View Post
    Isn't it nice to see role players in Toronto finally getting paid like role players? They said it couldn't be done in Canada, but you did it MU.
    I love this comment. We are so used to having money thrown at likes of Kapono, Kleiza, Jack, Turk, Fields, that we've forgotten that there's something called negotiation when dealing with players. I have no doubt that Colangelo, if he had to deal with Augustin, would have offered him a two-year deal with a PLAYER option for next season.

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  • Joey
    Mediumcore wrote: View Post
    Something to consider is with JV's emergence we might be going to a more traditional inside out game. Fewer touches for Gay and DeMar in iso situations. I'd expect the touches to be much more evenly split between the 3 options on offense (DD, Gay, JV), with DD and Gay still getting the bulk, but JV's touches in the post increasing.
    I completely agree.. but judging from the way Casey has used JV last year, I still see him as being the 4th option on the floor in Caseys eyes. And like I said, unless Casey stole some plays from Carlisle before he left, I'm not sure I trust Casey coaching in the half court.

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  • Joey
    isaacthompson wrote: View Post
    He obviously saw something in him that no one else did.
    And now we know that all he had inside him was 15 too many Cheeseburgers...

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  • JStockton
    mike, prague wrote: View Post
    Lol, Casey was quite serious that he wants to play Pacer style basketball... The best way to play Pacer style basketball, is with Pacer players
    Now all we need is to acquire Sam Young and Ian Mahinmi to round-up our bench.

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  • DanH
    Primer wrote: View Post
    Tank aficionados need to realize that tanking doesn't happen until after the trade deadline. We're going to go into the season trying to win and make the playoffs. If it looks like we're gonna fall short halfway through the season, we start to deal players and go into tank mode. It's not going to happen in the preseason, or it would have already. I think this team will disappoint all the tankers and actually be a pretty good team. Everyone discounts what a beast JV will be this year like he won't make any impact on this teams wins and losses. I think just JV's improved play gets us into the playoffs. Adding improved play from anyone else (or bench improvement from new signings) is just gravy to get us a better seed. I predict 6 seed and I think we're gonna be a nightmare for the 3 seed this year.
    In 2002-03, the year of the tanking for LeBron, the 6 teams with the worst 6 records after December were the same 6 with the worst records at the end of the season, and the same 6 that got the top 6 picks. Tanking starts day 1, and only ignoring history lets you think that wins at the start of the season won't impact it. So I expect moves to be made in December or early January, rather than waiting for the deadline.

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  • isaacthompson
    LBF wrote: View Post
    Unfortunately? for who?? His fat ass?
    Masai went out of his way to sign a guy that's spent his career on the bench. Don't you think that's slightly unusual? He obviously saw something in him that no one else did.

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  • Mediumcore
    Isn't it nice to see role players in Toronto finally getting paid like role players? They said it couldn't be done in Canada, but you did it MU.

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  • Mediumcore
    joey_hesketh wrote: View Post
    Sooo, over all, you think the Augustin signing was a good one? Lol

    Interesting insights into Augustins game. Could it perhaps benefit his game, knowing that Indiana plays more of a half court offense, where as the Raptors are hoping to be a bit more 'athletic' in their approach?
    Casey really isn't a good enough coach to draw up half court plays, so they'll have to rely a lot on their athleticism and get moving on the fast break. I think DJ could flourish in a system like this.
    Something to consider is with JV's emergence we might be going to a more traditional inside out game. Fewer touches for Gay and DeMar in iso situations. I'd expect the touches to be much more evenly split between the 3 options on offense (DD, Gay, JV), with DD and Gay still getting the bulk, but JV's touches in the post increasing.

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  • mcHAPPY
    p00ka wrote: View Post
    Meh, nothing impressive but can fill the backup role for Ujiri's assessment year, and fits the budget. Other than trying to get something for Q-Rich, these are your Toronto Raptors going into training camp.
    Don't forget Richardson can't be moved until December 15th. So until then the options for Richardson are:

    1) waiver wire,
    2) stretch provision.

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  • mike, prague
    Lol, Casey was quite serious that he wants to play Pacer style basketball... The best way to play Pacer style basketball, is with Pacer players

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  • Fanchie
    Chr1s1anL wrote: View Post
    This team work still win 30 games without Rudy
    Unless this signing means that Lowry is about to get traded for draft pick(s). Starting Augustin would mean that we'd suck hard, and Buyicks would be 1st off the bench, as promised.

    And even if we win 30 games, don't forget that the Bulls won 33 the year before they drafted DRose. Ping-pong balls can act weird when there's a homekid at stake...

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