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I know I may pissed off a lot of people, but should we considering to trade JV?

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  • #31
    you know who's a sick rim protector and supposedly very much available? Larry Sanders. He doesn't offer much in the ways of offense outside of tip ins and whatnot but i'd trade for him in a heartbeat. He'd be a perfect pairing with JV.


    • #32
      you'd definitely need a 3 that can shoot the 3 though


      • #33
        Eric Montross 00 wrote: View Post
        Everything you said are in your own opinion, everyone can comes up a crazy idea and stands on his opinion. you said Rudy for Monroe is not as crazy as Ross for first, I think in opposite way. But I am not genna say your comment is a laughable because you done your thinking and it's your own opinion and I don't have the right or disrespect to call your comment laughable. Some one pointed out before I realized Piston's first round pick is protected if they finish worst than 8th, which I didn't know and on the it clearly shown Piston has its pick. But I still stick with my opinion that Piston still need to upgrade at SG, and I believe Ross is hellava better than KCP. You have your own opinion, you expressed your opinion and I have no problem with that, but I never judge a person's trade proposal laughable and you didn't know either that Piston has no first round pick(you knew it). And on top of everything else, you just know that all ballers or nba addicted fans watch team highlights or player highlights from youtube, maybe you are right the youtube has biased view to show player's highlights but in reality what do you expect average people to do? get strong resume and get hired by Raptors'video coordinator? then can have a better judgement and calling a player's worth correctly on this forum? Look you give me crap, and I don't take crap. you can have all the crazy trade scenarios and that's your opinion, people can correct it but you don't call people's comment laughable when people saying they read nba player and how they play and how team play from youtube highlights, that's not laughable that's what everyone does. that only person who can criticize the bias aspect of youtube highlights are fulltime paid experienced nba video coordinator. That's not you, Piston fan.

        Sorry if you were offended, but i haven't been the only person stating that your opinions are not realistic. I'm not giving you crap, just trying to show why what you're saying doesn't make sense. Also you tend to not have facts correct. Pistons don't own a pick, they owe it to Charlotte, unless they are one of the 8 worst teams. Also, I work for national sports television network, so I will concede that I have far more access to NBA video than you. I didn't feel the need to mention that, but you took that last shot at me at the end of your post
        Ball Don't Lie


        • #34
          Eric Montross 00 wrote: View Post
          All I'm saying is JV has been underachieved from his expectations and I used stats to back it up, I have already said I was exaggerating but the continuous development from last year's showing promise and fleshes of all star, then summer league MVP. We should at least expect him playing better and more of a force this year, and he hasn't done that and he was underachieved. people saying it was because of Casey's playing or Gay's demanding the ball which are all possibilities, which is why I bring it up for discussion. But like I said JV has been underachieved, and should we at least considering of at least put him on the market, he's value is at the highest, and if we might get a top five, or sorry 5th or 6th exactly 1st round pick this year and with our own pick to select Wiggins/Parker/Smart +Embiid, wouldn't be a wise thing to do? before JV which no one knows possible becoming a bust(I am sorry to say it but if he continuous to play the way he is playing for next two years, wouldn't be better if we can trade him now at his highest value for something much better in return?).
          Your english isn't really stellar. Understandably, it may not be your first language.

          But use some semblance of paragraphs and points. It's really really hard to read your posts.
          Heh, if he is in the D-league still in a few years I will be surprised.
          He's terrible."

          -Superjudge, 7/23

          Hope you're wrong.


          • #35
            The only way i trade JV is if we can get a top 6-7 pick in next year's draft. Another trade that i might consider is JV to GS for Barnes.

            Btw, my expectations for JV this year is 14/9.

            Last year my expectation was, 9/6. I think he ended up averaging 8/6. Pretty close.

            But 20/12 for a 2nd year player?? come on man.
            Last edited by The Great One; Fri Dec 13, 2013, 03:14 PM.
            Mamba Mentality


            • #36
              Eric Montross 00 wrote: View Post
              Okay guys I don't want to create this HUGE debate regards to Jonas Valanciunas should we give up him or not.

              I just read a lot of prety offensive an darrogant responses to what was actually a very fair question. Perhaps mr. Montross used numbers that were a little high, however he made a very valid point about JV not ever really recording a big game, and not really hitting for a high average.

              Now the first impulse is to jump all over the idea, JV is of course young, and its unfair to expect huge numbers. But Montross didn't say trade JV for peanuts, he asked if we thought it would be a good idea to let him go if you could get a top five pick in return. In a draft that every jackal on this forum seems to think is the BEST EVER, that top five pick, combined with Toronto's own, and likely top five pick could be a cornerstone of an amazing team.

              Keep in mind. JV is said around these parts to be virtually untradeable. Meaning, he is thought to be a superstar in the making, yet in the same breath people downplay Drummond, saying he is without talent, and is only collecting 30 and 10 games with tip ins, and dunks, and only clocks shots an defends the paint because of his physical skills. do we not see the folly in this sentiment? thats EXACTLY it, Drummond, who many here believe is a paltry talent compared to our golden boy JV, aint getting plays run for him either, he's attacking the rim with a vengeance and making it happen on his own. He's willing himself to get what he gets. He is also using his 7 feet as he should in the paint and playing like a small Mountain. I have yet to see JV do this. Does this mean I don't like him, or think he is a poor talent...hell no. I think he is a good player, but he sure as hell doesn't blow my mind, and he isn't scaring guys on the other team. this kinda brings us to what Montross is asking, do we let him go for a shot at a guy like Wiggans, parker, smart, randle, EMBIID????

              THAT IS A PERFECTLY GOOD QUESTION. And one the the GM is likely discussing on a regularity, don't you doubt that for a moment because JV, although a decent player, is nopt projecting like a superstar right now, and no amount of cliched arguments can convince me otherwise, I know what I'm looking at out there, he can't hit a 15 foot shot.

              It's fine to disagree guys, but the responses you have laid down on this Montross kid for his post are really lame, and pretty much unfair. Did he embellish a little, maybe, but we all do. Fact is, he raised a very interesting question, and one that deserves more thoughtful responses then those here calling his opinions "laughable".

              Shame on you guys.

              tslk tsk!


              • #37
                Craig wrote: View Post

                I just read a lot of prety offensive an darrogant responses to what was actually a very fair question. Perhaps mr. Montross used numbers that were a little high, however he made a very valid point about JV not ever really recording a big game, and not really hitting for a high average.

                Now the first impulse is to jump all over the idea, JV is of course young, and its unfair to expect huge numbers. But Montross didn't say trade JV for peanuts, he asked if we thought it would be a good idea to let him go if you could get a top five pick in return. In a draft that every jackal on this forum seems to think is the BEST EVER, that top five pick, combined with Toronto's own, and likely top five pick could be a cornerstone of an amazing team.

                Keep in mind. JV is said around these parts to be virtually untradeable. Meaning, he is thought to be a superstar in the making, yet in the same breath people downplay Drummond, saying he is without talent, and is only collecting 30 and 10 games with tip ins, and dunks, and only clocks shots an defends the paint because of his physical skills. do we not see the folly in this sentiment? thats EXACTLY it, Drummond, who many here believe is a paltry talent compared to our golden boy JV, aint getting plays run for him either, he's attacking the rim with a vengeance and making it happen on his own. He's willing himself to get what he gets. He is also using his 7 feet as he should in the paint and playing like a small Mountain. I have yet to see JV do this. Does this mean I don't like him, or think he is a poor talent...hell no. I think he is a good player, but he sure as hell doesn't blow my mind, and he isn't scaring guys on the other team. this kinda brings us to what Montross is asking, do we let him go for a shot at a guy like Wiggans, parker, smart, randle, EMBIID????

                THAT IS A PERFECTLY GOOD QUESTION. And one the the GM is likely discussing on a regularity, don't you doubt that for a moment because JV, although a decent player, is nopt projecting like a superstar right now, and no amount of cliched arguments can convince me otherwise, I know what I'm looking at out there, he can't hit a 15 foot shot.

                It's fine to disagree guys, but the responses you have laid down on this Montross kid for his post are really lame, and pretty much unfair. Did he embellish a little, maybe, but we all do. Fact is, he raised a very interesting question, and one that deserves more thoughtful responses then those here calling his opinions "laughable".

                Shame on you guys.

                tslk tsk!
                There were many thoughtful responses back to him. You seem fixated on the term laughable. Sorry but that's what I feel towards Novak + Ross for a first. Or the thought that Ross is an upgrade on any SG in the league at this very moment. I agreed that the notion of perhaps dealing JV is worth considering, but only if you're receiving a bounty in return.

                Maybe I was harsh, but it is difficult to wade through those giant posts. Sometimes I'm answering in an almost bullet point fashion since there is so much to take in from his responses
                Ball Don't Lie


                • #38
                  A trade for Barnes makes no sense to me. Even if JV doesn't end up being an all star his game is obviously going to improve and he at least projects to be a very good Centre, which I'd assume we'll need when we're competitive. JV is a great kid with the right attitude for this team. He has been a winner in the past which is important. If the haul is good enough everyone is for sale but I'd like to see him stick around and see what happens. A guy like JV is always going to have value in this league.
                  Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways
                  Because its 2015


                  • #39
                    Most people agreed with the value he placed on JV. JV for a top 5 seems like a pretty decent trade for us.

                    I'm not sure when that other supposedly "laughable" trade entered the conversation.... but whatever.

                    What was absurd was the expectation that JV would be posting all-NBA stats this year.
                    Heh, if he is in the D-league still in a few years I will be surprised.
                    He's terrible."

                    -Superjudge, 7/23

                    Hope you're wrong.


                    • #40
                      I guess what we really need to see is what does JV bring to the table now that he will be more of a focal point offensively and once teams really start taking things away from him. I know the offence will get there. I'd much rather see more of a defensive presence and some strong work on the glass to solidify his spot as a cornerstone player on the team
                      Ball Don't Lie


                      • #41
                        I think you are in a tough spot there. JV isn't bad. He might be awesome. You have to give that time, but the bunker draft is this summer.

                        Its fun though.... except if he levels out as just average and ya find out in 3 years there was a draft night trad ein place for the 3rd overall pick.

                        But yes,they need to see what he can do, and really, he has to start stepping up, potential doesnt win games. JV needs to start showing he knows how to play.


                        • #42
                          When JV was drafted he was compared to Noah, Chandler and Hibbert. These three guys were not very good when they first came into the league but are now anchors for their respective teams.

                          JV is not Shaq or Howard.. he's not built that way.. but he can be a very good all-star caliber player. Trading him for a top 5 pick in this draft is an interesting idea but then you lose out on a center unless you select Embid... and is Embiid going to be better than JV? Centers are the most difficult position to fill. Try finding one in a trade.. and in free agency you are going to be looking for a near max contract every time with lots of competition.

                          All I know is JV dominated his own age group.. so the talent is there. If he matures, gets the right coaching and development, and plays in a system that works for him I think he will be worth it. But again we have 2 years to really figure it out on a very good rookie scale contract.

                          If I was to trade him for a top 5 pick in this upcoming draft then I'd only consider it for Wiggins, Parker and Exum. So I guess I'd be willing to trade him for a top 3 pick (or top 2 pick if Exum doesn't declare) but not top 5.


                          • #43
                            I'd laugh if none of them declared



                            • #44
                              Ok - I guess i will be the first to make a definitive statement. HELL YES! I have seen nothing from JV that says we shouldn't trade him for a top 5 pick in a supposedly STACKED draft.

                              Imagine having two top picks in this draft! Isn't this why so many people wanted to tank?? I think JV is the only player who may be able to give us this opportunity.....I would seriously consider it!

                              Edit: I was actually responding to the question in the OP..
                              Last edited by special1; Fri Dec 13, 2013, 04:59 PM.


                              • #45
                                special1 wrote: View Post
                                Ok - I guess i will be the first to make a definitive statement. HELL YES! I have seen nothing from JV that says we shouldn't trade him for a top 5 pick in a supposedly STACKED draft.

                                Imagine having two top picks in this draft! Isn't this why so many people wanted to tank?? I think JV is the only player who may be able to give us this opportunity.....I would seriously consider it!

                                Edit: I was actually responding to the question in the OP..
                                As I think about it, it makes more and more sense to have two potential star players drafted the same year. They'll age together, will be playing with people they know, working together... The chemistry/timeline benefits would be huge.
                                Heh, if he is in the D-league still in a few years I will be surprised.
                                He's terrible."

                                -Superjudge, 7/23

                                Hope you're wrong.

