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Everything Playoffs 2024

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  • golden
    Joey wrote: View Post

    Dang, we really forgetting about Matt Thomas already??
    I said bargain... not liquidation or Goodwill outlet. lol.

    edit: I suppose that Ja'Kobe is that bargain shooter.
    Last edited by golden; Wed Jul 10, 2024, 02:51 PM.

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  • Joey
    golden wrote: View Post
    So Masai & Bobby’s job is to find the next bargain shooter, which they have traditionally been terrible at.
    Dang, we really forgetting about Matt Thomas already??

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  • MixxAOR
    Xenophobia at it's finest

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  • golden
    Speaking of expert analysis...

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  • Primer
    Rudy Bargnani wrote: View Post

    I completely agree. One game they had Embiid and Paul George talk all halftime and ignored the game. A really good article recently about Adam Silver saying he doesn't like how the media covers the sport and it might feed into the recent TV rights deal:

    Would be real cool to see half time or coming back from commercial breaks and have former coaches breaking down pick and roll coverages or explaining HORNS sets or dribble hand off stuff. Tony Romo brought some of this to NFL games and fans ate it up at first.

    Basketball coverage is more Stephen A screaming at the TV or the bring in WOJ to talk about rumours and player movement. They don't actually talk about the game.
    Expert analysis would be great. We get very little of that.

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  • Rudy Bargnani
    slaw wrote: View Post

    The ESPN coverage did not do the finals any favours. No 4k, poor audio, mediocre announcers, terrible halftime, lack of pageantry, too much focus on rumours and offseason stuff. They are hurting themselves with this approach.
    I completely agree. One game they had Embiid and Paul George talk all halftime and ignored the game. A really good article recently about Adam Silver saying he doesn't like how the media covers the sport and it might feed into the recent TV rights deal:

    Would be real cool to see half time or coming back from commercial breaks and have former coaches breaking down pick and roll coverages or explaining HORNS sets or dribble hand off stuff. Tony Romo brought some of this to NFL games and fans ate it up at first.

    Basketball coverage is more Stephen A screaming at the TV or the bring in WOJ to talk about rumours and player movement. They don't actually talk about the game.

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  • A.I
    The Great One wrote: View Post

    Did you just say Tyler Herro? Herro
    ?being hurt helped the Heat and Butler more. This was a topic last year and a lot of people agreed.
    It helped because Vincent, Martin and Robinson all stepped up and contributed. That doesn't mean losing a 20 PPG scorer won't hurt you.

    Even if we believe Herro would have hurt them. Fine. Jimmy still played with an ankle injury through the Knicks and Celtics. Even went up 3-0 against the Celtics, so Tatum's injury in Game 7 isn't really an excuse.

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  • Primer
    The Great One wrote: View Post

    Did you just say Tyler Herro? Herro
    ?being hurt helped the Heat and Butler more. This was a topic last year and a lot of people agreed.
    Celtics lost the first 3 games that series with fully healthy Tatum. Why is that?

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  • The Great One
    A.I wrote: View Post
    Tatum got hurt but still played the whole game and ignoring the fact Jimmy missed Game 2 against the Knicks and wasn't really healthy going forward and the Heat also didn't have Herro the entire Playoff run
    Did you just say Tyler Herro? Herro
    ?being hurt helped the Heat and Butler more. This was a topic last year and a lot of people agreed.

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  • The Great One
    Primer wrote: View Post

    Why did it go to 7 games?

    The Celtics should have easily taken care of a play in team. Jimmy didn't let them.

    Absolute nonsense you're harping on Tatum playing over 41 minutes slightly injured in game 7 as to why the Heat had an easy playoff run. So dumb.

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  • Primer
    A.I wrote: View Post
    Tatum got hurt but still played the whole game and ignoring the fact Jimmy missed Game 2 against the Knicks and wasn't really healthy going forward and the Heat also didn't have Herro the entire Playoff run
    Yep, Tatum was the only one playing injured. Every Heat player was 100% healthy.

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  • A.I
    Tatum got hurt but still played the whole game and ignoring the fact Jimmy missed Game 2 against the Knicks and wasn't really healthy going forward and the Heat also didn't have Herro the entire Playoff run

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  • Primer
    The Great One wrote: View Post

    So you didn't watch the game then? so what are you yapping about?

    Tatum got hurt in the 1st quarter of Game 7. Meaning he wasn't healthy most of that game. Another break for the Heat. Would've been nice to see them blow the first 3-0 series lead in history.

    As for the other series, the Bucks were the favorite going into that series, but after the Giannis injury, the odds shifted to the Heat's side. The Heat were also the favorite in the 2nd round. Nobody believed in the Knicks last year.

    As for picking the Mavs to beat the Celtics, in other words you guys just don't like the Celtics. Meaning I can't take anything you guys say seriously about the team or the players.
    Why did it go to 7 games?

    The Celtics should have easily taken care of a play in team. Jimmy didn't let them.

    Absolute nonsense you're harping on Tatum playing over 41 minutes slightly injured in game 7 as to why the Heat had an easy playoff run. So dumb.

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  • The Great One
    Primer wrote: View Post

    AI covered it well, what Jimmy did was beat the odds in every single series.

    Tatum missed 0 games, how were the Celtics an easy series for Miami last year? He played 41.5 minutes in game 7!

    Give me a freaking break.

    Also everyone here picked the Mavs because we hate the Celtics. None of us put money on it. It was a spite pick not how we actually thought it would play out.
    So you didn't watch the game then? so what are you yapping about?

    Tatum got hurt in the 1st quarter of Game 7. Meaning he wasn't healthy most of that game. Another break for the Heat. Would've been nice to see them blow the first 3-0 series lead in history.

    As for the other series, the Bucks were the favorite going into that series, but after the Giannis injury, the odds shifted to the Heat's side. The Heat were also the favorite in the 2nd round. Nobody believed in the Knicks last year.

    As for picking the Mavs to beat the Celtics, in other words you guys just don't like the Celtics. Meaning I can't take anything you guys say seriously about the team or the players.

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  • Primer
    The Great One wrote: View Post

    Lol Jimmy Butler didn't carry nothing. The Heat road to the Finals last year was as easy as the Celtics.

    Once Giannis got hurt in round 1, you knew it was over for the Bucks. Knicks? Knicks were a joke last year. Round 3 against the Celtics - what if Tatum didn't get hurt in Game 7?

    As for the Celtics this year, the first 3 rounds was easy. Nobody's denying that. But the Finals? a lot of the media picked the Mavs to win. Hell, I'm the only one here that picked the Celtics to win. All of you here picked the Mavs to win. Now all of a sudden that's an easy series? make it make sense.

    Stop getting fooled by the "Heat Culture" narrative.
    AI covered it well, what Jimmy did was beat the odds in every single series.

    Tatum missed 0 games, how were the Celtics an easy series for Miami last year? He played 41.5 minutes in game 7!

    Give me a freaking break.

    Also everyone here picked the Mavs because we hate the Celtics. None of us put money on it. It was a spite pick not how we actually thought it would play out.
    Last edited by Primer; Fri Jun 21, 2024, 02:12 PM.

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