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Everything Round 1: Toronto Raptors vs Milwaukee Bucks

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  • The Rawth wrote: View Post
    I feel like youre more of a mess to be honest. Its the first quarter. Question, do you play sport and get just as negative straight away?
    If he played sports, he'd be on his way home whenever his team is down 10+ in the first quarter.


    • And that's game. Good night boys. The Raps have lost this series.
      I relish negativity and disappointment. It is not healthy. Somebody buy me a pony.


      • Can Casey be fired in 7 days? And Demarre be bought out in 1 day?


        • Comment

          • The Rawth wrote: View Post
            I feel like youre more of a mess to be honest. Its the first quarter. Question, do you play sport and get just as negative straight away?
            No he wouldn't .. his teammates would either kill him in practice or have the coach kick his whiny ass off the team... likely both after they kill him in practice...
            There's no such thing as a 2nd round bust.
            - TGO


            • JamesNaismith wrote: View Post
              I'm sorry but I feel us getting eliminated 4-1 this series.

              The Bucks are dominating us.

              Where's everyone that said this wasn't THE worst matchup??? Please speak up now.
              Its not about match up

              I cannot understand why we're shitting bricks rn and playing worse defense than a HS team
              Abbas wrote:

              First of all i was my own source


              • DeRozan is being double teamed, tripled teamed everytime he catches the ball. He's making all the right passes. But guys needs to make shots.
                Mamba Mentality


                • JamesNaismith wrote: View Post
                  I'm sorry but I feel us getting eliminated 4-1 this series.

                  The Bucks are dominating us.

                  Where's everyone that said this wasn't THE worst matchup??? Please speak up now.
                  I know man. I was scared of Bucks and Bulls.
                  How did we beat them in regular season? I can't remember!


                  • we will win in 7


                    • Oh man. It's hard to do the whole drive and kick thing when your defender can take you man to man
                      OG is our king


                      • can babcock coach two teams?


                        • what happened?


                          • Smh this looks like a Bucks board^
                            SPECIAL REPORT: March 27th, 2017, it is now confirmed Lebron James has had both his back and his dignity broken by the vicious swinging right elbow of ruthless heavyweight PF and notorious bad-boy David Lee


                            • At this point. Throw siakam on Giannis

                              He's the only one who can match Giannis length

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              I'm back. I no longer worship joe johnson


                              • Derozan who is not accustomed to passing, not his now EXPOSED

                                DEFENSIVELY HE GOT AUTOPSIED BY MIDDLETON

