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Everything Round 1: Toronto Raptors vs Milwaukee Bucks

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  • PA-POW! Norman with the 3.
    Axel wrote:
    Now Cody can stop posting about this guy and we have a poster to blame if anything goes wrong!!
    KeonClark wrote:
    We won't hear back from him. He dissapears into thin air and reappears when you least expect it. Ten is an enigma. Ten is a legend. Ten for the motherfucking win.
    KeonClark wrote:
    I can't wait until the playoffs start.

    Until then, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they most often stink


    • psrs1 wrote: View Post
      Is Casey a genius for staring NP?
      No, fans have wanted him to play all season lol
      9 time first team all-RR, First Ballot Hall of Forum


      • jacobdr4 wrote: View Post
        You mean the team that won the championship?
        My least favourite era of basketball. Yes and the Raptors won't win anything in today's NBA playing it.


        • white men can't jump wrote: View Post
          Can we just not see Carroll again this season?

          Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
          "Both teams played hard my man" - Sheed


          • Also pj tucker bad motherfucker
            9 time first team all-RR, First Ballot Hall of Forum


            • psrs1 wrote: View Post
              Is Casey a genius for staring NP?
              He's a bonehead for not even using him earlier in the series!


              • Lights out.



                • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                  Also pj tucker bad motherfucker
                  Bad MotherTucker!

                  Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
                  "Both teams played hard my man" - Sheed


                  • Rand wrote: View Post
                    wow! did DD play D there? OMG is he gonna become that factor?
                    Demare been solid on D tonight. Lowry and Carole on the hand..

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    I'm back. I no longer worship joe johnson


                    • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                      Also pj tucker bad motherfucker
                      His D on Giannis has been incredible.
                      Axel wrote:
                      Now Cody can stop posting about this guy and we have a poster to blame if anything goes wrong!!
                      KeonClark wrote:
                      We won't hear back from him. He dissapears into thin air and reappears when you least expect it. Ten is an enigma. Ten is a legend. Ten for the motherfucking win.
                      KeonClark wrote:
                      I can't wait until the playoffs start.

                      Until then, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they most often stink


                      • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                        Also pj tucker bad motherfucker
                        This is where it started.


                        • I would actually like to see Siakam on the floor against these Bucks. and IF we get the GOOD BEBE he'd be good match defensively too.


                          • psrs1 wrote: View Post
                            Is Casey a genius for staring NP?

                            Especially not since he still started Carroll. And even if it was for Carroll, it's not genius to do what should have been an obvious change back in January.


                            • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                              Also pj tucker bad motherfucker
                              I love Tucker, but his box score for tonight is astonishing. 0pts, 1rbd, 1 ast.


                              • Wow... no Caroll, no problem. Go figure.

