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Some sad news, guys: Sun Life Financial named Jersey Sponsor of Toronto Raptors

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  • JimiCliff
    Apollo wrote: View Post
    You can look at it another way though. Steps like these increase the league's revenue streams which leads to an even healthier NBA busniess and a more lucrative NBA for all those players we root for.

    As long as they don't go all to hell with it I'm 'ok' with it.
    Except, they absolutely will go all to hell with it, eventually.

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  • 3inthekeon
    S.R. wrote: View Post
    It's less in your face than US broadcasts that license every possible segment of the game. "KFC Buckets Shot Chart " etc.
    Reminds me of this a few years back.

    "This is great for the league, but I'm not sure it's the best thing in the world for the players," McNabb said. "The anxiety made me throw to [wide receiver Todd] Pinkston a half-second before he turned and looked back for the ball—I mean, looked for the can of Campbell's new Chunky Chili. If I hadn't felt so much pressure to please the advertisers, I wouldn't have hit him in the forehead with that pass. I also believe that, if he'd been wearing a traditional helmet instead of a KFC bucket, he wouldn't be in the hospital right now."

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  • Nilanka
    Ahaha, completely forgot about Cooperalls.

    A tiny SunLife logo seems so insignificant compared to these monstrosities.

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  • S.R.
    Nilanka wrote: View Post
    Remember when boards in hockey didn't have ads? Looks weird by today's standards, doesn't it (in addition to refs not wearing helmets).

    We'll eventually get to a point where logos on jerseys don't bat an eye, either.
    Damn, the 1986 ASG in Hartford. Nice one.

    I'm hoping that one day sleeved jerseys will be to the NBA what Cooperall pants are to hockey (but I suspect the NBA is creating jersey space for ads):

    Last edited by S.R.; Tue Jul 11, 2017, 05:31 PM.

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  • Nilanka
    Remember when boards in hockey didn't have ads? Looks weird by today's standards, doesn't it (in addition to refs not wearing helmets).

    We'll eventually get to a point where logos on jerseys don't bat an eye, either.

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  • S.R.
    It's less in your face than US broadcasts that license every possible segment of the game. "KFC Buckets Shot Chart " etc.

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  • Apollo
    Cody73 wrote: View Post

    Thoughts on this, guys? I'm angry that were seeing ads on jerseys.... and that our Raptors just have to go ahead and do this.
    You can look at it another way though. Steps like these increase the league's revenue streams which leads to an even healthier NBA busniess and a more lucrative NBA for all those players we root for.

    As long as they don't go all to hell with it I'm 'ok' with it.

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  • MixxAOR
    Raptor Jesus wrote: View Post
    meh, gif won't play

    suffice to say 'hard pass' on soccer anything

    especially whoring players as walking billboards

    post no bills
    They became walking billboards when they started signing shoe deals.

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  • We Tha North
    Maury wrote: View Post
    Now is the time to buy a jersey before you have to buy one with an ad on it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Exactly my thoughts. I really hope they don't go the WNBA route, those jerseys are ugly. Half the time you can't even see the team logo, especially on TV. Who would want to wear this with ads taking up the majority?

    Minnesota Lynx Jersey
    Last edited by We Tha North; Sun Jul 9, 2017, 12:15 PM.

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  • Raptor Jesus
    meh, gif won't play

    suffice to say 'hard pass' on soccer anything

    especially whoring players as walking billboards

    post no bills

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  • DanH
    psrs1 wrote: View Post
    Can we get a break on salary cap with this?
    Next year the cap might be higher if league revenues are higher, if that's what you mean.

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  • psrs1
    KeonClark wrote: View Post
    The reason soccer is the worlds most popular sport is because anyone with 2 feet and a ball can play it: so basically 99% of the world (you can hand make a ball). It's also the home of the worst diving in sports, and sometimes up to 30 40 minutes of literally nothing happening, just midfielders working it back and forth. Nothing against fans of it, but no sport can claim to be the best in the world, just because more people like it. If that was the case then the backstreet boys would be in the hall of fame
    The Backstreet Boys aren't in the hall of fame

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  • psrs1
    DanH wrote: View Post
    Meh. More revenue for the owners and players that doesn't come from my pocket. What's not to like? They even kind of hid the patches, unlike the monstrosities in BKN, for example.
    Can we get a break on salary cap with this?

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  • rocwell
    KeonClark wrote: View Post
    The reason soccer is the worlds most popular sport is because anyone with 2 feet and a ball can play it: so basically 99% of the world (you can hand make a ball). It's also the home of the worst diving in sports, and sometimes up to 30 40 minutes of literally nothing happening, just midfielders working it back and forth. Nothing against fans of it, but no sport can claim to be the best in the world, just because more people like it. If that was the case then the backstreet boys would be in the hall of fame
    This sport has everything.

    Last edited by rocwell; Sat Jul 8, 2017, 10:06 PM.

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  • KeonClark
    rocwell wrote: View Post
    95k Australians singing English club's anthem in Australia.


    Good times

    Special moments

    Soccer has everything.

    Fighting and good times happen every single game!
    The reason soccer is the worlds most popular sport is because anyone with 2 feet and a ball can play it: so basically 99% of the world (you can hand make a ball). It's also the home of the worst diving in sports, and sometimes up to 30 40 minutes of literally nothing happening, just midfielders working it back and forth. Nothing against fans of it, but no sport can claim to be the best in the world, just because more people like it. If that was the case then the backstreet boys would be in the hall of fame

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