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The Harrison Barnes Bowl

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  • Red and White
    Apollo wrote: View Post
    The Raptors won't be losing games on purpose this season. They've never operated in that fashion. They'll be losing games while trying to win.
    haha brilliant, yeah people shouldnt get bent out of shape about the raptors throwing games lol, they will lose them if they try

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  • heinz57
    vinnie_paz wrote: View Post
    and please learn how to read, i said "what if you", were a fan of minny...
    lol... cmon man... i cant do that.

    its MINNY.

    it'd be like the babcock years all over again. even hypothetically, i wont put myself in them shoes.

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  • heinz57
    vinnie_paz wrote: View Post
    hahaha n u think the raps are that much better ?
    and asnwer the question... does a t-wolves fan have the right to hope his team loses so that the owner can fire kahn

    do u want me to mention some of the trades that david kahn has made?

    traded al jeffereson for pretty much nothing, acquired beasely... u want me to go on ?

    he drafted like 5 pg's and then the following year he drafted 3 sf's and aquired another sf from portland ?

    does a poor fan in minny not have to be thinking man i just wish we lose, so david kahn quits or gets fired ??

    sadly, that's how i feel about our gm.
    hoping kahn gets fired is one thing... hoping that YOUR team loses in order to get kahn fired? thats fucking ridiculous

    ends dont justify means.

    hell, even the nets last year weren't TRYING to lose.. that team wanted more than anything to win a game, just were incapable..

    at the end of the day, i can swallow my team losing.. as long as they try

    one of the greatest moments in NBA history, reggie miller's 8 pts in 9 seconds came in a losing effort.

    teams worthy of being a fan of TRY.. even in losing causes..

    MJ wasnt defined by his natural physical gifts... he was defined by his ridiculous work ethic..

    kahn is an idiot gm, and deserves to be fired (although i REALLY hope he doesnt because to me, its just downright hilarious)... but any minny fan who hopes the team loses so he can get fired isnt a fan.

    fans support.

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  • vinnie_paz
    heinz57 wrote: View Post
    i dont think fans in minny are worried about them sucking being a "what if" scenario

    but they'll definitely be happy as shit those 5 or 6 times they win at home.
    and please learn how to read, i said "what if you", were a fan of minny...

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  • RecklessIndifference
    vinnie_paz wrote: View Post
    who said anything about losing on purpose ?

    and who said anything about the draft ?
    This guy

    Bendit wrote: View Post
    Afraid, thats a bit too dogmatic. As a follower/fan of the team (emphasis on team and longterm view), "hoping" the Raps lose "one" game so they can win many many more the following seasons because of a draft position is not a moral-type dilemma for myself. This isnt a "laying money down on the team to lose" type of situation.

    That said, witness the lottery situation this past draft, NJ did not draw the short straw as the numbers would have it. I am sure the team will play hard and I cant see Triano (if he is still there at the end) or BC advocating a tank. That is just not good policy for running a franchise.

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  • vinnie_paz
    heinz57 wrote: View Post
    i dont think fans in minny are worried about them sucking being a "what if" scenario

    but they'll definitely be happy as shit those 5 or 6 times they win at home.
    hahaha n u think the raps are that much better ?
    and asnwer the question... does a t-wolves fan have the right to hope his team loses so that the owner can fire kahn

    do u want me to mention some of the trades that david kahn has made?

    traded al jeffereson for pretty much nothing, acquired beasely... u want me to go on ?

    jefferson in 08-09 was putting up 23pts 11 rbds and 1.7 blocks.
    everyone in the nba knows that the type of injury he had requires 18 months to fully revover from... the fact that he played well last season was a sign that next season would be even better in terms of the injury and the healing.

    he drafted like 5 pg's and then the following year he drafted 3 sf's and aquired another sf from portland ?

    does a poor fan in minny not have to be thinking man i just wish we lose, so david kahn quits or gets fired ??

    sadly, that's how i feel about our gm.

    dont care about the draft, or anything else. just want a new gm who doesnt go around and say.. hmmm barnes is available ok we'll sign him and then oh barbosa..perfect..lets check europe...nice sign kleiza...

    thats not how you put together a team. you dont just go oooh hedo is available lets sign him and not worry about the fact that we already have a weak defense from our C, PF, and PG... and now you're adding another weak wing defender and not realizing how bad the team will be on def.

    and where did the raps finish last season in points against ? that rite... last
    Last edited by vinnie_paz; Wed Aug 11, 2010, 01:28 PM.

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  • heinz57
    vinnie_paz wrote: View Post
    what if you were a fan of the timberwolves and you want david kahn to not be running the team anymore..

    every game the timberwolves lose, means kahn is closer to getting fired, and hopefully someone better comes in and makes the team better.

    so really, if you want your team to get better, you need a change in the front office in minnesota, and that will only come with a lot of losses.
    i dont think fans in minny are worried about them sucking being a "what if" scenario

    but they'll definitely be happy as shit those 5 or 6 times they win at home.

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  • vinnie_paz
    who said anything about losing on purpose ?

    and who said anything about the draft ?

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  • vinnie_paz
    what if you were a fan of the timberwolves and you want david kahn to not be running the team anymore..

    every game the timberwolves lose, means kahn is closer to getting fired, and hopefully someone better comes in and makes the team better.

    so really, if you want your team to get better, you need a change in the front office in minnesota, and that will only come with a lot of losses.

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  • RecklessIndifference
    Bendit wrote: View Post
    Afraid, thats a bit too dogmatic. As a follower/fan of the team (emphasis on team and longterm view), "hoping" the Raps lose "one" game so they can win many many more the following seasons because of a draft position is not a moral-type dilemma for myself. This isnt a "laying money down on the team to lose" type of situation.

    That said, witness the lottery situation this past draft, NJ did not draw the short straw as the numbers would have it. I am sure the team will play hard and I cant see Triano (if he is still there at the end) or BC advocating a tank. That is just not good policy for running a franchise.
    No. Your not hoping they lose "one" game, you are hoping they lose enough to get a good position in the draft.

    To me this is wrong on so many levels. First off they havn't even played one pre-season game, but you have decided to write them off.

    Talk about fair weather fans

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  • GameBreaker
    Losing on purpose warrants a total boycott. It ain't happening folks. Why would a franchise do that? It would free fall our stocks to the basement of Hell. We would lose all and any respect in the league. NJ Nets anyone? Wack.

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  • Bendit
    RaptorsFan4Life wrote: View Post
    IDC if you have a reason or not, hoping your team loses in my book is just flat out wrong.
    Afraid, thats a bit too dogmatic. As a follower/fan of the team (emphasis on team and longterm view), "hoping" the Raps lose "one" game so they can win many many more the following seasons because of a draft position is not a moral-type dilemma for myself. This isnt a "laying money down on the team to lose" type of situation.

    That said, witness the lottery situation this past draft, NJ did not draw the short straw as the numbers would have it. I am sure the team will play hard and I cant see Triano (if he is still there at the end) or BC advocating a tank. That is just not good policy for running a franchise.

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  • heinz57
    RaptorsFan4Life wrote: View Post
    IDC if you have a reason or not, hoping your team loses in my book is just flat out wrong.
    agreed wholeheartedly.

    besides, its a cold day in hell when the worst team in the league actually gets the first pick in the lottery.

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  • Apollo
    The Raptors won't be losing games on purpose this season. They've never operated in that fashion. They'll be losing games while trying to win.

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  • Red and White
    I think that the wolves have a better chance of beating us now then they ever did, so we have nothing to worry about, i dont like the fact that we are loosing games on purpose(using the word loosely) I always think it is the cheapest thing you can do. if the raptors start throwing games away then i might just have to boycott the season lol. Its so weird because we are already waving the white flag, give the players a chance first.

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