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Who do you want the Raptors to draft?

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  • MangoKid
    This thread is going nowhere fast. I gotta lock it up. To those who made "anti-European" and/or "anti-caucasian" remarks, I suggest you smarten up or else your stay here will be a short one.

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  • knickz
    knickz wrote: View Post
    would be nice but i doubt it, no barnes so i'm trading the pick because i believe washington will get williams

    david stern will make sure they get williams

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  • knickz
    knickz wrote: View Post
    still trying to figure out how this is racist...ppl bash bargs all the time about being a soft euro
    i just posted this on bbm and facebook...ppl are laughing

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  • knickz
    jeevie wrote: View Post
    Alsom not trying to get on the race band wagon here:

    I think we need to draft an NCAA player, not a Euro player IMO this means Kanter. I know he has done well LAST year, and we have yet to see what he could do this year. I just don’t think with the Raptors history of drafting any European talent and their rare acquisition of European flair warrants them in this direction. We want to attract people to stay and play for Toronto, but we are known as the European team across the league, we need to break this mould IMO. There is no strong Centers in this draft, what can we do to attract a decent one on FA, and get either a solid PG or a SF in the draft thats where our scouts should be looking! Or get a good draft pick, trade it for a player and a low pick.
    thank you! thats basically all i was trying to say and these guys are going around calling me a racist

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  • knickz
    jeevie wrote: View Post
    While, as a marketing major I believe that the best move would be to possibly trade down and try to shoot to aim for Tristan Thomas to play SF, or to grab Corey Joseph if not a combo of both. I feel that they have had great chemistry and will gel well together with a young core of Demar and Davis.

    I believe if the duo stays together they are going to blow some heads off with their talent. Now keeping in mind, I feel drafting these two we may have a chance to draft two young talented Canadian players who will feel the want/need to stay in Canada. Both are respectably within a short distance from Toronto, and both have a passion for Canadian basketball. It may sound pure cheese to draft two or one Canadian player but the team can really market this angle well.
    would be nice but i doubt it, no barnes so i'm trading the pick because i believe washington will get williams

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  • jeevie
    Alsom not trying to get on the race band wagon here:

    I think we need to draft an NCAA player, not a Euro player IMO this means Kanter. I know he has done well LAST year, and we have yet to see what he could do this year. I just don’t think with the Raptors history of drafting any European talent and their rare acquisition of European flair warrants them in this direction. We want to attract people to stay and play for Toronto, but we are known as the European team across the league, we need to break this mould IMO. There is no strong Centers in this draft, what can we do to attract a decent one on FA, and get either a solid PG or a SF in the draft thats where our scouts should be looking! Or get a good draft pick, trade it for a player and a low pick.

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  • knickz
    knickz wrote: View Post
    whats up with this kanter love fest? micheal bradley, hoffa, bargs, we don't need anymore white big men on this team
    still trying to figure out how this is racist...ppl bash bargs all the time about being a soft euro

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  • jeevie
    While, as a marketing major I believe that the best move would be to possibly trade down and try to shoot to aim for Tristan Thomas to play SF, or to grab Corey Joseph if not a combo of both. I feel that they have had great chemistry and will gel well together with a young core of Demar and Davis.

    I believe if the duo stays together they are going to blow some heads off with their talent. Now keeping in mind, I feel drafting these two we may have a chance to draft two young talented Canadian players who will feel the want/need to stay in Canada. Both are respectably within a short distance from Toronto, and both have a passion for Canadian basketball. It may sound pure cheese to draft two or one Canadian player but the team can really market this angle well.

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  • knickz
    jose calderon is my fav player and I think he has a lot of heart... adam lind is my fav baseball player...peyton manning is my fav football player... evgeni malkin is my fav hockey player...i like milos raonic...i love paul tracy..miguel indurain was the reaon i wtched the tour de france

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  • knickz
    Tim W. wrote: View Post
    No, you said you don't want any more big, white guys. I don't think any of us want a soft player, whether he's European or not. But there's no way that Kanter could ever, ever, ever remotely be described as soft. And you also mentioned Araujo, who's also not soft.
    u had me laughing real hard with this one

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  • knickz
    Tim W. wrote: View Post
    You have admitted making judgements on people based on nothing more than their skin colour. What exactly is NOT racist about that. You don't have to hate a particular race in order to be racist. You said you only date white girls because you get along with them better. That's a racist statement. If you, instead, said that you have only dated white women in the past, because those are who you've gotten along with better, then that just telling what has happened, without judgement. But you're telling us that you only choose white women to date, which is a racist statement.

    And to say that European basketball players have no heart is a racist statement, because you are judging an entire people based on what they are, not who they are. That's no better than someone saying that they don't want black people on their team because they don't play smart.

    And just for the record, I've met a lot of racists in my lifetime, but I've never once met someone who thought he was a racist.
    me saying euros has no heart is racist? me only dating white females is racist? am I missing something here?

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  • Tim W.
    knickz wrote: View Post
    i like david lee, marc gasol,nash,andy rautins, jimmer...all i said is i don't want any more soft euros on this team
    No, you said you don't want any more big, white guys. I don't think any of us want a soft player, whether he's European or not. But there's no way that Kanter could ever, ever, ever remotely be described as soft. And you also mentioned Araujo, who's also not soft.

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  • knickz
    pesterm1 wrote: View Post
    The be done with the team you racist.

    Ill add you to the list of people we dont want as Raptor fans.

    The list is as follows:
    osama bin laden
    saddam hussein
    Mark David Chapman
    Ted Bundy
    and KNICKZ .

    feel better now you psycho?

    why isnt this guy kicked off already these posts are just brutal.
    whats next no jews allowed? gzzz
    kicked off for what? what did i say that was racist? i like jewish ppl btw

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  • Tim W.
    knickz wrote: View Post
    i have white friends, i date white girls only, and my son's grandfather is white. WHY are you guys trying to tell me what type of person I am
    You have admitted making judgements on people based on nothing more than their skin colour. What exactly is NOT racist about that. You don't have to hate a particular race in order to be racist. You said you only date white girls because you get along with them better. That's a racist statement. If you, instead, said that you have only dated white women in the past, because those are who you've gotten along with better, then that just telling what has happened, without judgement. But you're telling us that you only choose white women to date, which is a racist statement.

    And to say that European basketball players have no heart is a racist statement, because you are judging an entire people based on what they are, not who they are. That's no better than someone saying that they don't want black people on their team because they don't play smart.

    And just for the record, I've met a lot of racists in my lifetime, but I've never once met someone who thought he was a racist.

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  • knickz
    i hate the majority of black guys in the nba...they are a bunch of divas who i can't stand

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