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Sunday, November 25: San Antonio vs. Toronto

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  • enlightenment
    planetmars wrote: View Post
    Actually I heard that a lot of NBA'ers sleep in. They usually are wired after games and stay up real late like 2/3am at night. Practices tend to be later in the afternoon, and games at night.

    Early games always throw them off.
    Really? After baksetball games Im DEAD BEAT.

    ahahaha but then again you may be right. I think the Raptors get the most early starts in the league, usually with Boston. I feel we always do a little bit better on them

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  • planetmars
    enlightenment wrote: View Post
    lol, try 5-6 am.

    I dont know of any professional in any field that wakes up an hour before noon. (obviously nightshifts dont count in my sweeping generalization)
    Actually I heard that a lot of NBA'ers sleep in. They usually are wired after games and stay up real late like 2/3am at night. Practices tend to be later in the afternoon, and games at night.

    Early games always throw them off.

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  • enlightenment
    planetmars wrote: View Post
    I mentioned this last night, but you do have to realize that San Antonio (a Western conference team) was playing on the road at 1pm EST. They were sluggish but that's expected. It would be difficult for a lot of these pros to play a game at 10 or 11 in the morning. That's probably when a lot of them wake up.
    lol, try 5-6 am.

    I dont know of any professional in any field that wakes up an hour before noon. (obviously nightshifts dont count in my sweeping generalization)

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  • planetmars
    slaw wrote: View Post
    It's important to remember: the Raptors played awesome yesterday. They went toe-to-toe with a Finals contender and held their own. They lost because they have no margin for error but that's doesn't take away from the fact they played extremely good basketball against a tough team. The larger issue, of course, is that this "close but no cigar" has been the story of the Raps for 6 years or so and needs to end at some point.
    I mentioned this last night, but you do have to realize that San Antonio (a Western conference team) was playing on the road at 1pm EST. They were sluggish but that's expected. It would be difficult for a lot of these pros to play a game at 10 or 11 in the morning. That's probably when a lot of them wake up.

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  • ebrian
    enlightenment wrote: View Post
    0.443 FG% 0.409 3pt%

    I'm very happy with those percentages for a 6ft PG. VERY few point guards can keep their FG above 50%. His 3pt% is the best we've seen on our team for like 3 seasons. He doesn't seem the spot up shooter type, but he's also the best on the team at that!

    I think every player has multiple games where their shot doesn't sink, or their decisions aren't as crisp. IMO the more he grows with the team, the more he trusts the team, the more he will sync with the team and be one of the more effective PGs in the NBA.
    I'm not asking for 50% shooting. What I want to see is a guard who doesn't take 16 shots per game when he's shooting 37% from the field.

    As you said yourself -- every player has multiple games where their shot doesn't sink. In his first 4 games he shot 55%, averaging 11 FGA/g. The past 4 games he shot 37%, averaging 16 shots per game. Which set of 4 games do you think is closer to reality? Lowry is a career 42% shooter. He's also a 33% 3P shooter over his career, and is hoisting up a career high 6 per game. He may be shooting 41% right now but those averages will even out in the end. I sure hope his attempts average out too.

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  • slaw
    Jclaw wrote: View Post
    interesting FWIW stat pointed out by D Smith this morning about the game. The first game in the shot clock era to have the end of each of 5 quarters tied or within one point. Ergo, what you saw in the first half held true for the next three quarters. Just more of it
    It's important to remember: the Raptors played awesome yesterday. They went toe-to-toe with a Finals contender and held their own. They lost because they have no margin for error but that's doesn't take away from the fact they played extremely good basketball against a tough team. The larger issue, of course, is that this "close but no cigar" has been the story of the Raps for 6 years or so and needs to end at some point.

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  • enlightenment
    ebrian wrote: View Post
    - At the beginning of this season I asked some of you why you like Lowry.. some of you saw him as a top-10 all-star point guard, while I saw Mike James 2.0. I saw the latter side of that yesterday, even though he did hit some shots, his decision making is questionable. Yes, he fills the stat sheets and gets you rebounds and assists, but slowly you'll notice more and more of his bad shooting nights. Once Bargnani is gone, we'll have a lesser need for a rebounding point guard and more of a need of a distributor with scoring on the side. While Lowry isn't a shoot-first guy, he does tend to make some bad decisions and when he does shoot, he's not very accurate. It's something to consider.
    0.443 FG% 0.409 3pt%

    Im very happy with those percentages for a 6ft PG. VERY few point guards can keep their FG above 50%. His 3pt% is the best we've seen on our team for like 3 seasons. He doesnt seem the spot up shooter type, but he's also the best on the team at that!
    I think every player has multiple games where their shot doesn't sink, or their decisions aren't as crisp. IMO the more he grows with the team, the more he trusts the team, the more he will sync with the team and be one of the more effective PGs in the NBA.

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  • Jclaw
    interesting FWIW stat pointed out by D Smith this morning about the game. The first game in the shot clock era to have the end of each of 5 quarters tied or within one point. Ergo, what you saw in the first half held true for the next three quarters. Just more of it

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  • ebrian
    I went to this game and left at half time because my kid was growing restless. First experience bringing my kid and it was.. not really worth it. I thought that a Sunday game would work best for us, because we can get downtown with plenty of time to spare, no traffic and what not, but in the end it really ended up interfering with him because the 1pm tip-off is his nap time. I think he enjoyed the festivities at the beginning, but as the snacks we brought dwindled, so too did his attention span. Last night was bad getting him to sleep because he was in the over-tired mode.

    Oh back to the game --

    - Ed Davis looked good. If he can bring that level of effort every night, he could be our starting PF. I'm hoping that is sooner rather than later. He has a nose for rebounds and kind of showing up where the ball is bouncing. When Bargnani is traded, I'm hoping to bring in a SF and not someone else who will take Davis' minutes.

    - Ross also looked good. I like watching him move without the ball, impressive for a rookie this early in his career. I can see him becoming a decent NBA player someday, maybe even a 6th man and occasional starter.

    - JV looks good the few times I saw him post up on Duncan(!). He definitely has a future in the NBA, though in what capacity I'm not quite sure. I think we'll have a better idea after Bargnani is traded and teams start to, you know, pay attention to him.

    - I did not see Bargs having a bad afternoon so I'm guessing most of those 17 misses came after the first half.. that or my kid somehow timed his fussy outbursts with Bargs' shots and thus I missed most of them. Thanks little guy!

    - At the beginning of this season I asked some of you why you like Lowry.. some of you saw him as a top-10 all-star point guard, while I saw Mike James 2.0. I saw the latter side of that yesterday, even though he did hit some shots, his decision making is questionable. Yes, he fills the stat sheets and gets you rebounds and assists, but slowly you'll notice more and more of his bad shooting nights. Once Bargnani is gone, we'll have a lesser need for a rebounding point guard and more of a need of a distributor with scoring on the side. While Lowry isn't a shoot-first guy, he does tend to make some bad decisions and when he does shoot, he's not very accurate. It's something to consider.

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  • enlightenment
    Jclaw wrote: View Post
    entertaining game today. I think Pops might have been onto our strategy.

    "In a lot of ways, (Toronto) played better than we did," Popovich said. "They destroyed us on the boards. For most of the meat of the game they just threw it up there, missed it and they'd go get it again. That kept them in the ballgame."

    Now, I love the game but I'm not an expert. I was as frustrated as anyone at AB's bricks but as much as he uselessy stretched the floor, what would the floor have looked like with a front court of JV and Ed (which I have a feeling we will see more of)? Most of Ed's points were dunks (putbacks or otherwise). Wouldn't that have just clogged up things for everyone else? Given that AB was playing passable defence. Just trying to see things from a different point.
    When AB was on, our rebounding advantage dissipated. Think about that like playing 4 wings and a center.
    When Ed was on, our rebounding advantage was on! JV is good at playing mid-high post where he can learn to create plays (PnR, Big-Big Pass,Fake&Drive,PostUp,etc), and Ed is more of a pivot. They actually compliment eachother and would give us a rebounding advantage almost every night. Its something we need to be good at.

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  • Jclaw
    entertaining game today. I think Pops might have been onto our strategy.

    "In a lot of ways, (Toronto) played better than we did," Popovich said. "They destroyed us on the boards. For most of the meat of the game they just threw it up there, missed it and they'd go get it again. That kept them in the ballgame."

    Now, I love the game but I'm not an expert. I was as frustrated as anyone at AB's bricks but as much as he uselessy stretched the floor, what would the floor have looked like with a front court of JV and Ed (which I have a feeling we will see more of)? Most of Ed's points were dunks (putbacks or otherwise). Wouldn't that have just clogged up things for everyone else? Given that AB was playing passable defence. Just trying to see things from a different point.

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  • enlightenment
    I bet Colangelo spoke the exact same words to Casey: "Hell or High Water"

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  • NoPropsneeded
    My Sig says it all

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  • planetmars
    "come hell or high water" - that almost makes it seem like Casey is referring to Colangelo here. If Casey wants a job he better tow the company line, and the company line is to play Bargnani.


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  • The Great One
    RandomGuy wrote: View Post
    Casey on Davis: "You can second guess me (for) not getting him back in but I've got to go with Andrea come hell or high water he's our guy"
    Wow is Casey serious?? he's talking like Bargnani's a franchise player!! He's not even the best player or the 2nd best player on this team.

    Casey seriously needs to wake the fuck up.

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