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PLEASE READ: Raptors Republic Forums Rules & Policies

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  • Joey
    Geez, nearly 2 years ago today I moved this over, and made that reminder.

    Perhaps its time again to remind people to read this thread and freshen up on the etiquette we hope to maintain around here.

    Once again, this Forum is the best place to talk Raptors because of the fantastic people we have here. Lets try to remain respectful to all posters and opinions, regardless of if you disagree with them or not.

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  • MangoKid
    Thanks Joey!

    In light of what's going on here as of late, I strongly urge everyone to take a couple of minutes and get themselves familiar with the rules and policies here at Raptors Republic.

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  • Joey
    I'm just going to move this here ...

    Just a reminder guys, we ARE the best Forum around, and we'd like to try and maintain that reputation; and it's all you fantastic, courteous, respectful guys around here that help us do that.
    Keep it up fellas!

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  • Doc
    started a topic PLEASE READ: Raptors Republic Forums Rules & Policies

    PLEASE READ: Raptors Republic Forums Rules & Policies

    The Raptors Republic Staff have set the rules below for RR Forums. Make sure you are familiar with them. Read them daily to remind yourself of them if you have to, because the staff have the power to limit or deny access to those who insist on violating them.


    * DO NOT make personal attacks (name calling, hostile remarks, accusations, etc.). In discussion, attack ideas and opinions, not the people who hold them. Note that an attack on your ideas and beliefs are not considered a personal attack under our rules even if you identify so closely with your beliefs and ideas that you personally consider an attack on those beliefs or ideas to be an attack on you.

    * DO NOT make blanket condemnations of peoples, cultures, or religions.

    * DO NOT post or attach content that is defamatory, pornographic, harassing, threatening, or hateful (racially, ethnically, or religiously). This also includes scantily clad women (or men) used as avatars too.

    * DO NOT post advertisements or event announcements (commercial or non-commercial) without obtaining prior approval for the specific item from a RR Administrator or Moderator.

    * DO NOT post more than a couple paragraphs of copyrighted material without obtaining specific permission from the current copyright owner to post the material. Please ensure that you link to the original source of that copyrighted material.

    * DO NOT argue with, comment on, complain about, criticize, or otherwise discuss staff decisions on rules issues in public in Raptors Republic forums. If you think a decision that directly affects you is incorrect, you may make an appeal in private via private message or email.

    * DO NOT attempt to moderate other members. Leave the moderating to the forum staff. If you believe a forum post violates the rules in a major way, you may bring that post to the attention of the forum staff by reporting that message with the "Report Post" button/option. You can bring non-forum problems to the attention of staff by emailing a staff member via their profile.

    * DO NOT tell others members not to post to you. You can put non- staff members on "ignore" if you do not wish to read their posts.

    * DO NOT register multiple accounts.

    * DO NOT impersonate other members or otherwise pretend to be someone you are not.


    * DO remember to use the "Reply/Quote" button even when using the quick reply feature as this inserts links and text that helps others follow the flow of conversation.

    * DO edit quoted material in your replies to the minimum needed.
    * DO write in a "normal writing" style. Please do not WRITE IN ALL CAPITALS, in eLiTe LeTtErS, or in odd fonts and colors.

    * DO be tolerant of religions and opinions that differ from your own. You do not have to agree with them or support them, but you must be tolerant of those who express them. Others have as much right to hold and express their views as you do to hold and express yours.

    * DO follow our Avatar and Signature Guidelines.

    * DO try to post new topics on the correct board.

    * DO remember that other members of Raptors Republic Forums are real people just like you with rights and feelings -- treat them as real people even when engaged in heated debate.

    * DO remember that you are not your opinions and beliefs. An attack on your opinions and beliefs in debate is not an attack on you. If attacks on your opinions and beliefs seem like personal attacks to you, you will probably want to bow out of topics that turn into heated discussions or debates.

    * DO try to avoid posting already posted information in "pile-ons." If you see a thread where someone has posted obvious incorrect information on hot button issues and there are a lot of posts after that message, please read ahead before posting to avoid posting the 20th reply with basically the same information (as this tends to make the member with the incorrect information think people are ganging up on them).

    * DO realize that some boards have special rules that apply only to that board and follow those rules when posting on that board -- such rules will be in a clearly labeled sticky post on the board they apply to.

    * DO follow instructions/suggestions from staff members about how to post and/or behave on the Raptors Republic forums.

    * DO expect to be asked for sources to support any unusual factual claims you may make. If you chose to back those claims with poor sources (i.e wikipedia, other forums, etc.), do not be surprised where they are not considered convincing, let alone authoritative.

    THE “I’m rude and extremely annoying” RULE:

    Please do not engage in annoying or excessively rude behavior in the community areas. Annoying and rude behavior includes (but is not limited to):

    * Posting the same message to multiple topics or boards.

    * Trolling (posting material just to stir up trouble or start flame wars)

    * Attacking a post based on typos, poor spelling, or poor grammar, instead of debating its content. Our message board is more akin to a spoken conversation with people from many countries than it is to a term paper.

    * Oversharing personal details -- posting the intimate details of your life in inappropriate threads.

    * Use of gratuitous offensive language. Swearing will be accepted in moderation. Excessive use may result in warnings.

    * Using a offensive or inappropriate username, name, custom title, avatar, signature, etc.

    * Failing to properly attribute quoted sources.

    * Having your account set to a false or out of date email address.

    * Hacking or attempting to hack any part of the Raptors Republic site & forums


    Standard consequences for violating community rules include:

    * Public warning issued by a n RR Staff Member

    * Editing or deletion of the offending post

    * Being unable to post for a period of time (ie. Timeout)

    * Being banned from community areas for a period of time

    * Loss of privileges to use certain community areas or features

    * Permanent ban

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding these rules & policies please feel free to private message or email any of the staff here to discuss things further.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    RR Staff