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Lamar Odom Crack Problem? Makes sense actually.

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  • #76
    raptors999 wrote: View Post
    Apparently taking every drug imaginable puts you in a coma , good to know
    As long as you keep one or two out, you're good to go!


    • #77
      raptors999 wrote: View Post
      Apparently taking every drug imaginable puts you in a coma , good to know
      Yet Keith Richards chugs along.


      • #78


        • #79
          Apollo wrote: View Post
          Yet Keith Richards chugs along.
          Yeah, but he gets his blood changed every so often in Switzerland. Then he gets to starts all over again!

          From what I read Odom had cognac and cocaine, natural Viagra supplement (of unknown origin obviously) and they were waiting for detailed toxicology tests for other substances...quantitities unknown. He must have been a very depressed person. Hope he pulls thru and gets a refund from the Love Ranch.


          • #80
            Lamar Odom was never without oxygen ... and this is a critical factor weighing in his recovery.
            Our sources tell us, when Lamar was admitted to the first hospital in Pahrump, Nevada after the 911 call, his respirations were 6-8 breaths a minute. Normal is 12-20. That led doctors to conclude he was never without oxygen.
            We're also told when the ambulance picked Lamar up from the Love Ranch, his blood had 38% oxygen saturation. Paramedics treated him and by the time he entered the ER, the percentage increased to 58%. Normal blood saturation is in the high 90's.
            Doctors who are treating Lamar are hopeful he did not suffer significant brain damage because of lack of oxygen. This is all consistent with the person who called 911 and said Lamar was struggling but breathing.
            The wild card is that Lamar suffered a series of strokes in the hospital, and it's still undetermined what it did to his brain.


            • #81
              The guy grew up poor and without parents, saw people around him dying many times, including his infant son. Finally made it to the top by playing basketball, and had a decent career and won a couple championships. Then got into shit with the Kardashians and fell to the bottom.

              I would say that's the typical definition of a tragic life.


              • #82
                jerome wrote: View Post
                The guy grew up poor and without parents, saw people around him dying many times, including his infant son. Finally made it to the top by playing basketball, and had a decent career and won a couple championships. Then got into shit with the Kardashians and fell to the bottom.

                I would say that's the typical definition of a tragic life.
                Maybe when he was a poor orphan he had a goal of beng rich and famous enough to buy enough drugs to put himself into a coma surrounded by hookers after a prolonged stay in a brothel in Nevada before he turned 40 and the NBA career was just a means to his dream. The Kardashian thing is just gross


                • #83
                  raptors999 wrote: View Post
                  Maybe when he was a poor orphan he had a goal of beng rich and famous enough to buy enough drugs to put himself into a coma surrounded by hookers after a prolonged stay in a brothel in Nevada before he turned 40 and the NBA career was just a means to his dream. The Kardashian thing is just gross
                  hahahahahahaqhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahaha


                  • #84
                    Joey wrote: View Post
                    The NBA and NBAPA needs to step up to the plate and offer these guys a support community that won't just look for a handout, but actually care about their well-being. It doesn't matter if you have millions or billions of dollars; if you haven't been educated properly, and guided appropriately, in terms of handling this ridiculous amoutn of wealth/attention. I know the NBA has rookie programs, but honestly, they really need to do more. In my opinion.
                    Woohoo, Michele Roberts to the Rescue!
                    BERKELEY, Calif. – National Basketball Players Association executive director Michele Roberts told Yahoo Sports that Lamar Odom's crisis has "reignited" discussions to create a program to aid NBA players who are transitioning toward retirement.

                    Odom was found unconscious at a brothel in rural Nevada last week in extreme critical condition. He was in a coma and suffered kidney failure, but has since begun physical therapy. Roberts has never met Odom, but said his incident has "reignited how much more" NBA players need a transition player program. Since being hired on July 29, 2014, Roberts says she's heard "dozens of stories" of how hard it is for NBA players to adjust to retirement.

                    "There are a lot of things that we need to repair with the NBPA," Roberts said a day after speaking to law students at the University of California-Berkeley. "There has been a dearth of services in terms of adhering to the guys' needs. One of the things we spend a lot of time dealing with is the complete absence of any type of transition program for the guys. On one hand you would say that's the responsibility of the [National Basketball] Retired Players Association, but they don't have the resources.

                    "We're sort of deciding how we can fill that space. Technically, our players are paying dues for services of current members. So there will have to be some buy-in. There is also clearly a lot of buy-in from the membership in terms of our operating health insurance for any retired player. The desire to be supportive of retired players is there among the current members. But what we need to figure out and create is a transition program under the auspice of the NPBA with the collaboration of the NBRPA. Lamar is a great example of why it needs to be done."
                    This is great news.
                    Last edited by Joey; Fri Oct 23, 2015, 01:42 PM.


                    • #85
                      Chris Rock


                      • #86
                        I thought they got divorced, but I guess she called it off when he was in the hospital?

                        Smart move .. if he died, she'd get everything. LOL

                        Nah, I don't know how much of this is for the show or whatever, but if she's called off the divorce in order to "save him from the vultures" as its been put apparently, that's commendable, as now if anyone wants money from him, they hafta go through her. Poor James Harden ... Lol


                        • #87
                          Joey wrote: View Post
                          I thought they got divorced, but I guess she called it off when he was in the hospital?

                          Smart move .. if he died, she'd get everything. LOL

                          Nah, I don't know how much of this is for the show or whatever, but if she's called off the divorce in order to "save him from the vultures" as its been put apparently, that's commendable, as now if anyone wants money from him, they hafta go through her. Poor James Harden ... Lol
                          Either way she's a cow


                          • #88
                            raptors999 wrote: View Post
                            Either way she's a cow
                            Oh c'mon, the girl has managed to pull herself two NBA players now. Must be doing something right ... Lol


                            • #89
                              I don't know about you guys, but I would f.......

                              Don't worry, your missus doesn't read this forum... Click 'Like this Post'.


                              • #90
                                rocwell wrote: View Post
                                I don't know about you guys, but I would f.......

                                Don't worry, your missus doesn't read this forum... Click 'Like this Post'.
                                Photoshop and camera angles. That's a big girl

