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  • Superjudge wrote: View Post
    Are you being funny?

    It absolutely make me laugh out loud that you scientists seem so egocentric that you actually believe that JJ sat on a bench, because the coach of the Raptors didn't think he was good enough to be out there.

    If ever there was a time, that people needed to wake up, come up for air, or whatever it might be..... this is it. Has it ever occurred to people that Johnson pulled some of the very same shit that got him jettisoned a few years back...ALLL THE WAY to the euro purgatory, and needed a SERIOUS benching...... something a GOOD COACH would do?

    Same dudes slagging coach Casey for benching guy that full on dissed his own PG and supported the PG of the team who was tied with the raps at the time and subsequently went on a clockwork are all out when he plays the guy and the guy is full on motivated again to play well and bust ass. But hey, it can't be because a coach put him in his place and took away his minutes for something he did behind closed doors....ohhhh fucking no. He was just reading a messageboard and it hit him like a brick.....

    I am blown away that this response was to a Dan post..... I'm floored actually. wtf Dan.
    Also don't forget the time where he was on instagram calling fans "Fuck boys". With Casey being old school I could easily see him benching JJ for that.


    • golden wrote: View Post
      Craig, bro, you're way off base here. This IS a message board. The only qualification you need to post your opinion here is access to the internet. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Trying to tell people to STFU about their opinion never works, so why even go there?
      Fans whining about coaches isn't new, and its hardly an idea or "opinion". Its normal. But when left unchecked on a forum, the whining becomes something different, and in this case, it becomes something that people start perceiving as real.

      I'm sorry man, none of this is valid "opinion". Its people stating insane shit as fact.

      You gotta fight fire with fire....cuz the insane is strong on this thread.

      So I kinda wish that every time I come out a little strong against this stuff you guys would stop with the whole "stop being so mean angle". The ridiculous "opinions" that lurk here, which are now becoming fact, well they are every bit as offensive, just in a very quiet way.


      • Superjudge wrote: View Post
        Fans whining about coaches isn't new, and its hardly an idea or "opinion". Its normal. But when left unchecked on a forum, the whining becomes something different, and in this case, it becomes something that people start perceiving as real.

        I'm sorry man, none of this is valid "opinion". Its people stating insane shit as fact.

        You gotta fight fire with fire....cuz the insane is strong on this thread.

        So I kinda wish that every time I come out a little strong against this stuff you guys would stop with the whole "stop being so mean angle". The ridiculous "opinions" that lurk here, which are now becoming fact, well they are every bit as offensive, just in a very quiet way.
        I find your logic both bat-shit crazy and highly interesting.

        Too many agenda pushing posts, not enough thought out discussion based posts.

        Casey isn't the greatest coach, but he's got a heck of a good job, so people expressing displeasure with his decisions and practices is fair game. It isn't "whining", it's observation. Some people choose to focus on the positives, some choose to focus on the negatives. The world keeps spinning.

        Ultimately, Casey is a good coach, but I don't think he is the right choice moving forward. After this season, I would like a new voice on the sidelines (and not just replacing Leo Rautins).
        Heir, Prince of Cambridge

        If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


        • golden wrote: View Post
          Craig, bro, you're way off base here. This IS a message board. The only qualification you need to post your opinion here is access to the internet. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Trying to tell people to STFU about their opinion never works, so why even go there?
          gotta agree with this.

          We're passionate about our team and this forum is here to express our opinions.

          We're so damn passionate that when I made a few wisecracks, i got reprimanded like a teacher does to the class clown. No joking - this is serious shit!

          Some get so passionate they even up getting banned.

          None of us will ever get to coach or GM our team but this forum allows to do it vicariously. Tat's one of it's main purposes.

          And at the end of the day, no matter how misguided, unfounded, or downright stupid the opinions I or anyone else here post, it doesn't make a speck of difference in how the team is coached or managed.

          No harm no foul.
          If we knew half as much about coaching an NBA team as we think, we"d know twice as much as we do.


          • Chr1s1anL wrote: View Post
            Also don't forget the time where he was on instagram calling fans "Fuck boys". With Casey being old school I could easily see him benching JJ for that.
            Damn, for all we know, the benching could have been a result of Masaii sending punishment down. Actually that makes a tonne of sense since nobody knows why he wasn't playing and Masaii is the king of keeping things on the down low.
            Last edited by Mediumcore; Tue Feb 10, 2015, 12:43 PM.


            • Axel wrote: View Post
              I find your logic both bat-shit crazy and highly interesting.
              Honestly, likely the best post regarding my own posts to date.

              I certainly agree man, I post my share of ridiculous. I have a line I can't cross though.... thats the reality line.

              And really Axel, it isn't when people bitch about the coach.... thats normal, and my posts in the game threads are classic sometimes. I just notice that after a while, there is a bit of a common theme where people start believing their own "opinion" to be true as it pertains to what an NBA coach does or does not do.

              You're right though, its their right to say what they want, but I feel like it's mine to call um on it.

              Again, thanks for the comment, i actually laughed, and its nice to read a stable post once in a while.... cheers


              • Mediumcore wrote: View Post
                Damn, for all we know, the benching could have been a result of Masaii sending punishment down. Actually that makes a tonne of sense since nobody knows why he wasn't playing and Masaii is the king of keeping things on the down low.
                That's one thing we rarely consider. Micro decisions may be solely Casey, but there is no way Masai isn't in the loop on macro decisions.
                If we knew half as much about coaching an NBA team as we think, we"d know twice as much as we do.


                • 3inthekeon wrote: View Post
                  That's one thing we rarely consider. Micro decisions may be solely Casey, but there is no way Masai isn't in the loop on macro decisions.
                  Yeah, if JJ took to social media and was saying anything that impacted the franchise negatively, there is a good chance that the decision to bench him came from the guy in charge of running the franchise.


                  • Superjudge wrote: View Post
                    Honestly, likely the best post regarding my own posts to date.

                    I certainly agree man, I post my share of ridiculous. I have a line I can't cross though.... thats the reality line.

                    And really Axel, it isn't when people bitch about the coach.... thats normal, and my posts in the game threads are classic sometimes. I just notice that after a while, there is a bit of a common theme where people start believing their own "opinion" to be true as it pertains to what an NBA coach does or does not do.

                    You're right though, its their right to say what they want, but I feel like it's mine to call um on it.

                    Again, thanks for the comment, i actually laughed, and its nice to read a stable post once in a while.... cheers
                    Oh, I avoid the game threads now. They are a gold mine for bat-shit crazy, "Oh my god, that guy missed that shot - trade him....oh wait, he got the rebound, start him!"

                    You are 100% fair to call them on opinions that you disagree with. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.
                    Heir, Prince of Cambridge

                    If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


                    • Mediumcore wrote: View Post
                      Yeah, if JJ took to social media and was saying anything that impacted the franchise negatively, there is a good chance that the decision to bench him came from the guy in charge of running the franchise.
                      Which is fine to send a message for one game but it should not be to the detriment of the team for an extended period of time.


                      • Mediumcore wrote: View Post
                        It's not like they know how to manage a game, run which plays at which time etc.
                        That is often what a PG does.


                        • Superjudge wrote: View Post
                          Fans whining about coaches isn't new, and its hardly an idea or "opinion". Its normal. But when left unchecked on a forum, the whining becomes something different, and in this case, it becomes something that people start perceiving as real.

                          I'm sorry man, none of this is valid "opinion". Its people stating insane shit as fact.

                          You gotta fight fire with fire....cuz the insane is strong on this thread.

                          So I kinda wish that every time I come out a little strong against this stuff you guys would stop with the whole "stop being so mean angle". The ridiculous "opinions" that lurk here, which are now becoming fact, well they are every bit as offensive, just in a very quiet way.
                          You come out with some wild opinions yourself man. And tend to state it as fact or some unique insight you posses.


                          • So coaches should send an e-mail the morning of each game to advise players what the line up will be and take the rest of the day off? I know that isn't what you're saying, but it's like you're saying the job of a coach is just to put the right players on the floor and do nothing else.


                            • big boi wrote: View Post
                              You come out with some wild opinions yourself man. And tend to state it as fact or some unique insight you posses.
                              Yes but, in my opinion, just like the esteemed head coach, double standards abound and a lack of accountability is ever present.

                              It is a shame a thread full of thoughts and opinions on a public forum became hijacked with rants about the ridiculousness of those thoughts and opinions spewed by someone proclaiming his thoughts and opinions are superior.

                              I hate to tell let the secret out but everything on here is just about 100% bulls!t. This forum really is a waste of pixels and productivity.....except it usually provides entertainment value. The number of personal attacks lately due to a difference of perspective has kind of taken the enjoyment out of things, at least for me.

                              For some posters there is only one way to look at things and anything else is wrong and you will be called on it. I am sorry but that is some of the stupidest lines of thinking I've ever heard. If everyone was in agreement here you'd see how fast this forum would go dormant.

                              There are some serious cognitive distortions going on here which are often signals of mental illness....for real, no joke.


                              • big boi wrote: View Post
                                You come out with some wild opinions yourself man. And tend to state it as fact or some unique insight you posses.
                                Its true.

                                But not always.

                                you're not so bad. just bad ass.

