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  • KHD wrote: View Post
    sam mitchell and mike brown have won coach of the year. I wouldn't put stock in it.

    But you will, because you've got some weird obsession with talking up Casey at all times.
    Didn't really answer my question, though, huh? Can't bear to hear someone say anything positive - or even neutral - about Casey (even at

    But then maybe you just have a "weird obsession" with me, bro?

    Ok, I'll admit - I am a little flattered ...
    Last edited by Wild-ling#1; Tue Jan 5, 2016, 03:25 PM.


    • I put no stock in these awards. The people who vote these things don't know much more about what coaches are really doing than we do, and a lot know less about Casey (and a lot of other coaches) than this board does. And this board doesn't know much either.
      If we knew half as much about coaching an NBA team as we think, we"d know twice as much as we do.


      • KHD wrote: View Post
        sam mitchell and mike brown have won coach of the year. I wouldn't put stock in it.

        But you will, because you've got some weird obsession with talking up Casey at all times.
        Axel wrote: View Post
        Is there anything you will second guess him on? You have, as you put, put forward at length to defend Casey's decisions at every turn. Do you suspect the man is indubitable, or are you simply unwilling?

        Casey has failed in the accountability department for years, which is why the playoff record isn't surprising. Now, Casey has very little to lose; if he doesn't get this team playing good ball in the playoffs, he won't be back. So doesn't make sense to be too scared to hold players accountable. Reality is, he just isn't a good enough coach to do it.
        3inthekeon wrote: View Post
        I put no stock in these awards. The people who vote these things don't know much more about what coaches are really doing than we do, and a lot know less about Casey (and a lot of other coaches) than this board does. And this board doesn't know much either.

        I'm regularly being called out for being an unquestioning Casey supporter ... and in some quite unflattering terms. I've said that I'm on the fence, actually, but willing to give him some credit for some things - but this makes no difference.

        No doubt some of you have read Blake Murphy's recent piece on Casey, in which he begins by asking readers to consider some facts about the Raptors - while imagining that we are going to evaluate someone else's performance (and in light of his back-to-back "Coach of the Month" honourable mentions). After reciting some of the team's recent accomplishments (and plainly noting that he knows he is going to receive a substantial volume of nasty letters for saying anything other than "Casey Sucks!"), he offers his view:

        Whatever you think the Raptors’ problem may be – I’m of the mind there isn’t one, if you’re being realistic about who and what this team is and where they are on the building curve – it’s not Casey. He’s not holding this non-championship team back from a championship, and he’s helped keep them solid through early adversity. He’s been fine, probably even good.
        But he's plainly on the defensive. Anyone - let alone little ol' me - who dares to stray from the "Casey Sucks" narrative is in for a hard time. Their intelligence and their objectivity will be questioned. Whether an RR writer, the writers at (relaying what NBA insiders currently think) ... anyone.

        One of the oldest cliches of journalism is the saying: "The first casualty of war is truth." It is not my intention to be "at war" with anyone. But it is now hard to avoid.

        And I do not think it should be so ... to say the least ...

        [edit: With apologies to 3inthekeon - while he "pooh-poohed" the honourable mentions and basketball writers opinions generally, he was more balanced in his view, as you can see, than some others ... but still ... ]
        Last edited by Wild-ling#1; Tue Jan 5, 2016, 05:12 PM.


        • Wild-ling#1 wrote: View Post

          [edit: With apologies to 3inthekeon - while he "pooh-poohed" the honourable mentions and basketball writers opinions generally, he was more balanced in his view, as you can see, than some others ... but still ... ]
          Sweet hell, when will you learn to stop commenting on your fellow posters. Nobody cares what you think about them. Public posts, Private Messages, short term bans - will anything get through to you?
          Heir, Prince of Cambridge

          If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


          • Axel wrote: View Post
            Sweet hell, when will you learn to stop commenting on your fellow posters. Nobody cares what you think about them. Public posts, Private Messages, short term bans - will anything get through to you?
            The post dealt with a subject much broader than simply my opinion.

            Blake Murphy plainly concurs that it has become difficult for anyone to hold an alternative opinion on this subject without being ridiculed and harangued.

            You'd think that would be a matter of significant concern to you (as a moderator) ... but then again ... maybe you'll opt for punishment - or censorship - at the mere mention of the phenomenon ...

            But there was evidence in the post, too ... coulda' been longer ...


            • Wild-ling#1 wrote: View Post
              The post dealt with a subject much broader than simply my opinion.

              Blake Murphy plainly concurs that it has become difficult for anyone to hold an alternative opinion on this subject without being ridiculed and harangued.

              You'd think that would be a matter of significant concern to you (as a moderator ... but then again ... maybe you'll opt for punishment - or censorship - at the mere mention of the phenomenon ...

              But there was evidence in the post, too ... coulda' been longer ...
              You went back and edited your post to include comments about your opinion on your fellow posters man. Think about that and every warning you've received in your history here.
              Heir, Prince of Cambridge

              If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


              • Wild-ling#1 wrote: View Post
                The post dealt with a subject much broader than simply my opinion.

                Blake Murphy plainly concurs that it has become difficult for anyone to hold an alternative opinion on this subject without being ridiculed and harangued.

                You'd think that would be a matter of significant concern to you (as a moderator ... but then again ... maybe you'll opt for punishment - or censorship - at the mere mention of the phenomenon ...

                But there was evidence in the post, too ... coulda' been longer ...
                I think Blake Murphy is a smart guy. However, I disagree with all sorts of smart people who I think are smart on all sorts of issues.


                • Wild-ling#1 wrote: View Post

                  I'm regularly being called out for being an unquestioning Casey supporter ... and in some quite unflattering terms. I've said that I'm on the fence, actually, but willing to give him some credit for some things - but this makes no difference.

                  No doubt some of you have read Blake Murphy's recent piece on Casey, in which he begins by asking readers to consider some facts about the Raptors - while imagining that we are going to evaluate someone else's performance (and in light of his back-to-back "Coach of the Month" honourable mentions). After reciting some of the team's recent accomplishments (and plainly noting that he knows he is going to receive a substantial volume of nasty letters for saying anything other than "Casey Sucks!"), he offers his view:

                  But he's plainly on the defensive. Anyone - let alone little ol' me - who dares to stray from the "Casey Sucks" narrative is in for a hard time. Their intelligence and their objectivity will be questioned. Whether an RR writer, the writers at (relaying what NBA insiders currently think) ... anyone.

                  One of the oldest cliches of journalism is the saying: "The first casualty of war is truth." It is not my intention to be "at war" with anyone. But it is now hard to avoid.

                  And I do not think it should be so ... to say the least ...

                  [edit: With apologies to 3inthekeon - while he "pooh-poohed" the honourable mentions and basketball writers opinions generally, he was more balanced in his view, as you can see, than some others ... but still ... ]
                  you're not "straying from the Casey sucks narrative". You're outright inventing things that have no basis in reality in order to defend him. The first casualty is truth, indeed.

                  Then, you get on your high horse when people call you out on it.

                  If you think you're "at war" with someone (i.e. me) on here, then i suggest you stop talking bullshit.


                  • Like any relationship you tend to be more aware of a person's faults, perceived or otherwise, as time goes on. He's the Raptors longest tenured coach. People are tired of him. They're frustrated watching the Raptors come up short in familiar ways for familiar reasons time after time. You watch it enough and you can't help but focus on the "mistakes" and ignore whatever positives he does bring (see I'm doing it now too). It's only natural.
                    Two beer away from being two beers away.


                    • Mess wrote: View Post
                      Like any relationship you tend to be more aware of a person's faults, perceived or otherwise, as time goes on. He's the Raptors longest tenured coach. People are tired of him. They're frustrated watching the Raptors come up short in familiar ways for familiar reasons time after time. You watch it enough and you can't help but focus on the "mistakes" and ignore whatever positives he does bring (see I'm doing it now too). It's only natural.
                      Coach fatigue is a major factor. Great point.

                      It's funny cause I listen to the podcasts and read the articles on this site and elsewhere and then I come to the forums here and elsewhere and there is a major disconnect between the views of the bloggers/writers and posters. People get absolutely hammered in the forums for posting stuff that is so trite on the podcasts/articles, etc. that it barely warrants discussion.


                      • There's the echo chamber factor here too...and to a lesser extent on Twitter. But hey, being a sports fan means things are going to get emotional at a certain point and then being rational takes a backseat.
                        Two beer away from being two beers away.


                        • KHD wrote: View Post
                          you're not "straying from the Casey sucks narrative". You're outright inventing things that have no basis in reality in order to defend him. The first casualty is truth, indeed.

                          Then, you get on your high horse when people call you out on it.

                          If you think you're "at war" with someone (i.e. me) on here, then i suggest you stop talking bullshit.
                          I have to choose my words carefully, at this point (consistent with the original point, in my view) because it's clear enough I've risked a ban - essentially for doing no more than defending myself (and anyone else inclined to similarly opine, including Murphy and others) broadly - rather than slight-by-bloody-slight.

                          But you don't seem to be acting under any similar constraint, KHD. You have been attacking my reputation, my objectivity, my honesty and my very grip on reality.

                          And now here you are "doubling down". I expected no less.

                          ... And yet you imagine this disproves what I have said? I beg - and dare - to differ ...

                          Now ... I've said as much as I can, I think. Namaste ...
                          Last edited by Wild-ling#1; Tue Jan 5, 2016, 07:05 PM.


                          • Wild-ling#1 wrote: View Post
                            The post dealt with a subject much broader than simply my opinion.

                            Blake Murphy plainly concurs that it has become difficult for anyone to hold an alternative opinion on this subject without being ridiculed and harangued.

                            You'd think that would be a matter of significant concern to you (as a moderator) ... but then again ... maybe you'll opt for punishment - or censorship - at the mere mention of the phenomenon ...

                            But there was evidence in the post, too ... coulda' been longer ...
                            Whether or not a poster agrees or disagrees with what Wildling#1 says or gives opinion on, in a FREE SOCIETY he has the right to comment just as any other poster does. If one disagrees they can either rebut or ignore him. Each poster can determine for themselves what they perceive to be the relative credibility of another poster but to suppress one's opinion when he is not personally attacking nor engaging in profanity or hate speech can demonstrate intolerance. Open minded individuals consider other points of view.


                            • Wild-ling#1 wrote: View Post
                              I have to choose my words carefully, at this point (consistent with the original point, in my view) because it's clear enough I've risked a ban - essentially for doing no more than defending myself (and anyone else inclined to similarly opine, including Murphy and others) broadly - rather than slight-by-bloody-slight.

                              But you don't seem to be acting under any similar constraint, KHD. You have been attacking my reputation, my objectivity, my honesty and my very grip on reality.

                              And now here you are "doubling down". I expected no less.

                              ... And yet you imagine this disproves what I have said? I beg - and dare - to differ ...

                              Now ... I've said as much as I can, I think. Namaste ...
                              lmfao curving the ban REAL HARD there aren't ya?

                              honestly we've argued this topic to hell, but we've been asking each other the wrong question...the question should not be whether casey can lead this team to a deep, contention filled playoff run, because there are arguably 26 head coaches who fail to do so every year. The real question here is, given our roster, is there am available coach that can take us there?

                              I personally think we have a very good starting lineup minus the starting pf spot (scola is a good bench pf to me, patterson may or may not cut it depending on how the planets are aligning lol). But we have 2 other problems that are killing us on the offensive end, first, our bench is inconsistent, pretty evidently clear, and second, our offensive system only suits 2 players.

                              I don't think that demar and lowry need to be split up, i just think we need an offensive system that gets everyone involved (notice that we only have set plays that consider lowry and/or demar as our no 1 option EXCEPT for JV post ups, which still aren't great set plays IMO). It may not be that simple (we still need a bench), but I have a feeling Casey has mailed the offensive system in because he thinks if we can just have consistently good defense, we can run random ISO bullshit on offense as much as we want and STILL WIN. The reason why this is still going on is because we are winning in the regular season.

                              Which brings us to the core issue with the raptors; their offense will be their downfall in the playoffs, no matter how good the roster is. If your offense saps the energy of your 2 best players whom are also your starting backcourt, and you don't have a good bench to help cover that, you defense will suffer greatly. Couple that with a starting C that kinda sucks on defense, a wing stopper who's looking like he's injury prone, and a not-so-great-probably-should-be-a-bench-player pf, then yeah this has first round SWEEP (nvm exit) written all over it...AGAIN.

                              This is why Casey is hated by the posters here, this is what's wrong with the raptors in a nutshell, and if not for the fact that I don't know of a really good available coach who can fix this, I'd be posting #FireCasey ALL OVER this forum.


                              • I think my kindest summary of why I'm pro-Fire Casey.

                                Last season, Casey stated that we don't have/didn't have an offensive system, This season, it looks a lot like last season.
                                "My biggest concern as a coach is to not confuse winning with progress." - Steve Kerr
                                "If it's unacceptable in defeat, it's unacceptable in victory." - Jeff Van Gundy

