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  • Yes, by the way, I do think he is capable of getting better with his shot selection and passing. Whether he does is up to him but he's not up against some theoretical wall caused by his skillset or ability.


    • DanH wrote: View Post
      Really? Did you think he had the awareness to improve his shot selection to the level he displayed this year?
      So I take that answer as a no then.

      Cutting down on the universally regarded worst shot in basketball and getting to the rim more, yeah even Demar had to know that was a good decision.
      Heir, Prince of Cambridge

      If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


      • Axel wrote: View Post
        So I take that answer as a no then.

        Cutting down on the universally regarded worst shot in basketball and getting to the rim more, yeah even Demar had to know that was a good decision.
        Ah, so right now, he can't know that further cutting down on the worst shot in basketball and getting to the rim even more is also a good decision?


        • DanH wrote: View Post
          Ah, so right now, he can't know that further cutting down on the worst shot in basketball and getting to the rim even more is also a good decision?
          I don't think he will. He demonstrated during the playoffs that he still struggles with decision making. I don't think he will do anything beyond last season in that regard.
          Heir, Prince of Cambridge

          If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


          • DanH wrote: View Post
            Ah, so right now, he can't know that further cutting down on the worst shot in basketball and getting to the rim even more is also a good decision?
            I have to agree Dan. I also have to think that NBA player, in general, are willing to listen to NBA coaches and their assistants when they show tape of in game action and point to areas that can be improved. The difference between DD's effectiveness between the regular season and the playoffs was quite stark. And in many cases, it was easy to see the collapse of defenders starting and also easy to see where the open team mate was on the floor.

            The Raptors coaches could help DD out by planning for the collapse and having some options for the other players to run to help DeMar out, and making sure the team practices those options. I can't believe they have been doing that enough. I do believe DeMar would respond. He has never seemed to care that much about his own stats and always seems to care about team results first.


            • Puffer wrote: View Post
              The Raptors coaches could help DD out by planning for the collapse and having some options for the other players to run to help DeMar out, and making sure the team practices those options. I can't believe they have been doing that enough. I do believe DeMar would respond. He has never seemed to care that much about his own stats and always seems to care about team results first.
              What makes you think that the coaches would suddenly start doing it enough though? It's not like the playoffs were a big shock to how teams played Demar.
              Heir, Prince of Cambridge

              If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


              • you gotta believe that his shot selection and PnR play can improve. As better as it has gotten, there is still obvious room for improvement and little reason to believe that it can't happen. I can understand the doubt, but I think any limitations to Demar improving offensively, will be determined on whether or not the team maintains the status quo on that side of the ball. There is only so much better he can be, if at all, playing this relentless drive and kick game that was the norm this season. Even in that scenario, I think he'll improve in the PnR, but if he is to get to the level that many want to see, then I think a shift in offensive philosophy has to occur. Demar can succeed playing off the ball more IMO. Much of his mid-range game was developed using off ball plays to get him decent looks. And no reason why he can't be a corner 3 threat if we decide to utilize JV in the post more often to initiate the offence.

                That's really the biggest limitation to the team IMO. We have a very narrow range of options for initiating the offence and getting the defence to bend. Cojo is a great example actually. He had tremendous success with the drive and kick game early on, but as the season progressed it became more and more difficult for him to create good shot opportunities for himself or others. He really isn't that good at creating for others in this type of offence, especially when defences know what to expect from him. And so often the result is a rough looking shot off a drive he had to work his ass off to get. Give him a offence where he can occasionally look to the drive instead of it being the primary mode of attack, and I think he looks much better and harder to game plan for. Again, that would require a change in philosophy. And if that change is simply limited to increasing JV's usage in the post, then that would be a start and at least one more look that defences would have to be consistently prepared for.

                If there is one thing I have come to terms with, is that pretty much everyone on the team, from management to coaches to players are still learning and trying to figure it out.

                I still believe that the team can be much better even as is. So even if we came in with the exact same roster, I think the team can improve. Nonetheless, I do not advocate maintaining the status quo, either with the style of play or the roster itself, but I see more issues with the style of play than the makeup of the roster.


                • DeMar's game will improve as the players around him improve. Already seen that he and JV are getting use to a two man game...that will get better as time goes on. Carroll is great at cutting and spotting up which gives DeMar options he didn't have before Carroll was signed. Powell is looking like a baller and making himself into a nice 3&D player. Whom knows what the summer brings in trades and free agency.


                  • Miekenstien wrote: View Post
                    in two different threads? this has to be idle speculation
                    Possibly but don't forget some posters also work for MLSE. 22M /year still a lot but may save a few dollars to resign Biyombo. I still think starting PF is really what we need to be championship contenders. Unless Kevin Durant signs and we go over cap I see us essentially at where we ended season. Perhaps the goal is building on experience and internal development.


                    • How many times must I say this. DeMar taking a pay cut does absolute nothing to help the team re-sign Biyombo or trade for a PF. DeMar taking a pay cut will help in summer 2017 (maybe).


                      • psrs1 wrote: View Post
                        Possibly but don't forget some posters also work for MLSE. 22M /year still a lot but may save a few dollars to resign Biyombo. I still think starting PF is really what we need to be championship contenders. Unless Kevin Durant signs and we go over cap I see us essentially at where we ended season. Perhaps the goal is building on experience and internal development.

                        I think Demar DeRozan signs for 120m/5yrs
                        Last year Team option
                        So Abbas says two weeks ago that DeMar will re-sign for exactly the same number he suddenly has a source that DeMar has agreed to re-sign for?

                        Pretty sure this is just weak speculation mixed with wishful thinking.


                        • DanH wrote: View Post
                          How many times must I say this. DeMar taking a pay cut does absolute nothing to help the team re-sign Biyombo or trade for a PF. DeMar taking a pay cut will help in summer 2017 (maybe).
                          Got it.


                          • DanH wrote: View Post
                            How many times must I say this. DeMar taking a pay cut does absolute nothing to help the team re-sign Biyombo or trade for a PF. DeMar taking a pay cut will help in summer 2017 (maybe).
                            Put it in your sig lol I feel bad for you


                            • Axel wrote: View Post
                              What makes you think that the coaches would suddenly start doing it enough though? It's not like the playoffs were a big shock to how teams played Demar.
                              Because they've made positive adjustments every year? Similar to why Derozan likely isn't 'capped out' on his development at 27; because he's made positive adjustments every single year that he's been in the league? Sure, this could be the year all of that stops. But there's no evidence to that effect.

                              Another example of looking at the subjective facts and saying, "well, yeah, that happened, but it HAS to be an outlier or an aberration or something because I just can't understand how it's working or that it could possibly continue to work..."
                              Definition of Statistics: The science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures.


                              • Axel wrote: View Post
                                I don't think he will. He demonstrated during the playoffs that he still struggles with decision making. I don't think he will do anything beyond last season in that regard.
                                I don't see it either. Not sure how he can realistically improve on it either without completely revamping how he plays the game...

                                Also, all this talk about "maybe he can be more efficient" on a near-max deal and no one is remembering that he sucks defensively. I mean, do we want to seriously pay money for a defensive sieve who may or may not be a good offensive player?

                                Can't believe there is a debate about this

