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Ebola Outbreak 2014 - Contagion?

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  • That would be a correct assumption seeing as I directly quoted your comments regarding AIDS. My apologies for not capping the S.

    The CDC is an arm of the government and so you need to also recognize the political factors involved here. If they acknowledge as plausable the University of Minnesota's assertion that Ebola can be spread through aerosol then that would go against the government's reluctance to close the southern border and close off air travel to West Africa. It would also cause panic and unrest. It's also not proven without a shadow of a doubt yet but there is a lot to support the theory.

    There have been more than enough integrity issues in the US government in the past year to make people stop and question their facts.

    Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk


    • First Ebola vaccine trial has just started in Africa. Three health workers were given drug.


      • Here's to hoping that it's safe and effective.

        Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk


        • Vaccines can't come quickly enough.
          The name's Bond, James Bond.


          • The University of Minnesota was advocating for taking greater precautions due to the possibility of aerosolization, not claiming that it's actually happened. There are still no indications that Ebola has become considerably more communicable. If we'd heard about more cases in Dallas I might be worried, but right now it's looking like the patient was all over the place and nobody caught it. Still another week to go, but symptoms should've started showing from six to four days ago.


            • It's official - Texas health worker tested positive for Ebola. She wore full protective gear: gown, gloves, mask and shield when treating other Ebola patient.


              • Yeah, it's bad news. I have two friends who are epidemiologists who say that Ebola isn't a serious threat to the West but we'll have to wait and see now.


                • Scraptor wrote: View Post
                  Yeah, it's bad news. I have two friends who are epidemiologists who say that Ebola isn't a serious threat to the West but we'll have to wait and see now.
                  We'll see. Few weeks ago, Obama and UK's prime minister Cameron both said that Ebola in UK & USA was unlikely. And now, chief medical officers guarantee that US and UK will have new cases soon enough.


                  • Now one of the nurses of the Dallas patient is confirmed infected. Under armed guard at her home. Her close acquaintance is under close watch. The nurse wore protective gear and followed all the protocols in place. She still caught it. For something difficult to transmit it seems to be overcoming great odds to infect others.

                    In other news a doctor who just returned from West Africa to the United States reports that no one tested or screened her for anything. Google it.

                    And the fever screening can be defeated with ibuprofen. What's the first thing you do when you get a headache and feel a little worn down or under the weather? Common sense is taking a backseat but we're told it's under control so, flights will continue out of West Africa, hey let's ignore all this.

                    Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk


                    • Apollo wrote: View Post
                      Now one of the nurses of the Dallas patient is confirmed infected. Under armed guard at her home. Her close acquaintance is under close watch. The nurse wore protective gear and followed all the protocols in place. She still caught it. For something difficult to transmit it seems to be overcoming great odds to infect others. Nothing to worry about though, all is well, nothing to see here.

                      In other news a doctor who just returned from West Africa to the United States reports that no one tested or screened her for anything. Google it.

                      Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk
                      Not surprised. Here in UK, passenger screening was announced/ORDERED 6 days ago, but airport chiefs say they've been told nothing at all about screening procedures. Embarrassing.
                      Last edited by rocwell; Sun Oct 12, 2014, 04:42 PM.


                      • rocwell wrote: View Post
                        We'll see. Few weeks ago, Obama and UK's prime minister Cameron both said that Ebola in UK & USA was unlikely. And now, chief medical officers guarantee that US and UK will have new cases soon enough.
                        Obama is being officially briefed on Ebola.


                        Details supporting my above post as well.

                        Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk


                        • Not sure how we'll deal with all patients who show Ebola symptoms. Let's not forget, flu season is about to begin.


                          • On a side note, and meaning no disrespect to the subject at hand, you guys should try the mobile game Plague, Inc. It's really well-made, so much so that the developer was invited to speak at the CDC.


                            • and it begins.. 20000 students return to Britain from Ebola hit countries for start of term. I wonder how many peeps went trough incubation period?

                              I should skip lectures for the next 2 months..


                              • Scraptor wrote: View Post
                                On a side note, and meaning no disrespect to the subject at hand, you guys should try the mobile game Plague, Inc. It's really well-made, so much so that the developer was invited to speak at the CDC.
                                Pass. I don't really see myself getting enjoyment out of trying to exterminate humanity in a game. Not timely either...

                                Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk

