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Parliament Hill under attack

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  • Bendit wrote: View Post

    The people making the loudest noises about war and retaliation are often those not willing to strap on the uniform on or who profit by the incredible sums spent on "anti-terror" tactics and arms. The media as well has a hand in over sensationalizing news for the clicks. Lets have a universal draft and watch how many of the citizenry will opt for a response other than what is being offered currently. Lives are currently only being sacrificed by volunteers who bear a great burden. If the country is at war then all should be vested entirely. The politicians would think twice about sending their children over. Technological advances help use drones flown by "pilots" in Florida. It's like a video game for many.

    If you are inclined to, have a read of this:

    The authors are professors in academia and have written on aspects of the US/West relationship to the Middle east with this focusing on Iraq.
    i agree with this. i am not a soldier, i have a step-brother who served. does anyone on here serve? i would like to hear their opinions.

    for the above we could also say that those who scream the loudest about staying out generally want to build houses for all homeless people and make sure they have high enough welfare payouts to live comfortably on other peoples tax dollars.

    somewhere in the middle will be the truth.

    i am not talking about starting a war, the war is on. when the i.r.a. was bombing england there was no war on terror. when it was just israeli busloads getting bombed there was no war on terror. the media has to spin things for story or political gain. i totally understand that. my main point is that extremism in any form does't belong in any society today. i could never understand someone who thinks that it does (not anyone here but extremists).

    in this war their soldiers don't target our soldiers. they target our citizens, i do understand that is the only way they can win, i do understand that they do that, we kill them, they hate us more, they kill us etc. it goes on and on and on but i don't think that there has ever been a war that has gone on forever.


    • Bendit wrote: View Post
      Fourth bold: Terrorist. This is a 21st century nurtured term. In previous conflicts when a group of disaffected citizens/serfs/local pariahs/downtrodden/minority-badly-done-by retaliated against their overlords, tyrants, colonialists, kings etc they were known as revolutionaries. And many of them won (US revolution, Israel, Vietnam etc) Check the books...they as well committed unhuman and grotesque acts of brutality. They just didn't have youtube to titillate. Not much has changed I think in the human condition of those who feel badly done by. And neither have the responses until inevitably the "foreigner" gets turfed out. The indigenous always have the upper hand except for the North American Indian it seems. That is why there is no victory or subjugation in Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam. But I digress.
      as a whole i agree, but the world is different now. we don't need "this is ours that is theirs". countries can, be made up of every people from every part of earth now. holding onto the past is holding everyone and everything back. as much as it is still super racist, everywhere i go in shanghai i see every kind of people. shanghai is the most productive, richest and one of the safest places in china. that has been 30 years of integration, wait until they have 100. no one has told, i'll stay with terrorists here, that they can't pray how they want, they can't live how they want. just stop killing the people in your country for being different.

      with regards to north korea, they have a veto powered ally. i don't think china would ever go to war for korea but no one wants to find that out. the middle east is generally disliked thoughout the world, even their allies are basically just arms dealers and oil customers and now we are into geo-politics and the bureaucracy and clusterfuck that is.


      • Miekenstien wrote: View Post
        i agree with this. i am not a soldier, i have a step-brother who served. does anyone on here serve? i would like to hear their opinions.

        for the above we could also say that those who scream the loudest about staying out generally want to build houses for all homeless people and make sure they have high enough welfare payouts to live comfortably on other peoples tax dollars.

        somewhere in the middle will be the truth.

        i am not talking about starting a war, the war is on. when the i.r.a. was bombing england there was no war on terror. when it was just israeli busloads getting bombed there was no war on terror. the media has to spin things for story or political gain. i totally understand that. my main point is that extremism in any form does't belong in any society today. i could never understand someone who thinks that it does (not anyone here but extremists).

        in this war their soldiers don't target our soldiers. they target our citizens, i do understand that is the only way they can win, i do understand that they do that, we kill them, they hate us more, they kill us etc. it goes on and on and on but i don't think that there has ever been a war that has gone on forever.

        Say what? I scream pretty loud on this topic but putting people up on others tax dollars is not the purpose or solution. I am about as free market, minimal regulation, and small government as one can get. Government does not produce, government consumes.

        The reason why I don't think the US/Canada/allies should be interfering in the Middle East is because it is blatant hypocrisy. The belief we are truly free and living in a democratic society is the biggest con pulled on the citizens of the Western World. For anyone who does not know who Martin Armstrong is, I strongly suggest you research him. Even if you disagree with his views, they are at the very least enlightening and will make you think.

        The greatest threat we face is the political elite.They are typically failed lawyers and that training makes them believe they possess some magical power to write law and therein it shall be. The reason why we must crash and burn is linked directly to this very bad quality found at the core of the political elite. This sets in motion the attempt to manipulate society and compel by law that it shall do as they command. Of course, they possess no such power. Consequently, they can pull the Invisible Hand in every direction, but they always fail in the end precisely as communism collapsed even after Stalin murdered tens of millions who he feared they would overthrow him.

        All political systems are the same. Those rioting in Hong Kong think democracy will bring freedom – they are wrong. They will not end up with democracy – but a pretend democracy that is just a republic with pretend elections and the same thing as communistic party systems – we no more elect those who run the government agencies in the USA than they do in Europe. In Europe, they do not even elect the head of the EU – that is someone appointed by “elected” heads of the states.

        The danger is “representative” government is illustrated by both what the Republicans did to Ron Paul, refusing to allow his name to be even nominated at the Republican convention thanks to Boehner and then Boehner purged every finance committee or anyone who supported Ron Paul. That is dictatorship – not democracy.

        In Germany, the former FDP Bundestag member Frank Schaeffler has revealed the corruption hidden within the Germany political elites and how they equally try to prevent any dissenting opinion against their ideas. In this case, Schaeffler became increasingly a Euro-Skeptic. He has explained how he fared with his dissenting opinion to the Euro-rescue. Schaeffler’s right to speak up in a so-called democratic state was shut down the same as Boehner did to Ron Paul. Every time after becoming aware of his critical attitude, the FDP tried to prevent him from speaking his opinion. With all the dictatorial tricks as always, the party leadership tried to isolate Schaeffler because he said hey – this is not working. Schaeffler’s experience illustrates that the constitutional right of free mandate in which a Member has only to follow his conscience, has long since vanished in everyday political life.

        This is why I say career politicians are the single greatest threat to our long-term economic survival. They will defend their wrong decisions to create the euro no matter what. Europe has to crash and burn BECAUSE they will not even consider the horrifying thought that their perceived power to manipulate society does not exist. Even John Maynard Keynes at least saw his ideas as delusion towards the end. Just before his death in 1946, Keynes told Henry Clay, a professor of Social Economics and Adviser to the Bank of England that he hoped that Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand” would help Britain out of the economic hole it is in: “I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the invisible hand which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago.” Keynes, who had worked in government, was infected with that same idea that government possesses the power to do anything. He came to his senses and realized the free markets always prevail. This is a lesson Hillary has to learn – but I fear she is too old to learn new tricks.

        It is not the role of western governments to decide the fate of Middle Eastern countries.

        For the state of the world today I would ask this:
        which nation(s) first committed acts of terrorism against the other first - the US/west or the Middle East?

        I would strongly argue the US/west and today we are reaping what western "leaders" have sown through intervention all in the sake of energy control.


        • mcHAPPY wrote: View Post
          Say what? I scream pretty loud on this topic but putting people up on others tax dollars is not the purpose or solution. I am about as free market, minimal regulation, and small government as one can get. Government does not produce, government consumes.

          not accusing, showing the opposite end of "saber rattling is all big business" goose gander. followed immediately with truth in the middle


          • mcHAPPY wrote: View Post
            For the state of the world today I would ask this:
            which nation(s) first committed acts of terrorism against the other first - the US/west or the Middle East?

            I would strongly argue the US/west and today we are reaping what western "leaders" have sown through intervention all in the sake of energy control.
            where are you starting your history? prior to 911, i remember embassy bombings, ship bombings and the IRA.

            i also don't understand why the united states' version of two party system democracy keeps getting brought into this. i would argue that canadas' multi-party system is a much truer form. i don't like how some parts of the country's votes are more important than others but i think the parties we have have a wide degree of differences and represent the people to a fair degree.


            • Miekenstien wrote: View Post
              where are you starting your history? prior to 911, i remember embassy bombings, ship bombings and the IRA.

              i also don't understand why the united states' version of two party system democracy keeps getting brought into this. i would argue that canadas' multi-party system is a much truer form. i don't like how some parts of the country's votes are more important than others but i think the parties we have have a wide degree of differences and represent the people to a fair degree.

              And when did the US care about the Middle East? When they found oil.


              1920-28: U.S. pressures Britain, then the dominant Middle East power, into signing a "Red Line Agreement" providing that Middle Eastern oil will not be developed by any single power without the participation of the others. Standard Oil and Mobil obtain shares of the Iraq Petroleum Company.

              1932-34: Oil is discovered in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and U.S. oil companies obtain concessions.

              1944: U.S. State Department memo refers to Middle Eastern oil as "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history." During U.S.-British negotiations over the control of Middle Eastern oil, President Roosevelt sketches out a map of the Middle East and tells the British Ambassador, "Persian oil is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours." On August 8, 1944, the Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement is signed, splitting Middle Eastern oil between the U.S. and Britain.

              Between 1948 and 1960, Western capital earns $12.8 billion in profits from the production, refining and sale of Middle Eastern oil, on fixed investments totaling $1.3 billion.

              Last edited by mcHAPPY; Tue Oct 28, 2014, 10:18 AM.


              • mcHAPPY wrote: View Post


                • Miekenstien wrote: View Post
                  I'm confused.

                  This is funny?

                  This speaks directly to the issue at hand.

                  Non-stop interference for over 60 years has led to the hatred and contempt we find ourselves facing today.


                  • mcHAPPY wrote: View Post
                    I'm confused.

                    This is funny?

                    This speaks directly to the issue at hand.

                    Non-stop interference for over 60 years has led to the hatred and contempt we find ourselves facing today.
                    more a statement of surprise. i can't argue about this because i don't know middle eastern history before first iraqi war, your view is much longer than mine.


                    • Yet you won't see Canada pull out. We're like New York state to the United States and it seems like Harper takes his orders from Obama just like the state of New York now does(Google New York Ebola quarantine lifted if you get my drift).

                      Canada is joined at the hip to the US even if we the people do not share in the philosophies of the US government. We need a shake up this coming election and I hate to say this but if you want change for the good of the nation we need to boot out these sleazy Conservatives and Liberals and either vote independent or NDP. either is better than the established big two parties. Trudeau will pick up where Harper left off and their question period spats are more theatrics than anything. Justin isn't his Daddy. Conservative, Liberal, there is no idealogical difference anymore after the elections and we all know this.

                      Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk


                      • Miekenstien wrote: View Post
                        more a statement of surprise. i can't argue about this because i don't know middle eastern history before first iraqi war, your view is much longer than mine.
                        Hopefully, while you might not agree, you see there is a very valid point that this is not about democracy or freeing people.

                        In fact, the actions of the west over the years have likely oppressed many more than they have helped, creating deep feelings of contempt and hate throughout the region towards the western world.


                        • Apollo wrote: View Post
                          Yet you won't see Canada pull out. We're like New York state to the United States and it seems like Harper takes his orders from Obama just like the state of New York now does(Google New York Ebola quarantine lifted if you get my drift).

                          Canada is joined at the hip to the US even if we the people do not share in the philosophies of the US government. We need a shake up this coming election and I hate to say this but if you want change for the good of the nation we need to boot out these sleazy Conservatives and Liberals and either vote independent or NDP. either is better than the established big two parties. Trudeau will pick up where Harper left off and their question period spats are more theatrics than anything. Justin isn't his Daddy. Conservative, Liberal, there is no idealogical difference anymore after the elections and we all know this.

                          Sent from my Note 3 using Tapatalk
                          Wouldn't that be so sad..... Trudeau becoming our own little Obama.

                          I bought in 100% on the "hope and change" mania of 2008. How soured and disappointed am I.

                          To see this come to Canada would be a painful blow.

                          Sadly you're likely spot on.


                          • Apollo wrote: View Post
                            I hate to say this but if you want change for the good of the nation we need to boot out these sleazy Conservatives and Liberals and either vote independent or NDP.
                            Why do you hate to say that? LOL NDP is the official Opposition currently. They've got more seats than the Liberals do!

                            Apollo wrote:
                            Trudeau will pick up where Harper left off and their question period spats are more theatrics than anything. Justin isn't his Daddy. Conservative, Liberal, there is no idealogical difference anymore after the elections and we all know this.
                            Oh I don't know about this. Nothing has given any indication that Trudeau shares anything ideologically with Harper.
                            The Conservatives want nothing more than to be the US' kid brother, and tag along to all the cool parties. I'm not sure thats at all the case with the Liberals; mind you, I'm not even sure the Liberals know what they believe right now ...


                            • Joey wrote: View Post
                              Why do you hate to say that? LOL NDP is the official Opposition currently. They've got more seats than the Liberals do!
                              That's more a reflection of the Liberal scandals of the past decade. They look to be on the rebound and the Liberals have always been the strongest party in Canadian history. People just keep going back eventually it would seem...

                              Joey wrote: View Post
                              Oh I don't know about this. Nothing has given any indication that Trudeau shares anything ideologically with Harper.
                              The Conservatives want nothing more than to be the US' kid brother, and tag along to all the cool parties. I'm not sure thats at all the case with the Liberals; mind you, I'm not even sure the Liberals know what they believe right now ...
                              All the more dangerous Joey. NDP is the least toxic option right now. I don't see either of these three guys as a strong leader that Canada desperately needs. Jack Layton would have been poised for something great if the poor man didn't pass on far too soon. I didn't agree with everything he believed in but by far he would have been far better than these guys.


                              • Apollo wrote: View Post
                                NDP is the least toxic option right now. I don't see either of these three guys as a strong leader that Canada desperately needs. Jack Layton would have been poised for something great if the poor man didn't pass on far too soon. I didn't agree with everything he believed in but by far he would have been far better than these guys.
                                You won't get any argument out of me here! I've voted NDP every opportunity I've been given.

