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Everything Christian Koloko

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  • SkywalkerAC
    Have to assume we're well situated if-when Christian gets cleared (please please please please please let this happen).

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  • Primer
    DanH wrote: View Post
    Something I dug up after taking my observations on here in the other thread (Koloko's ridiculous 103.7 on-court DRTG in his rookie season), posting them on twitter, and getting a lot of questions:

    Koloko played 58 games and 13.8 MPG. Of the 293 players across the entire league who played at least 50 games and 10 MPG, his DRTG ranked...


    Of 293.

    Second place was at 105.1, so it wasn't even that close. Truly a special rookie season.
    Well now I'm gonna be extremely pissed if he gets cleared and signs somewhere else.

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  • DanH
    Something I dug up after taking my observations on here in the other thread (Koloko's ridiculous 103.7 on-court DRTG in his rookie season), posting them on twitter, and getting a lot of questions:

    Koloko played 58 games and 13.8 MPG. Of the 293 players across the entire league who played at least 50 games and 10 MPG, his DRTG ranked...


    Of 293.

    Second place was at 105.1, so it wasn't even that close. Truly a special rookie season.

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  • Shredder
    I'm really hoping this dude clears medical and we bring him back.

    Years away; but if the Chomche rose coloured projections come true and Koloko become a mobile big with a half decent 3 ball, that's a scary long team.

    on the floor at the same time? Crazy to think about.

    Obviously there are a lot of major "what ifs" but it would be cool to see two super long, super mobile Cameroonian players on the same team. I would assume having someone like Koloko would only help Chomche adapt to the league.

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  • chris
    SkywalkerAC wrote: View Post
    Figured was probably similar to what needed Bosh’s career. I always thought CB4 would be able to make a comeback but was not the case. Really unfortunate.
    didn't brandon ingram deal with something similar? i hope koloko can still have a career without risking his health

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  • SkywalkerAC
    Figured was probably similar to what needed Bosh’s career. I always thought CB4 would be able to make a comeback but was not the case. Really unfortunate.

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  • slaw
    A.I wrote: View Post

    Damn it really was that serious. Exact same thing as Bosh serious.

    He is much younger than when Bosh had it, so I hope he can eventually have an NBA career.
    All the Toronto media guys knew this by the way.

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  • saints91
    Ahh shit, poor kid. Hope he can get back out there at some point.

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  • A.I
    MixxAOR wrote: View Post

    Damn it really was that serious. Exact same thing as Bosh serious.

    He is much younger than when Bosh had it, so I hope he can eventually have an NBA career.

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  • Dr Hannibal Lecter
    I wonder if Masai was emotional about Koloko 2, common player, 2 million 2 cut him, damn that's cold..couldn't u waive Temple.

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  • Primer
    MixxAOR wrote: View Post

    Damn, not happy to be right about this one.

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  • MixxAOR
    Primer wrote: View Post

    I'm leaning blood clot or something like that. Long covid is just a catch all term for "we don't wanna tell you what it really is", and they won't even say that.

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  • G____Deane
    A.I wrote: View Post
    So his respiratory thing is more serious than we originally thought. Like potentially Bosh's blood clot levels.
    "We felt was part of the future"
    Sounds permanent.

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  • A.I
    So his respiratory thing is more serious than we originally thought. Like potentially Bosh's blood clot levels.

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  • G____Deane
    MixxAOR wrote: View Post
    That sounds more ominous for his future as a Raptor. Masai could easily have said, we want him to get healthy and hopefully there's an opportunity to bring him back into the fold ....

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