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NBA Playoff Game #3: Toronto Raptors 99 - Washington Wizards 106 (Was 3-0)

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  • hotfuzz wrote: View Post
    Whoa! Carlisle just said Rondo will not wear a Mavs jersey again. Shit just got real.
    Carlisle: "just sayin' "... The Mavs with their great offense and sub-par defense before Rondo was fine, but after watching a PG dribble the ball with no jumper, no FTs, and more ego than any coach can handle on averge, shit was going to get bad eventually. Cuban made a bad trade for the wrong All-Star


    • MACK11 wrote: View Post
      We only win when our chuckers get hot
      Honestly in spite of everything they should be able to shoot well enough to win at least a couple of these games.
      "We're playing in a building." -- Kawhi Leonard


      • We cant lose to this guy 3 games in a row right?


        • KeonClark wrote: View Post
          How the hell is he not supporting the team? He's not playing well, but he's definitely trying. Look at rondo, who sulks and acts like a moron. You guys are unbelievable. Support a guy when he's overachieving and carrying the team with mvp numbers, but when he's slumping, and knows it, and is probably down on himself, its ok to go"fuck you fat ass". Take that act to twitter u keyboard tough guys.
          The hate on here for Amir and Lowry is disgusting


          • This team is done. Remember before the season started when I said Washington is gonna do better than we will this year and everyone was all NO WAY, WASHINGTON IS OLD FARTS AND BROKEN BIGS AND KL/LOWRY WAY BETTER THAN BEAL/WALL. yeah, eat it, suckers!

            Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


            • Tonight is the night this series turns around for the Raptors. Lowry WILL have a very good game this evening and the rest of the team will follow. You don't like that? Go suck a lemon!


              • guys.. only few games left... Summer w/o basketball or football really sucks! Let's hope these last games are enjoyable.. and don't forget to thank God for beaches!


                • Mack North wrote: View Post
                  Tonight is the night this series turns around for the Raptors. Lowry WILL have a very good game this evening and the rest of the team will follow. You don't like that? Go suck a lemon!
                  That's the spirit Sauce!!
                  Heir, Prince of Cambridge

                  If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


                  • Wearing my full Raptors gear tomorrow. Shit just got real.


                    • Axel wrote: View Post
                      That's the spirit Sauce!!
                      Fuck yea! This site is unbearable these days... you'd think some posters' whole families died. Get a grip, support your team, cheer up. Life isn't gonna end if the Raptors don't make the second round(unless you're rocwell, he may have put down some quid on a crazy prop bet where winner takes ALL ).


                      • Wiz are 4.5 favorites this morning.
                        Eh follow my TWITTER!


                        • This is going to be a big game, 20 point blow out with 75% shooting combined from our guards.

                          JV is going to tackle Pierce like he did Lebron.

                          Hansbro is going to revert to his football/Hockey like game and show what physical looks like.

                          Casey has an epiphany and coaches this game like none he has ever coached before.

                          Amir finds his replacement ankles and dominates the glass and locks down our defense.

                          This team will give us all a reason to hope again, and if you guys can't dredge up the belief... you can go buy what I'm smoking down on the corner of 10th and 5th


                          • Bandit wrote: View Post
                            This is going to be a big game, 20 point blow out with 75% shooting combined from our guards.

                            JV is going to tackle Pierce like he did Lebron.

                            Hansbro is going to revert to his football/Hockey like game and show what physical looks like.

                            Casey has an epiphany and coaches this game like none he has ever coached before.

                            Amir finds his replacement ankles and dominates the glass and locks down our defense.

                            This team will give us all a reason to hope again, and if you guys can't dredge up the belief... you can go buy what I'm smoking down on the corner of 10th and 5th
                            Hoosiers 2: Resurrection of The Drakes
                            "We're playing in a building." -- Kawhi Leonard


                            • I just hope Chuck sees some playing time. Casey needs his D as much as possible in this game.

                              And I really wanna open up that salami and cheese.
                              Axel wrote:
                              Now Cody can stop posting about this guy and we have a poster to blame if anything goes wrong!!
                              KeonClark wrote:
                              We won't hear back from him. He dissapears into thin air and reappears when you least expect it. Ten is an enigma. Ten is a legend. Ten for the motherfucking win.
                              KeonClark wrote:
                              I can't wait until the playoffs start.

                              Until then, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they most often stink


                              • Cody73 wrote: View Post
                                I just hope Chuck sees some playing time. Casey needs his D as much as possible in this game.

                                And I really wanna open up that salami and cheese.
                                I don't know why but this killed me lol

