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Fire Masai Ujiri.

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  • TrueTorontoFan wrote: View Post

    Question for clarity. Are you suggesting all three conditions were required to be met?

    Multiple options exist in the summer. Will they be proactive enough to take the options? we will see. They don't need to decline the option. There isn't exactly an abundance of FA's available that can or will significantly change the fortunes of the team. Additionally, it is important to point out that his team option deadline comes AFTER the draft. So a team wanting to get cap space or relief could do so at the draft. At the time of the draft that doesn't necessarily HAVE to include contenders.

    Now I don't know this for sure but I do believe that at the draft Bruce can be aggregated with other salaries too, currently leading up to the deadline it was not the case. Anyone can feel free to correct me on that specific point.

    Here is an example of a scenario:

    We trade Bruce for Lonzo Ball, allowing the bulls to either get off Lonzo's money. Chicago is projected to have the ability to create up to 16 million in cap room. If they can get off lonzo at the draft it would give them additional wiggle room. (Lonzo has a player option I believe). So that would be a good example of alternative options you could take. Chicago could decline, and resign, or just decline, or just keep him as someone that they believe will play. In the aforementioned trade you could take back future draft compensation for helping out the bulls. OR even a pick swap for the Indiana pick and their pick.

    Not saying they should do that but that is what they can do.
    Yep he can be aggregated 2 months post trade so can do it at the draft. Restriction expires March 17th.


    • planetmars wrote: View Post

      I didn't want Fred back at 43M. But I also would have wanted to see the front office do a better job of helping that core out. They brought in Thad instead of a better big or a backup point guard. They then got Jak, but still didn't get a backup point guard. And then gave them a terrible bench on top of all that. Ultimately that inability to build a team around that trio lead to a tipping point as everyone wanted max dollars, and we had no way of building that team anymore.

      That first round pick was traded for Ochai, who's 23. And was the #14 pick in his draft class 1.5 years ago. Plus was the MVP of the tourney. Of course you know all this, but everyone has their narrative. And I bet you will keep telling yourself that the 32 year old vet was traded for that pick. You even mentioned it to me twice, in two separate posts:

      And yeah, I think the people that play the game on the court are way more important than the coach in an NBA setting.
      You keep repeating the pronoun “they”, who are “they”, you meant the men who made those decisions? Is Ujiri you are referring to? Because the buck stops on him.

      And your coaching does not matter mantra is still hilarious


      • Quirk wrote: View Post

        And if that happens, Ed is guaranteed to pick a bafoon like himself. Maybe Claw and the other 2k GMs on this site can submit their resumes.
        You keep blabbering about the people you referring to us screechers but it seems you can’t hear yourself now, drowned by your own screech.

        Educate us and tell us your analytical justification on why this team is 16 games below 500.

        We will listen to you.


        • DanH wrote: View Post
          It's been pointed out plenty, but worth repeating so maybe Claw will finally get it.

          We didn't trade a 1st for Olynyk. We traded a 1st for Agbaji. A prospect.

          Claw, you keep adding "and a project" like that's a bad thing for a rebuilding team to add. It's exactly what a rebuilding team should add! Prospects are the whole idea!
          What is the difference of Agbaji and Porter?

          If they gave up a FRP to get Agbaji, then why is Porter languishing the bench and getting 3 minutes of garbage time, if Porter is equally a prospect much like Agbaji? Should they be playing him more instead of the 32 year old Olynyk?


          • G____Deane wrote: View Post
            People who just over react to others purely based on whether they disagree with their opinion on a fan based discussion site(!) simply expose themselves. Again, it's the primary reason to exist (and ability to exist) for this and similar websites. Don't you live in the real world where people at work, friends, friends of friends, family members have wildly different views than you. Are you one of those who chooses just to argue at family events to the point here you aren't invited any longer and can't figure out why?
            Are able to to hide from them as well or cry until they bend to your will?

            Grow up or man up; if you can't bring yourselves to ignore certain posters or discussion for fear of missing threads they start, exercise your right to skip it. It really is so easy.

            Basically saying you don't want anyone talking about the upcoming draft or trade possibilities because it's not already on the floor is insane.
            Good one Dean


            • still cant believe we did a press conference in the middle of the draft like we were just done for the night... could have tried to get a second pick even in the second round gg jackson, leonard miller, cam whitemore.....


              • Ujiri should step down


                • The Claw Reborn wrote: View Post

                  What is the difference of Agbaji and Porter?

                  If they gave up a FRP to get Agbaji, then why is Porter languishing the bench and getting 3 minutes of garbage time, if Porter is equally a prospect much like Agbaji? Should they be playing him more instead of the 32 year old Olynyk?
                  this is a good point claw but i will argue the only time darko’s base set looks clean is when porter is on the floor. darko has yet to maximize the potential of his roster there are pieces that if put together right is at least a 50 win team. some times as a GM you have to take players away from a coach who he favors to get the right combination on the court.

                  a example of this gradey should be starting but that would send IQ to the bench. in this offence yak should probably come off the bench too. cause he is not a 5 out player and darkos sets are basically that.


                  • grindhouse wrote: View Post

                    this is a good point claw but i will argue the only time darko’s base set looks clean is when porter is on the floor. darko has yet to maximize the potential of his roster there are pieces that if put together right is at least a 50 win team. some times as a GM you have to take players away from a coach who he favors to get the right combination on the court.

                    a example of this gradey should be starting but that would send IQ to the bench. in this offence yak should probably come off the bench too. cause he is not a 5 out player and darkos sets are basically that.
                    Half ass moves could lead to confusion….rebuilding has to start from scratch.


                    • The pushback was that the FRP that was traded was of less to no value but that could be the difference maker if they are targeting a BPA and them wanted to move up the draft.

                      Trading 3 FRPs versus 2 FRPs to climb out of the bottom and get in to the top 5 may just be the shrewd action that could move the needle and not fkn 32 years old and a project


                      • Quirk wrote: View Post
                        Your reading comprehension is as poor as usual. I look forward to the other bozos liking your post.
                        Who knows there are likes on this board?
                        More importantly, who cares or looks to see likes on this board?

                        Honest question: are you a tween girl?
                        Because that would explain a lot, why you're so emotional, why you keep discussing things you say you want banned from discussions


                        • G____Deane wrote: View Post

                          Who knows there are likes on this board?
                          More importantly, who cares or looks to see likes on this board?

                          Honest question: are you a tween girl?
                          Because that would explain a lot, why you're so emotional, why you keep discussing things you say you want banned from discussions
                          Hey stop.
                          You're hurting his feelings.


                          • Kagemusha wrote: View Post

                            Hey stop.
                            You're hurting his feelings.
                            He'll reply and whine, he always does.
                            I'd tell him just to ignore me but he can't.

                            The whole idea of a discussion site is to .... discuss things .... and hope there are varied opinions to keep the site alive. I can't believe there are still people around who want to try and decide what conversations people can have.

                            Please give me the likes I crave! Honestly, someone looks to see if a post got likes


                            • The Claw Reborn wrote: View Post

                              Half ass moves could lead to confusion….rebuilding has to start from scratch.
                              i agree as long as our coach is not willing to put the players that best fit together on the floor rather than who gets paid the most we will have a issue. talent is different than fit and you want to keep your talent so it comes back to the coach.

                              is IQ a piece yes is yak a piece yes but do they fit well with scottie no. at least not with these sets. can they come into the game and give us a advantage yes absolutely!

                              first you got to find the infrastructure that scottie can work and gradey can work that takes a bold coach


                              • grindhouse wrote: View Post

                                i agree as long as our coach is not willing to put the players that best fit together on the floor rather than who gets paid the most we will have a issue. talent is different than fit and you want to keep your talent so it comes back to the coach.

                                is IQ a piece yes is yak a piece yes but do they fit well with scottie no. at least not with these sets. can they come into the game and give us a advantage yes absolutely!

                                first you got to find the infrastructure that scottie can work and gradey can work that takes a bold coach
                                "The buck stops here" is a phrase that was popularized by U.S. President Harry S.Truman, who kept a sign with that phrase on his desk in the Oval Office. The phrase refers to the notion that the President has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.
                                Ujiri has to face the music

