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Preseason Game 4: Minnesota Timberpups at Toronto Raptors - Mon Oct 12, 7:30pm ET

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  • mcHAPPY
    LJ2 wrote: View Post
    Through preseason I'm liking Lowry, Joseph, Carroll, Scola, Biyombo. These guys seem like they are ready for the season to begin.

    Guys that don't seem ready are are DD and JV. Neither seems particularly sharp. When DD's shot isn't dropping all his other flaws really get hilighted. He just doesn't seem to be able to affect the game in any other way. JV, as Zarar eluded to in an article on the main page is just awkward and painful to watch sometimes. He's just not a very fluid player and lacks the athletecism most of the better bigs have in todays NBA. I keep telling myself it's just preseason when it comes to these two players
    JV is not athletic relative to the NBA.

    However give me a guy who can produce, even if awkward and painful, versus a guy who can touch the top of the backboard in the warmups and do nothing on the boxscore.

    5 shots produced 13 points.
    6 rebounds
    18:59 playing time.

    I'll take that.

    Now if you can get a guy who can produce, and do so in athletic fashion, well, I think we'd all prefer that.

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  • LJ2
    Through preseason I'm liking Lowry, Joseph, Carroll, Scola, Biyombo. These guys seem like they are ready for the season to begin.

    Guys that don't seem ready are are DD and JV. Neither seems particularly sharp. When DD's shot isn't dropping all his other flaws really get hilighted. He just doesn't seem to be able to affect the game in any other way. JV, as Zarar eluded to in an article on the main page is just awkward and painful to watch sometimes. He's just not a very fluid player and lacks the athletecism most of the better bigs have in todays NBA. I keep telling myself it's just preseason when it comes to these two players

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  • DogeLover1234
    Dont get me wrong i love watching kyle dominate games, but id be pussed if he gets injured in a preseason game because he drove hard to the rim and took a bad fall. If we didnt already know that kl is great and can carry the load, we do now. I hope we use much of the rest of the preseason to give jv and some of the young guys more reps. I want to see more delon in the first half. The starters could probably still use some time to gel before the start of the season, but we should check lowrys minutes a bit imo

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  • raptors999
    Cody73 wrote: View Post
    Happy to win. But, Patt needs to be taken out of the 5. JJ should get a chance...... but maybe Patt's trying to get him and JJ traded?
    It's preseason and it looks like they want 2Pats to dribble drive more if he starts. If he continues to play like crap regular season then pull him. Prefer 2Pats trying something new then Demar just doing the same stuff. Preseason is when Demar should be launching 7-8 3 pointers a game and Ross ball handling

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  • Cody73
    Happy to win. But, Patt needs to be taken out of the 5. JJ should get a chance...... but maybe Patt's trying to get him and JJ traded?

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  • Miekenstien
    YoungGunRaptor wrote: View Post
    Important victory tonight

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  • mjt20mik
    Things I noticed at the game...

    Crowd was pretty quiet.. I know its preseason but it was really dead
    Our defense sucks... other than a few plays... it seems like the old Raptors
    Our offense is stagnant... Lowry played hero ball to a crappy Twolves team and we barely won
    PP shouldn't be starting... his offense isn't great and his defense isn't good either

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  • BS10
    GLF wrote: View Post
    This is true. But I found our offense was more so bad to start the game because we literally couldn't hit any of our 3's. And almost all of them were pretty wide open. I would like to believe that won't happen very often. But yes JV hasn't been that impressive to me and with 2Patt playing like shit it's not helping
    Yea, I liked our starting line up's offence when we got Carroll involved more with the plays and tried to get him open shots to knockdown. I saw him nail a couple of solid 3 pointers and overall played a great offensive game. He's really proving his contract value.

    However, whenever we tried to make plays for 2pat, everything went downhill. There was nothing memorable from 2pats game tonight that I saw, which isn't quite promising. Hopefully he looks himself in the mirror and figures it out. As del as, I already mentioned JV's stagnating offensive game that didn't help our starting line up's offence.

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  • 007
    2Pat looks like he's trying to play himself out of the starting lineup, but Joseph and Scola have looked good together...

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  • OldSkoolCool
    GLF wrote: View Post
    Good point. Well hopefully this is his learning season and progresses a lot by seasons end
    I am hoping for the same. Need to give him a year of being a more used option before we decide his fate

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  • BS10
    MixxAOR wrote: View Post
    Lowry is gonna fuck around and get a triple double.
    ice cube - it was a good day?

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  • YoungGunRaptor
    Important victory tonight, but we can't get caught up in the sweetness of the moment. On to the next one. Greater challenges await!

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  • GLF
    OldSkoolCool wrote: View Post
    That's what to be expected when you don't properly develop guys and then decide "hey, he is in his fourth year, let's use him now"
    Good point. Well hopefully this is his learning season and progresses a lot by seasons end

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  • GLF
    BS10 wrote: View Post
    Yea, but the main problem with our starters was our offence wasn't great. Especially when the ball went to JV, our offence, like when DD has the ball, stagnated for a bit and was quite predictable. I saw a couple times where JV could have made the pass to the open man for a knockdown 3 but no pass was made. Moreover, as a 4th year player, JV should have dominated the rookie Towns in the post without any trouble but that wasn't the case. Anyway, i'm expecting a much better effort from JV further down the season.
    This is true. But I found our offense was more so bad to start the game because we literally couldn't hit any of our 3's. And almost all of them were pretty wide open. I would like to believe that won't happen very often. But yes JV hasn't been that impressive to me and with 2Patt playing like shit it's not helping

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  • OldSkoolCool
    BS10 wrote: View Post
    Yea, but the main problem with our starters was our offence wasn't great. Especially when the ball went to JV, our offence, like when DD has the ball, stagnated for a bit and was quite predictable. I saw a couple times where JV could have made the pass to the open man for a knockdown 3 but no pass was made. Moreover, as a 4th year player, JV should have dominated the rookie Towns in the post without any trouble but that wasn't the case. Anyway, i'm expecting a much better effort from JV further down the season.
    That's what to be expected when you don't properly develop guys and then decide "hey, he is in his fourth year, let's use him now"

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