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GT: Dec 16th, Houston @ Toronto, 1:00pm, TSN

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  • stretch
    What % of games missed is considered injury prone? Jose has played in 505 regular season games out of a possible 586 (86%!) in 7 plus seasons as a Raptor plus all that international competition.

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  • mcHAPPY
    Great game to watch.

    Raps still need talent - don't forget that. But the truly great teams have talent that buys in to the system and believes in their teammates.

    Casey ball is alive and well again.

    Next time Colangelo says anything to Casey, I hope Casey's reply is, "Eat a can of d!ck up, motherf___er." A little crude, sorry, but true nonetheless.

    For anyone doubting #tradeBargnani is not only desirable, it is a necessity.

    Not all love for Casey today though. Biggest issue I've got is the loooooong stetches of strictly jump shots. They need to get some quick rotations of the ball to create opportunities for catch and rips from the weak side or weak side cuts. Getting the ball in the post (either DD or JV/ED/AJ/LK) is also important. Too much "JUMP SHOT".

    Nice to have a winning streak.

    Buzz kill time: season is still lost for playoffs. Accumulate draft picks and play the yoot!

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  • timdunkit
    This was a fun game to watch. Our interior defense was amazing and really kept us in their defensively. Nice production from Anderson off the bench and Jose was phenomenal finding guys moving without the ball.

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  • Imperial
    Oh look, 2 game winning streak, sans Bargnani.


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  • Raptorsnz
    Let's not focus on if we should/shouldn't trade Calderon and just enjoy a winning streak for once.

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  • BasketballCrush
    I am pretty sure it was posted on this forum in the dailies. I know it has been around, so letting you know, i don't save these things, but don't be surprised if he signs with a contender for cheap. Like LA. The Rebuild is not a veteran players cup of tea, you always want to leave on a high note, wouldn't be surprised if he wants to be in la with gasol.
    Last edited by BasketballCrush; Sun Dec 16, 2012, 05:23 PM.

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  • Chr1s1anL
    Would of liked to see ED get more minutes but we got the W so I won't complain.

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  • Sig
    BasketballCrush wrote: View Post
    He said it to some spanish paper. He is going to be looking to sign with a contending team. The trade speculation, demotion probably have taken their toll.

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  • knickz
    believe me, i would not defend jose as much as i do if i thought he was shit. this management has just done a bad job of acquiring talent

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  • Sig
    Chr1s1anL wrote: View Post
    Calderon played great but, what's the benefit from keeping him? We're not making the playoffs. Looks like we're at least going to be a .500 team to get in. I just don't see that happening. Strike while the iron is hot.
    He's one of the few true playmakers in the league, his value to this team is huge. How many of Ed's baskets were assisted and completely created by Jose these past three games?

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  • BasketballCrush
    KHD wrote: View Post
    He said it to some spanish paper. He is going to be looking to sign with a contending team. The trade speculation, demotion probably have taken their toll.

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  • knickz
    I want jose traded to a team and a fanbase who can appreaciate him. can you imagine jose's numbers if he played with all stars and rondo minutes? lol, keep hatin' you non basketball clowns

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  • Sig
    Here's a crazy idea. Why not just keep Jose?

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  • Chr1s1anL
    Calderon played great but, what's the benefit from keeping him? We're not making the playoffs. Looks like we're at least going to be a .500 team to get in. I just don't see that happening. Strike while the iron is hot.

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  • Sig
    replied wrote: View Post
    Maybe the focus shouldn't be on Jose's trade value but rather how he helps this team, and the way I see it, he has done and is doing way more for this team than Lowry. Rather than trade the player who best fits the Casey's team-first philosophy and gives us the best chance to win, maybe we should look at trading the guy who's probably gonna bolt in a couple of years. I'm not saying that Lowry isn't the better talent, just that he doesn't fit this team.

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