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  • golden wrote: View Post
    The only thing fans should care about is if re-signing Fred at the value he wants helps or hinders building a championship team from a future cap or trade asset standpoint, and also if the role/system he needs to justify that salary helps or hinders the development of other players or limits our style(s) of play.

    If Fred truly “cares only about winning championships” like he says he does, then his salary and ability will have a massive impact on all of the above. That’s fair game to critique. All the other personal attack stuff is out of bounds, IMO.
    Good post.
    I mean, these guys can make 20-$30M a year and still do Subway and PB&J commercials .....


    • golden wrote: View Post

      "All I care about is winning championships".... is another great PR line.
      On which team?


      • Anyone who thinks players want to give teams a discount whether they are making $5M or $50M per are fooling themselves. There are probably more than a few former NBA champions who are broke right now and wish they took the money.


        • LJ2 wrote: View Post
          Anyone who thinks players want to give teams a discount whether they are making $5M or $50M per are fooling themselves. There are probably more than a few former NBA champions who are broke right now and wish they took the money.
          It happened just this off-season.

          Harden took a paycut that allowed the Sixers to sign Tucker, House and Melton. That's your depth right there. Direct & immediate impact of sacrificing salary for the chance of winning.


          • golden wrote: View Post

            It happened just this off-season.

            Harden took a paycut that allowed the Sixers to sign Tucker, House and Melton. That's your depth right there. Direct & immediate impact of sacrificing salary for the chance of winning.

            James Harden whose career earnings are at $227M and counting is an exception, rather than the rule. But you already know that.


            • LJ2 wrote: View Post

              James Harden whose career earnings are at $227M and counting is an exception, rather than the rule. But you already know that.
              In fairness if he thinks VanVleet should take a discount his career earnings are fast approaching that number as well. Currently at 82M and will get a contract this summer for at least another 100M you would assume.


              • 227 seems so low for James


                • Bonus Jonas wrote: View Post

                  In fairness if he thinks VanVleet should take a discount his career earnings are fast approaching that number as well. Currently at 82M and will get a contract this summer for at least another 100M you would assume.
                  Being able to take less is sort of a luxury which top 10 type guys have because they have the endorsements to make up for it. Even then most guys don't leave money on the table to win a championship. Raps aren't anywhere near that anyway so the Harden example isn't that great imo. You're right that $227M does seem low for Harden.


                  • LJ2 wrote: View Post

                    Being able to take less is sort of a luxury which top 10 type guys have because they have the endorsements to make up for it. Even then most guys don't leave money on the table to win a championship. Raps aren't anywhere near that anyway so the Harden example isn't that great imo. You're right that $227M does seem low for Harden.
                    No I agree. He does get some endorsements here but obviously it won’t touch a guy like Harden’s. His whole mantra is Bet on Yourself lol it’s not shocking he believes in his own abilities and wants all compensation he can get.

                    Just looked it up, bbref says James is actually at 304M. 271 prior to this year and 33m this season. He was playing prime years in Houston on the original contract they gave him after the trade at like 15m per which deflated his numbers. Then obviously this year where he was eligible for well over 50 per year and took the 33


                    • LJ2 wrote: View Post

                      James Harden whose career earnings are at $227M and counting is an exception, rather than the rule. But you already know that.
                      So James Harden can legitimately say “all I care about is winning championships” along with other rare guys like Tim Duncan and Lebron with the Heat.

                      Everyone else can shut TF up.


                      • Bonus Jonas wrote: View Post
                        227 seems so low for James
                        Becuase it wasn't that long ago that $20M was huge, now it's 30-40M. Scrubs will make more in career earnings than MJ


                        • golden wrote: View Post

                          So James Harden can legitimately say “all I care about is winning championships” along with other rare guys like Tim Duncan and Lebron with the Heat.

                          Everyone else can shut TF up.
                          To the point above, when lebron, Wade and Bosh colluded to take the exact same ~$20M per year to try and win "not one, not two, not three....) he was doubling that on his Chinese cheap labour shoe deal +++

                          He could ball for free and still be a very very rich man.


                          • G__Deane wrote: View Post

                            Becuase it wasn't that long ago that $20M was huge, now it's 30-40M. Scrubs will make more in career earnings than MJ
                            NBA salaries are crazy. Guys like Norm are making more than Crosby and other top NHL players.


                            • golden wrote: View Post

                              So James Harden can legitimately say “all I care about is winning championships” along with other rare guys like Tim Duncan and Lebron with the Heat.

                              Everyone else can shut TF up.
                              They can say it all they want but most don't mean it, it's just lip services. But you already knew that.


                              • LJ2 wrote: View Post

                                NBA salaries are crazy. Guys like Norm are making more than Crosby and other top NHL players.
                                Well the answer to that is pretty obvious. The NBA makes a lot more money than the NHL. And there are only 450 players in the entire league at any one time.

                                If you have a kid that's pretty tall.. get them a basketball.

