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  • slaw wrote: View Post

    The biggest tax advantage for pro athletes in Canada is tax deferral. The tax man gets you but not for 30-40 years. Having completely fucked over lawyers, doctors, accountants, and small businessmen, the CRA is now trying very hard to clamp down on athletes. Going to be fascinating to see what happens if CRA wins its current dispute with several former Jays. If it does, it will impact free agent signings in Canada for sure. NHL and NBA teams would be most affected given the cap (Jays can always just pay more).
    Only one thing matters: We The Champs.


    • Regardless the Houston offer, I am sure Fred will not be back next seasons with the Raptors, and that would be good.


      • RaptorsVictim wrote: View Post
        Regardless the Houston offer, I am sure Fred will not be back next seasons with the Raptors, and that would be good.
        There's likely not another team beyond Houston (if true) dumb enough to pay more than Masai will feel oddly compelled to.


        • I wrote extensively Monday night about Houston’s interest in signing Fred VanVleet away from Toronto.This has led to a flurry of informants advising me to give strong credence to projections that the Rockets want to sign VanVleet, who shot just 39.3% from the field this past season and 34.2% on 3-pointers, to a max two-year deal projected at $83.6 million.

          7 hours ago – via Marc Stein @
          two more days.


          • The Claw Reborn wrote: View Post

            two more days.
            follow the $$$


            • My very real fear is that Masai should have traded him at the deadline and now doesn't want to compound that error by letting him walk for nothing.....hence the incoming over pay. Months later it will be confirmed there never was any 2/83 offer from Houston....


              • G____Deane wrote: View Post
                My very real fear is that Masai should have traded him at the deadline and now doesn't want to compound that error by letting him walk for nothing.....hence the incoming over pay. Months later it will be confirmed there never was any 2/83 offer from Houston....
                yeah Masai already used his Fire coach card. Will be hard to blame anybody else if this goes to shit next season.
                Only one thing matters: We The Champs.


                • chris wrote: View Post

                  i posted my feelings on how i think garland would be hard to hide defensively in the other thread, but just wanted to say re: the bold that i think scottie will start to see a 180 in his defensive reputation this upcoming season. people focused too much on all the blow by's last year because they stand out, but those were a byproduct of nick's ultra-aggressive pressure-the-ball-at-all-times system. he's a good one-on-one defender against multiple positions, is super smart, and pretty disruptive as a roamer on defense a la draymond.

                  paul george recently called scottie and herb jones two of the most underrated defensive players in the league. players say crazy shit all the time but that mostly checks out with what i thought i was seeing last season.

                  i think scottie will start to get more recognition on that end under a more conservative defensive scheme
                  That would be awesome if he takes a leap defensively. Clearly, the physical tools are there so hopefully youre right with a new defence. I still think he can be a decent option defensively on ball handlers, just no need to get on top of those guys when you have Scottie's length to contest shots. Regardless of how he is deployed defensively he can be a menace all over the court I think, he made some heady plays last season, lets hope for many more.


                  • MixxAOR wrote: View Post

                    yeah Masai already used his Fire coach card. Will be hard to blame anybody else if this goes to shit next season.
                    It’s going to take years to recover from betting hard on the FVV/OG/Pascal core. Best we can hope for is a treadmill team, maaybe 2nd round exit, if everything breaks right.

                    Parity is the new synonym for “contender”.


                    • planetmars wrote: View Post

                      No, I want an actual PG.
                      So you don't want Fred? Cool, me neither.

                      Fred is NOT A PG.

                      Like holy crap guys, he's just not.

                      He's a combo guard who leans heavily towards SG.

                      Just because he's short does not make him a PG.


                      • Dr Hannibal Lecter wrote: View Post

                        22 percent compare vs little less than 50 percent..
                        40 million taxed at 22 percent vs 30 million taxed 50 percent.
                        Houston clean 31.2 million vs Raptors 15 million or so...
                        Canada sucks..the more u make the more they tax u..that's why all these athletes hid money into retirement fund when these athletes retire there done at age 35 tax..clean, can't do that anymore.
                        Either way..let him go 2 Houston Dan..Gully, u have hard on for him, what is about him that appeal 2 u...I don't get love affair, his not a 30 million player, Houston wants give him 40 million, I mean damn, just go 2 Houston, plz go away..all the Raptors will say thank u for not committing 2 guy who is 30 but plays like 40...
                        U don't need him
                        The bold is one of the best parts of Canada. USA is only good for the insanely rich. They get taxed at a much lower rate. I pay a higher % of my income than Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. My wife and I make 6 figures but having our baby cost us over $30K out of pocket after insurance. We got ZERO paid maternity or paternity days off. We get ZERO to help with child care. If you get sick, enjoy ZERO paid days off and ZERO protection of your job, if they can they will replace you. USA is a freaking disaster for everyone but the mega rich. Please please please do not think it's better over here, it isn't. If something happens to one of us medically we go bankrupt. The by FAR number 1 reason for bankruptcy in the USA is medical debt. Everyone who gets cancer, regardless of income, is bankrupt within 3 years. It's a horrible awful system that isn't humane in the slightest. Thank god I'm a Canadian citizen, if myself or my wife or kids get cancer we're moving to Canada so we don't go broke. USA is not a system to envy. Do you guys get blasted with drug ads when you watch TV? No? Because they're illegal everywhere but the USA. Drug companies spend WAY more on ads than research. Health insurance companies is the biggest scam of all time. How much would you pay to stay alive? Probably anything right? They know that, and act accordingly. USA is great if you're a millionaire, if not, you're much better off in Canada or just about anywhere else.


                        • Primer wrote: View Post

                          The bold is one of the best parts of Canada. USA is only good for the insanely rich. They get taxed at a much lower rate. I pay a higher % of my income than Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. My wife and I make 6 figures but having our baby cost us over $30K out of pocket after insurance. We got ZERO paid maternity or paternity days off. We get ZERO to help with child care. If you get sick, enjoy ZERO paid days off and ZERO protection of your job, if they can they will replace you. USA is a freaking disaster for everyone but the mega rich. Please please please do not think it's better over here, it isn't. If something happens to one of us medically we go bankrupt. The by FAR number 1 reason for bankruptcy in the USA is medical debt. Everyone who gets cancer, regardless of income, is bankrupt within 3 years. It's a horrible awful system that isn't humane in the slightest. Thank god I'm a Canadian citizen, if myself or my wife or kids get cancer we're moving to Canada so we don't go broke. USA is not a system to envy. Do you guys get blasted with drug ads when you watch TV? No? Because they're illegal everywhere but the USA. Drug companies spend WAY more on ads than research. Health insurance companies is the biggest scam of all time. How much would you pay to stay alive? Probably anything right? They know that, and act accordingly. USA is great if you're a millionaire, if not, you're much better off in Canada or just about anywhere else.
                          I don't think it's quite that cut and dried.

                          I have 2 Canadian friends currently living in Nashville and LA respectively and family in FL, NY, AZ and OR. They pay soooo much less in income tax that they can afford very comprehensive medical insurance and still come out ahead. That's before all they save in virtually everything they buy (gas, booze, food, electronics, cars etc) and the ability to semi write off their mortgage payments (at the expense of no primary residence appreciation shelter which our lovely government is looking at taxing!) That's all before considering the stronger US dollar which makes all imports cheaper and travelling outside of NA less expensive.

                          Don't kid yourself, we pay and pay handsomely for health insurance, it's just buried in tax up front. And although it's great to have a baby delivered free or see a primary care provider for "free", many many specialists for cancer care, knee replacement etc have multi months or year waiting lists while they wait in pain and for you to die before having to provide the free coverage.

                          OHIP is bleeding from its eyeballs, there's a reason why things like eye glasses, massage therapists and and physio used to be covered and they take things off the list regularly. It's going to get much worse with the aging population and taxes must continually rise and service drop to support it; if anything, we've proven that universal coverage does not work.

                          Not so cut and dried.


                          • Primer wrote: View Post

                            So you don't want Fred? Cool, me neither.

                            Fred is NOT A PG.

                            Like holy crap guys, he's just not.

                            He's a combo guard who leans heavily towards SG.

                            Just because he's short does not make him a PG.
                            Do you have, like, a measure by which he is not a PG? How do you draw that line? Like, was Lowry a point guard?

                            Like, early in his career I was very much in the Fred-is-a-SG camp, but he's made huge strides in playmaking since then. Was obviously pretty apparent late in the season when he had Jak to run PnR with, but even before then, it seems like you are holding him to elite PG requirements to be able to claim he is not a PG at all, and no one is claiming he is an elite PG.


                            • G____Deane wrote: View Post

                              I don't think it's quite that cut and dried.

                              I have 2 Canadian friends currently living in Nashville and LA respectively and family in FL, NY, AZ and OR. They pay soooo much less in income tax that they can afford very comprehensive medical insurance and still come out ahead. That's before all they save in virtually everything they buy (gas, booze, food, electronics, cars etc) and the ability to semi write off their mortgage payments (at the expense of no primary residence appreciation shelter which our lovely government is looking at taxing!) That's all before considering the stronger US dollar which makes all imports cheaper and travelling outside of NA less expensive.

                              Don't kid yourself, we pay and pay handsomely for health insurance, it's just buried in tax up front. And although it's great to have a baby delivered free or see a primary care provider for "free", many many specialists for cancer care, knee replacement etc have multi months or year waiting lists while they wait in pain and for you to die before having to provide the free coverage.

                              OHIP is bleeding from its eyeballs, there's a reason why things like eye glasses, massage therapists and and physio used to be covered and they take things off the list regularly. It's going to get much worse with the aging population and taxes must continually rise and service drop to support it; if anything, we've proven that universal coverage does not work.

                              Not so cut and dried.
                              A few things.

                              - You have no idea what you are talking about and are just repeating crap you don't understand.
                              - Net savings rate of USAmericans is just over half of that of Canadians, and less than a third of French or Germans, so no they don't have more money left over.
                              - Health care in the US costs four times as much as in Canada (or other single payer systems) and produced poorer results.
                              - This whole thread is off topic, so rather than waste everyone's time being a reply guy, just get back to Fred VanVleet please


                              • Let's not drag the off-topic stuff in here, please.

