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  • Over/under DD shoots 46% FG in game 1.


    • under


      • SkywalkerAC wrote: View Post
        Over/under DD shoots 46% FG in game 1.
        Well, odds are it's well under. But who knows for any one game.


        • They aren't the defensive team of the past. I say over.


          • I have one answer for that : LMAO.....So he's gonna turned into Klay Thomson.

            DD is a talent who still doesn't know what he's good at and I guess No coaches have told him.

            I say we're lucky IF he gets to 43%

            SkywalkerAC wrote: View Post
            Over/under DD shoots 46% FG in game 1.


            • SkywalkerAC wrote: View Post
              Over/under DD shoots 46% FG in game 1.


              • over.


                • SkywalkerAC wrote: View Post
                  Ever the optimist....good on ya

                  Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk


                  • Just Is wrote: View Post
                    Golden State whiteboard disagrees with you there.
                    My signature has something to say about this.

                    Also, let's note that the people who wrote this message on their pre-game whiteboard won last year's NBA Championship. But what does RR know, right? Bunch of anti-DD haturrzzzz, of course.
                    "We're playing in a building." -- Kawhi Leonard


                    • Snooch wrote: View Post
                      Ever the optimist....good on ya

                      Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
                      I also admire Sywalker and Christian's resilience. They're as committed to DeMar as DeMar is committed to shooting 18 footers at a really low %.
                      "We're playing in a building." -- Kawhi Leonard


                      • S.R. wrote: View Post
                        I also admire Sywalker and Christian's resilience. They're as committed to DeMar as DeMar is committed to shooting 18 footers at a really low %.
                        Great analogy.

                        I'm taking the over though. Not because I think he'll get the over but I'd rather him get the over since I don't the % scored will affect the amount of shots taken.
                        "My biggest concern as a coach is to not confuse winning with progress." - Steve Kerr
                        "If it's unacceptable in defeat, it's unacceptable in victory." - Jeff Van Gundy


                        • Chr1s1anL wrote: View Post
                          Sid: What does DD have to do to receive a big pay day from the Raptors

                          Masai: Win

                          Like I've been saying. If Raps actually get pass the first round. DD will be a raptor for a couple more years. Same goes for Casey. I like there chances.
                          There were a couple a sentences after that were very, very interesting...this was the full exchange:

                          Sid: What does DD have to do to receive a big pay day from the Raptors

                          Masai: Win

                          Sid: Win a round?

                          Masai: We have to win. We have to win BIG TIME.
                          Seems to me like Masai's leaving himself a big, fat, juicy out here.

                          Winning..."BIG TIME".

                          So, the question is, what does "BIG TIME" mean to Masai?

                          I'd guess this means getting to the conference finals, this year, minimum - if Demar wants max or near-max money.
                          "Stop eating your sushi."
                          "I do actually have a pair of Uggs."
                          "I've had three cups of green tea tonight. I'm wired. I'm absolutely wired."
                          - Jack Armstrong


                          • psrs1 wrote: View Post
                            It should be all about winning. Will DD sacrifice for his teamates and the sake of winning? Hopefully he has reflected on what has not worked in the last two seasons and adjust his game especially with ball distribution.
                            Dd adjusts to allow for more wins he is worth even less than what he is slated to be paid.

                            Will set franchise back a minimum of 5 years if demar is resigned.

                            Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk


                            • I don't think Masai will the least bit sentimental when it comes to re-signing DeMar Derozan. I don't think anyone has to worry about that. Or should wish it were otherwise, per se ...

                              And I think DeMar's detractors make some clear, well-supported and salient points about where his game stands, entering this season. There's really no argument there, per se. Not on the numbers, anyway ...

                              But still. I think DeMar's detractors give him too little credit for how far he's come, since he was a very young, very shy and unassuming rookie with our team. Unlike JV, he's not been sheltered. His game - warts and all - has been on full display, night-in and night-out. And he'll try to carry the weight. That much we do know ...

                              But most especially, I think some underestimate the value DeMar brings to the team as a person. Yeah, I know: "Blah, blah, blah, stats, he sucks so who cares" right? But my view is that Toronto, and the Raptors, are envied as an NBA franchise - not just on the way up - but as a franchise that is forging a path of continuity and brotherhood. And the fans have supported this team - even spectacularly - through some lean times. And it's become a relatively stress-free place to ply your craft, (while moving into the 40+ win-bracket). And yet there's still more to hope for here. Sure, this year is a transition year. Who knows?

                              But we're well set to move forward. And I'd suggest that Kyle doesn't sign here - quickly - without DeMar being ready to play the "yin" to his "yang" (or vice versa - whatever ). I don't think Aldridge pays the Raptors the deep compliment of a "look" without all of the foregoing being true. I'm not sure we get Bismack, Demarre or Bennett, without a tussle, either, without the "vibe" and prospects being so good for your hometown Raptors.

                              Perhaps we could admit that it's just not easy to be a perennial all-star ... to join the true elite of the NBA. Can DeMar get there? Not sure ... (but not sure he has to ... quite).

                              But I'm definitely pulling for the guy. He may get another year to take his final steps if the 2016 free agency sweepstakes don't line up fully in our favour ... or if management decides that what they see in 2015 still allows for significant growth - without letting DeMar walk. But Masai and Demar may just decide that it's time to move on. They really might. I think they know the score. And I take Masai at his word when he says we won't be stuck in the middle (and he's got a career to worry about, too). And I think the fan base (not the Leafs ... the Raptors) deserves some post-season success.

                              But I'm pulling for DeMar. and the team (though they haven't, yet, even been able to take a full "cut" at the offense. Things take time).

                              I love it when good things happen to good people.

                              So I'm fully in DeMar's corner ... though if he has to go, I'll understand .. and wish him the very best.

                              So how's about we just see what we shall see. Should be interesting, right? Should be fun, too. I'ts supposed to be fun, isn't it?.

                              Last edited by Wild-ling#1; Wed Oct 28, 2015, 02:39 PM.


                              • The main thing for DeMar and this team, which Masai came right out and said, is can he play winning basketball this year? Last season and his allstar season before are behind us. Time to step up and put all that learning into practice - better scoring efficiency, better facilitation, better defense, and more wins produced in the regular season and playoffs.

                                I'm optimistic.

