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  • G__Deane wrote: View Post
    People would find a similar "lack of noise" if they cut out 90% of the non-essential fb, twitter, podcasts, netflix, XBOX etc. "Following" dozens of useless celebs and thought makers/influencers is poison to mental health and well being imo. Pop culture sucks

    It's not that any one of them is that bad individually, it's the totality of them vs quality time outside, actual face time with family and friends, cooking/eating, actually reading, fresh air .... but I actually don't have much faith for the vast majority of humanity to not go back to exactly the lives they were leading once things return to relative normal; people are consumed with electronics and fake busyness.
    Absolutely. Stopping yourself from overconsuming on media takes a lot of self control and deliberately going against the flow. Like eating well and staying active, it's way easier said than done. You can't even take a piss at Boston Pizza without watching commercials on the monitor over the urinal. Media's everywhere.

    I've been eying 'dumb phones' for a couple years but I don't think I can make the switch because work and long distance family relationships use apps that require a smartphone. And once you have it in your pocket, it's damn hard to not switch on YouTube or whatever at various times of day. I always find myself doing that more than I really want to.
    "We're playing in a building." -- Kawhi Leonard


    • KeonClark wrote: View Post

      This has taught me that pro sports really is inconsequential, I would in instant rather have the things back that I physically actually do, ie, local activities. I dont miss pro sports that bad anymore, once I realized it wasnt coming back. What I couldn't live without is the various social activities, outdoors and indoors, that you forget how much you do until they're gone.
      Yeah, I’ve thought “I wish I could go out with my friends” or even “I wish I could go to school” a lot more than “I wish the NBA was on” over the last few weeks.

      I’ll still be very happy with the NBA comes back though lol
      The name's Bond, James Bond.


      • S.R. wrote: View Post

        Absolutely. Stopping yourself from overconsuming on media takes a lot of self control and deliberately going against the flow. Like eating well and staying active, it's way easier said than done. You can't even take a piss at Boston Pizza without watching commercials on the monitor over the urinal. Media's everywhere.

        I've been eying 'dumb phones' for a couple years but I don't think I can make the switch because work and long distance family relationships use apps that require a smartphone. And once you have it in your pocket, it's damn hard to not switch on YouTube or whatever at various times of day. I always find myself doing that more than I really want to.
        You think that's bad? I find myself going on a Toronto raptors fan forum daily, even though theres literally nothing to discuss.
        9 time first team all-RR, First Ballot Hall of Forum


        • S.R. wrote: View Post

          Absolutely. Stopping yourself from overconsuming on media takes a lot of self control and deliberately going against the flow. Like eating well and staying active, it's way easier said than done. You can't even take a piss at Boston Pizza without watching commercials on the monitor over the urinal. Media's everywhere.

          I've been eying 'dumb phones' for a couple years but I don't think I can make the switch because work and long distance family relationships use apps that require a smartphone. And once you have it in your pocket, it's damn hard to not switch on YouTube or whatever at various times of day. I always find myself doing that more than I really want to.
          I am rebelling. I have work email on my phone, not personal. I use email, txt (get way too many now as friends almost never email) and the camera. Oh, and the phone

          Very few apps except work related like WhatsApp for US clients with it. I almost never browse or otherwise waste time on it. It's hard to stay disciplined in a world where people are convinced that busier is cooler/better and every break for a minute or two is seen just as another opportunity to play a game or look at Youtube. Laptop is another matter, I can get sucked into special interest websites but social media is more like RR since I avoid fb and Twitter etc like the plague.

          If you can't put your phone down for an hour without getting withdrawal (seriously) or you can't put it down for a meal or you can't let it out of your hands or you can't go to bed without one last check or having it on your bedside table or you can't sit with your spouse/a friend without checking it constantly....YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.

          Cell phones are the blessing that destroyed this generation. Depression, anxiety, bullying, suicides, financial scams and blackmail, FOMO all come from that little box in ur pocket. But at least peeps can hit up Marvel Strike Force or something


          • MixxAOR wrote: View Post
            Is Norman Powell part of the core moving forward?
            I would say tentatively yes, but move on from him if a good deal presents itself. And a good deal doesn't just mean a star player. At least we're now not worried about how we're going to dump him.

            What he's done though is provide secondary offensive output that can ease the pressure off of Pascal. Sure, his advanced numbers aren't the best but his raw output is good enough that I'd be more than happy to keep him. Obviously there will be a log jam at the guard positions - only two of Kyle, Fred, and Norm can start. Kyle isn't hitting the bench anytime soon, and Fred is a free agent and benching him might not be the best for us. I think Norm off the bench until this offseason (whenever that happens) and then reevaluate after the playoffs have made things clearer will be the plan of attack for Masai and Bobby.


            • Maury wrote: View Post

              I would say tentatively yes, but move on from him if a good deal presents itself. And a good deal doesn't just mean a star player. At least we're now not worried about how we're going to dump him.

              What he's done though is provide secondary offensive output that can ease the pressure off of Pascal. Sure, his advanced numbers aren't the best but his raw output is good enough that I'd be more than happy to keep him. Obviously there will be a log jam at the guard positions - only two of Kyle, Fred, and Norm can start. Kyle isn't hitting the bench anytime soon, and Fred is a free agent and benching him might not be the best for us. I think Norm off the bench until this offseason (whenever that happens) and then reevaluate after the playoffs have made things clearer will be the plan of attack for Masai and Bobby.
              Kyle might not being going to the bench any time soon, but the team needs to cut his mpg. He is a 34 year old bulldog of a point guard that only knows one way to play. The only way to protect him is by having him off the floor. I for one would rather see Norm start along side Kyle and then have Fred come in off the bench to spell Lowry more over the first 3 quarters, saving the 2 point guard lineup for the 4th quarter.

              I think Fred would see he is the 6th starter and once Kyle is done is the starter on a very good team. Pay him like and play him like a starter and he will stay and be happy on a great team. He will get the keys to the team in a year or two.
              Twitter @WJ_FINDLAY


              • WJF wrote: View Post

                Kyle might not being going to the bench any time soon, but the team needs to cut his mpg. He is a 34 year old bulldog of a point guard that only knows one way to play. The only way to protect him is by having him off the floor. I for one would rather see Norm start along side Kyle and then have Fred come in off the bench to spell Lowry more over the first 3 quarters, saving the 2 point guard lineup for the 4th quarter.

                I think Fred would see he is the 6th starter and once Kyle is done is the starter on a very good team. Pay him like and play him like a starter and he will stay and be happy on a great team. He will get the keys to the team in a year or two.
                This seems reasonable.
                WTF man?


                • I agree with Shaq by the way. Who you got?


                  • Sonny wrote: View Post
                    I agree with Shaq by the way. Who you got?

                    MJs Bulls in 6

                    Shaq and Kobe Lakers got a lot of...ahem...favors along the way. I'll take the 6 titles over the 2.
                    9 time first team all-RR, First Ballot Hall of Forum


                    • Who guards shaq on the bulls tho? that would probably be the deciding factor.
                      It like these hypotheticals AD and Bron vs Kobe and Shaq. Ya lebrons the best overall but they can just dump the ball into the post and they would have no anwser for Shaq.

                      I'd love to see a real post dominant center in this era just to see what it would look like. Would Lakers shaq give up to much in transition or would the other team take too many 3 to counter balance the post dominance?
                      On the other side the Big could rack up and 1s (if he was even an average FT shooter) and get ever player on the opposition in foul trouble.
                      To be the champs you got to beat the champs


                      • Chicago swept Orlando in 96. Rodman did heck of a job on Shaq if you don't remember that series. Lakers would have no answer for MJ. Pippen would do a heck of a job on Kobe. I think the Bulls in in 5.


                        • bertarapsfan wrote: View Post
                          I'd love to see a real post dominant center in this era just to see what it would look like. Would Lakers shaq give up to much in transition or would the other team take too many 3 to counter balance the post dominance?
                          On the other side the Big could rack up and 1s (if he was even an average FT shooter) and get ever player on the opposition in foul trouble.
                          I think Marc Gasol would do an amazing job on Shaq. Gasol has a really wide frame. And is super intelligent defending in the post. Would make Shaq have to take floaters and hook shots, and get him off his game.


                          • Let's see, the Bulls have the greatest player of all time in MJ, one of the greatest 2 way player of all time in Pippen and arguably the greatest defensive player of all time in Rodman.

                            Anyone remember when the Bulls swept the Shaq and Penny 60 win Magic team? Rodman ALWAYS got under Shaq's skin. Average margin of victory was 17 points. So there's your question to the "who guards Shaq" question. The real question should be, who's going to guard Jordan and Pippen?

                            Now, if you want to go by matchup then...

                            Longley < Shaq
                            Rodman > Grant
                            Pippen > Fox
                            Jordan > Kobe
                            Harper > Fisher

                            Kukoc > Horry

                            The Bulls would've swept the Lakers.

                            The more fair debate is, Hakeem's Rockets or Shaq and Kobe's Lakers?
                            Mamba Mentality


                            • Rodman is the one guy you don't fuck around.

                              Mamba Mentality


                              • Magic Shaq and Lakers Shaq were very different players tho.
                                I dont think Lakers would necessary win but it would be intresting to see what the bulls would do with prime Shaq.
                                To be the champs you got to beat the champs

