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Everything (2016-2017) Regular Season Game Threads

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  • Zach Lavine out for the season after probably coming back from injury too quickly.

    Cautionary tale.


    • special1 wrote: View Post
      Keep the jokes coming.

      Derozan has reached his ceiling? Heard that before..... Actually, I think I heard this every year for the past 4 years.

      Derozan will likely retire as a Raptor. Almost zero chance he gets traded. You confuse your dreams with reality.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Still no range and still cannot defend his position after 8 years in the league, goodness gracious.

      Your boy is not bigger than the franchise, I hope you realize that. Nobody is untradable especially a player like Derozan. He is nowhere near those generational talents that had graced the top teams in this league. He is easily replaceable.


      • Just Is wrote: View Post
        So ... is it time NOW to consider a different game plan? Maybe something different?

        Maybe making adaptions to the offensive and defensive game plan? Maybe looking at more FVV and less Corey? More Powell instead of Carroll? More Bebe or Poetl at PF instead of Siakam or Sully?

        I am beginning to become OK with the idea of moving Carroll, CoJo and/or Siakam in the off season or earlier.

        Honestly, the worst part about this slump for me isn't the losing or us playing badly. It's us still being able to win these games but throwing them away anyways. DD being hurt or not (to me at least) doesn't make a lick of difference in this case given we were already slumping before he got hurt.
        Norm and Delon taking Carroll and Corey's minutes should be a starting point. But both should be traded for players who might actually help. I like VanFleek but he is simply too small and Wright has already shown when he actually got some damn minutes (friggin Casey) that he is better than either CJ or FVV. Of course we don't even need to discuss how Powell is better than the carcass of DC but enough is enough with Casey's experience over results philosphy.

        Then the other glaring hole is having no interior defence with Biz gone, a simple solution would be to bring on Larry Sanders for peanuts. Just doing those 2 things would make a BIG difference in how we're playing right now and we may actually start resembling a decent team like we were last year. That's not even taken into account what we may get back for Corey or Carroll (which for DC admittingly would likely be scraps) and whatever other bigger trades Masai may execute. But those tweaks are immediate tweaks I think we MUST make before this thing totally implodes.


        • Can our players just get some fucking rest and don't 'play through' injuries?! It's mid-season ffs


          • Comment

            • LOL:


              • Lmfao
                Abbas wrote:

                First of all i was my own source


                • The Claw Reborn wrote: View Post
                  Still no range and still cannot defend his position after 8 years in the league, goodness gracious.

                  Your boy is not bigger than the franchise, I hope you realize that. Nobody is untradable especially a player like Derozan. He is nowhere near those generational talents that had graced the top teams in this league. He is easily replaceable.
                  3 x All-star ..... starting this upcoming one.

                  Hand picked by a combination of the Fans, the Media and the Players.

                  I bet it hurts to read this. But I enjoyed typing it! Let it be a reminder to you....

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • hotfuzz wrote: View Post
                    Wait...the fucking Bulls are only 4.5 games back of us? What the fuck??
                    If there was ever a sign to panic..
                    Last edited by tDotted; Sat Feb 4, 2017, 11:01 PM.


                    • We should be defensive-minded team. I know scoring lots of points.. yeah it's fun, but what happens when you can't hit those 3pointers? Well, look at us now.


                      • Idk where to put this but kinda nice that a superstar like KG gave this city some recognition at 2:45


                        • Sam17 wrote: View Post

                          Idk where to put this but kinda nice that a superstar like KG gave this city some recognition at 2:45
                          Yeah everyone loves White Vegas


                          • Just shows how far we've fallen when we can't beat ORL n the Hawks are beating them down badly right now.


                            • Come on Raps. I expect a fucking beatdown. From 1st Q to the last second. Look at the Leafs. They're getting back on track.

                              A fucking beatdown.

                              Raps win by 20.(If Kyle and DD plays)


                              • And now we're 5th place in the East as Atlanta and Washington have overtaken us...

