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  • Dwane Casey wrote: View Post
    For better or worse, the true commanding leader on this team isn't the coach, but Lowry. The combination of Dwane and Kyle's personalities has determined this. Dwane simply can't tell Kyle what to do without Kyle revolting. We saw this happen two seasons ago when Kyle lost his starting job to Jose, and then stopped trying for the rest of the year.

    A lot of the success that this team has is derived from them being able to freelance a lot of the time. It's a unique situation, but one that's worked out very well over the past year and a half. But, given how most of them are wired, this means the ball won't be going inside a heck of a lot.
    Well it's obvious that it is Kyle, and your point about Kyle's personality makes perfect sense about why it is how it is atm. However, Kyle has shown maturity, as he mentioned himself that he wish he would have behaved differently with McHale and in his past career in general, if you bring in a respected coach, who has charisma like Pop or SVG, then I can see Kyle Lowry getting tamed.
    Official Pope of the Raptors sponsored by MLSE.


    • cinqueda wrote: View Post
      which is why we need to run plays to force them too, and pull them out when they get to selfish give them some time to reflect on why what they did is wrong and hurts the team. apparently they can do what they like on offence for the most time as long as they play hard on defence, but letting every point guard blow by so easily is hardly good defence bottom 10 defence is not something to reward with free reign, especially since our guys just don't seem to have the bbiq for it, even lowry and vasquez who have been good to great passers before don't seem to make the right plays anymore, hoping it's tired legs from lowry, but we need to rest the man seriously, and vasquez is having occasionaly games where he looks like his old self.
      Sorry, but we're 33-16. As much as it pains me to watch how we play sometimes, the fact is, it works. And it plays to the strengths of the majority of the players on the roster. Although many of you like to question Dwane, the Raptors are being coached, and coached well, to the personnel that they have.

      Some people here might talk about 'you have to build a system, and make the players play a certain way.' Easier said than done, especially once you throw personalities and ingrained tendencies into the mix.
      We make mistakes. That's why they put erasers on pencils.


      • Dwane Casey wrote: View Post
        Sorry, but we're 33-16. As much as it pains me to watch how we play sometimes, the fact is, it works. And it plays to the strengths of the majority of the players on the roster. Although many of you like to question Dwane, the Raptors are being coached, and coached well, to the personnel that they have.

        Some people here might talk about 'you have to build a system, and make the players play a certain way.' Easier said than done, especially once you throw personalities and ingrained tendencies into the mix.
        you just sounded like actual Casey, creepy.
        Official Pope of the Raptors sponsored by MLSE.


        • Dwane Casey wrote: View Post
          Sorry, but not true.

          A front court mismatch really only matters if you can get the ball inside consistently. And although Masai's built a nice little team, it's deepest flaw is it's selfishness/basketball IQ. They will not, no matter what they're told, work the ball inside consistently. They do not like to pass. I've said this, in so many words, before.

          This is what happens when your co-captains have grown up idolizing Kobe and AI.
          NO. This is what happened when you have TERRIBLE coaching. Tor offense is a guard-orientend self-developped system. In other words, this O doesn'T look like something that was drawnup in a thinktank; because they were busy developping our DEFENSIVE STRATEGY (22nd) and the O kinda took care of itself. Iit was never a concern , apparently coaching only involves ONE-SIDE of the ball.

          That being said, it is perfectly normal that Tor doesn't play inside more BECAUSE IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT was part of the Offensive philosopy. Even when they try to force-feed JV; it looks very UN-NATURAL; our guards do not know how to get the ball inside, it is not their forte and it is not what the coaches have been demanding.

          So now you're stuck with an ISO offense; and POOR HABITS. You can't go FROM ISO-HEAVY offense to ball movement and inside-out system overnight. Look how long it too ATLANTA.

          I analysed the raps (like most of you); because I could not understand why they were so good this year and even last year.
          What I find out is that their O system is not sustainable/ doesn't exist; and the defensive system seems to be designed for a team with a PREMIER RIM protector and athletic wings. WE can score with the best of them because we have gifted scorers and it looks like that's the only way we will win games.


          • And as for this #FireCasey nonsense, then more time you spend on this, the less you focus on what's actually beginning to happen: Masai's building a team destined for the middle of the pack. The upper middle, but still the middle.

            Just like he said he wouldn't.
            We make mistakes. That's why they put erasers on pencils.


            • I dont even need to watch any post game interviews to know what DC said after this one "Guys were getting good shots that they normally make." Fucking horseshit.
              You come at the King, you best not miss.


              • RandomGuy wrote: View Post
                watch the end of Caseys post game interview, and please someone explain me ...
                hahaha fuckin classic.
                He played well, he rebounded quite a bit and then we benched him for someone else.


                • Just saw this on Reddit


                  • Letter N wrote: View Post
                    Just saw this on Reddit



                    • Letter N wrote: View Post
                      Just saw this on Reddit

                      This made my day atm. That may change, it might not. But still, great post.
                      Axel wrote:
                      Now Cody can stop posting about this guy and we have a poster to blame if anything goes wrong!!
                      KeonClark wrote:
                      We won't hear back from him. He dissapears into thin air and reappears when you least expect it. Ten is an enigma. Ten is a legend. Ten for the motherfucking win.
                      KeonClark wrote:
                      I can't wait until the playoffs start.

                      Until then, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they most often stink


                      • Dwane Casey wrote: View Post
                        And as for this #FireCasey nonsense, then more time you spend on this, the less you focus on what's actually beginning to happen: Masai's building a team destined for the middle of the pack. The upper middle, but still the middle.

                        Just like he said he wouldn't.
                        A team "destined for the middle of the pack" is one that's locked in with decent but not superstar players on unmoveable contracts - in essence, Brooklyn or Denver if they were healthier. (And don't give me guff about how Denver is Masai's fault - the only bad contracts they have left from Masai's era are Danilo Galinari and Javale McGee, the first being an unforeseeable injury decline and the other a gamble that might have paid off if the Nuggets didn't inexplicably fire George Karl.)

                        We don't have that. Our best player is on a relatively cheap contract. Our second-best player is on a relatively cheap contract. Our younger players aren't locked into extensions yet. Our key bench components are on reasonable, not overlong contracts. We have tons of expirings.

                        In short: as built, this is an extremely flexible team, and that's because Masai's philosophy for team building prizes flexibility and asset accumulation because he understands that if a superstar player becomes available, you need to be able to trade for him or sign him. The strategy is sound: create a solid upper-tier team in the East with the pieces available that a star player can conceivably decide will become a title contender with his presence added.


                        • magoon wrote: View Post
                          A team "destined for the middle of the pack" is one that's locked in with decent but not superstar players on unmoveable contracts - in essence, Brooklyn or Denver if they were healthier. (And don't give me guff about how Denver is Masai's fault - the only bad contracts they have left from Masai's era are Danilo Galinari and Javale McGee, the first being an unforeseeable injury decline and the other a gamble that might have paid off if the Nuggets didn't inexplicably fire George Karl.)

                          We don't have that. Our best player is on a relatively cheap contract. Our second-best player is on a relatively cheap contract. Our younger players aren't locked into extensions yet. Our key bench components are on reasonable, not overlong contracts. We have tons of expirings.

                          In short: as built, this is an extremely flexible team, and that's because Masai's philosophy for team building prizes flexibility and asset accumulation because he understands that if a superstar player becomes available, you need to be able to trade for him or sign him. The strategy is sound: create a solid upper-tier team in the East with the pieces available that a star player can conceivably decide will become a title contender with his presence added.
                          Plus we still have all our 1st round picks, plus a potential lottery pick next year.

                          And people said the same crap about the Hawks last year - in fact they were held up as the model of treadmill/middle of the pack, I can't remember one person saying they weren't (myself included).
                          If we knew half as much about coaching an NBA team as we think, we"d know twice as much as we do.


                          • 3inthekeon wrote: View Post
                            Plus we still have all our 1st round picks, plus a potential lottery pick next year.

                            And people said the same crap about the Hawks last year - in fact they were held up as the model of treadmill/middle of the pack, I can't remember one person saying they weren't (myself included).
                            I thought most people were talking about the Joe Johnson-Josh Smith Hawks. That's what I meant whenever I'd hold them up as a treadmill team.

                            Also the Bucks are a great example. Frequently spend money on mid-tier free agents, and frequently aim for the playoffs so they don't often get high picks that turn into top talents. Just keep on going with mid-level free agents and picks, aiming for those low playoff seeds. Their Truehoop affiliate even used to have the motto "8th seed or bust" (least I think it was them...might've been another Bucks blog/site).


                            • 3inthekeon wrote: View Post
                              Plus we still have all our 1st round picks, plus a potential lottery pick next year.

                              And people said the same crap about the Hawks last year - in fact they were held up as the model of treadmill/middle of the pack, I can't remember one person saying they weren't (myself included).
                              The issue is that the team didn't have the depth they needed, or so people thought. Carroll has been a focal point on D for them, as has Thabo off the bench. Even though are the 5th guys on there unit's, they both play with that style I wish the Raps had. WE have that a bit in JJ, but Casey won't play him. I wanna pick one up at the deadline, but not many guys will be available. Maybe Jared Dudley?
                              Axel wrote:
                              Now Cody can stop posting about this guy and we have a poster to blame if anything goes wrong!!
                              KeonClark wrote:
                              We won't hear back from him. He dissapears into thin air and reappears when you least expect it. Ten is an enigma. Ten is a legend. Ten for the motherfucking win.
                              KeonClark wrote:
                              I can't wait until the playoffs start.

                              Until then, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they most often stink


                              • 3inthekeon wrote: View Post
                                Plus we still have all our 1st round picks, plus a potential lottery pick next year.

                                And people said the same crap about the Hawks last year - in fact they were held up as the model of treadmill/middle of the pack, I can't remember one person saying they weren't (myself included).
                                Actually, I think a lot of people were holding the Hawks up as an example of how to do a proper rebuild to get off the treadmill. They dumped their over-hyped, over-paid 'stars' and have begun to build a solid foundation primarily through the draft, along with a few key free agent signings (ie: Millsap & Sefelosha).

