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  • Kagemusha wrote: View Post
    Funny thing is you read non Toronto articles and fan reactions (twitter, YT, etc) on Van Vleet and they all speak positively of him. LOL
    They don't see the games


    • Kagemusha wrote: View Post
      Funny thing is you read non Toronto articles and fan reactions (twitter, YT, etc) on Van Vleet and they all speak positively of him. LOL
      Incredibly common for us to be fawning over a player on another team and when you go to their message boards their fans hate that player. I trust the people who watch all the games and really care about the team.


      • Kagemusha wrote: View Post
        Funny thing is you read non Toronto articles and fan reactions (twitter, YT, etc) on Van Vleet and they all speak positively of him. LOL
        He is like a lingering cough that won’t go away, hopefully this time its for good

        For good of the team
        For good of the young players especially Scottie and this year’s rookie
        For good of the new coach


        • Kagemusha wrote: View Post
          Funny thing is you read non Toronto articles and fan reactions (twitter, YT, etc) on Van Vleet and they all speak positively of him. LOL
          Fake News..
          His like's all BS..
          "Never apologize for coming to me. Office hours are for patients.
          My kitchen is always open to friends"


          • Primer wrote: View Post

            Incredibly common for us to be fawning over a player on another team and when you go to their message boards their fans hate that player. I trust the people who watch all the games and really care about the team.
            Oh boy, you spend enough time on sites like RealGM (and sometimes here frankly) and you learn the exact opposite lesson real quick.


            • again Don’t look back


              • For 30 million he can move on........


                • What % of the cap is Fred currently receiving and what number will that same % be after the expected cap spike?


                  • Any chances he goes to the Bulls?

                    I think he could fit that team, plus they need a PG and he's from Chicago, no? Also reunite with DeMar!..


                    • LJ2 wrote: View Post
                      What % of the cap is Fred currently receiving and what number will that same % be after the expected cap spike?
                      When Fred signed his current deal, the AAV he signed for was 21.25M in a 109M cap. That projects up to 26M AAV on a new deal in a 134M cap.

                      He signed that before ever making an all star team, and after only a single higher usage season where he scored 17 PPG (first time over 11) and he's averaged 20 PPG since, maintaining a similar assist rate (spiked a bit this year) and slight dip in efficiency (55% TS% then, 54% TS% since).

                      So 30M is a pretty small raise over the last deal he signed, in context.


                      • As for the upcoming cap spike, we don't have solid numbers on it, but it would come after the first two years of Fred's deal. But we know the new CBA is putting a 10% limit on cap level raising, so that won't be a huge factor, with players across the league just getting kickbacks to level out the revenue split.


                        • LJ2 wrote: View Post
                          What % of the cap is Fred currently receiving and what number will that same % be after the expected cap spike?
                          I still don't understand why a player making let's say $20M or 20% of a $100M cap is suddenly worth 30 if the cap is 150M? Can you not just decide he's not worth more (he's sure not taking less if the cap goes down) or spread the new money around to others or a new player?

                          I guess what I don't understand is the cap goes up and every team has to spend more on the same players?


                          • G____Deane wrote: View Post

                            I still don't understand why a player making let's say $20M or 20% of a $100M cap is suddenly worth 30 if the cap is 150M? Can you not just decide he's not worth more (he's sure not taking less if the cap goes down) or spread the new money around to others or a new player?

                            I guess what I don't understand is the cap goes up and every team has to spend more on the same players?
                            It's basically inflation. Players are the only commodities. And in the NBA there are only about 450 players in the league at any one time (30 teams, 15 players). And even that's on the high end. Starters will command more of the pie, and that pie will go up as the revenue goes up.


                            • G____Deane wrote: View Post

                              I still don't understand why a player making let's say $20M or 20% of a $100M cap is suddenly worth 30 if the cap is 150M? Can you not just decide he's not worth more (he's sure not taking less if the cap goes down) or spread the new money around to others or a new player?

                              I guess what I don't understand is the cap goes up and every team has to spend more on the same players?
                              It's literally written into the CBA that the players HAVE to get 50% of revenue.

                              Why would the stars suddenly get a smaller share of that money just because there's more of it to go around?

                              If you own 50% stock in a company, and it's value doubles, should you still have 50% of the stock but it's worth twice as much? Or should you only have 25% of the stock that's worth the same amount?

                              Also, yes, if the cap goes down and players hit free agency when the cap is lower, they will absolutely be taking less. That's how it works!


                              • G____Deane wrote: View Post

                                I still don't understand why a player making let's say $20M or 20% of a $100M cap is suddenly worth 30 if the cap is 150M? Can you not just decide he's not worth more (he's sure not taking less if the cap goes down) or spread the new money around to others or a new player?

                                I guess what I don't understand is the cap goes up and every team has to spend more on the same players?
                                Same question l have in mind.
                                Deal should be based on his current value, period.

