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  • KeonClark wrote: View Post

    I think Giannis and KD are both RIGHT THERE. I don't see Demar standing a chance, it's so narrative based. I'd be shocked if he was even top 3 tbh
    I don't see any way Demar wins MVP. I don't think he'll even end up top 3 in voting.


    • It's a narrative award. Steph has this locked up most likely because of that. Lottery team two years in a row, to leading one of the best teams in the league. And he's due for another. Although his numbers of dipped lately.

      KD might have a chance, but he's not actually having a great year.. or at least not a great stretch. His team is sort of floundering around. They lost to a Blazers team last night who was without Lillard, McCollum and Norm. He didn't have Harden, but he had Kyrie. They are also 4-6 in their last 10.. and will likely be over taken by the Heat soon in the standings.

      Giannis won 2 times just recently. Will be tough to get a 3rd, especially when his team isn't as dominant as it was when he won his MVP's.

      DeMar is a feel good story. He's in a bigger market. He's had a few game winners. His team rocks, and they sucked before he arrived. If the Bulls can maintain top seed in the East, why not him? His numbers are good too.. so it's not just fools' gold stuff. He's literally the key reason why the Bulls went from lottery to top seed.

      I think Steph gets it.. but would love for DeMar to get it. I think he still has a chance.


      • Also Lebron is making a claim for it as well. And I know voters in LA will vote for him. His team is mediocre, but he's putting up godly numbers, especially at his age. And they are still racking up wins without Davis.


        • When do we talk about Fred being in the top 10 of the mvp ladder? In addition to his on off numbers, I found an impressive raw numbers list he's on too. 7 guys are averaging 20/5/5: Durant, lebron, curry, giannis, jokic, harden, and Greg Vanvleet
          9 time first team all-RR, First Ballot Hall of Forum


          • planetmars wrote: View Post
            It's a narrative award. Steph has this locked up most likely because of that. Lottery team two years in a row, to leading one of the best teams in the league. And he's due for another. Although his numbers of dipped lately.

            KD might have a chance, but he's not actually having a great year.. or at least not a great stretch. His team is sort of floundering around. They lost to a Blazers team last night who was without Lillard, McCollum and Norm. He didn't have Harden, but he had Kyrie. They are also 4-6 in their last 10.. and will likely be over taken by the Heat soon in the standings.

            Giannis won 2 times just recently. Will be tough to get a 3rd, especially when his team isn't as dominant as it was when he won his MVP's.

            DeMar is a feel good story. He's in a bigger market. He's had a few game winners. His team rocks, and they sucked before he arrived. If the Bulls can maintain top seed in the East, why not him? His numbers are good too.. so it's not just fools' gold stuff. He's literally the key reason why the Bulls went from lottery to top seed.

            I think Steph gets it.. but would love for DeMar to get it. I think he still has a chance.
            Steph should get it. 100% on merit. Look at the players whose reps he's turned around or elevated: Wiggins, Porter, Toscano, Payton, Poole, Looney, etc.., etc... And then there's Draymond and Iggy who were certified washed a few years ago.

            If Raps had the Warriors bench & role players, I guarantee you that people would be calling for Masai's head. Steph warps the floor in a way that makes the game so much easier for everybody. Look at Lebron. That's a perfect contrast. He can't elevate rosters like he used to. Steph can. That's MVP to me.


            • golden wrote: View Post

              Steph should get it. 100% on merit. Look at the players whose reps he's turned around or elevated: Wiggins, Porter, Toscano, Payton, Poole, Looney, etc.., etc... And then there's Draymond and Iggy who were certified washed a few years ago.

              If Raps had the Warriors bench & role players, I guarantee you that people would be calling for Masai's head. Steph warps the floor in a way that makes the game so much easier for everybody. Look at Lebron. That's a perfect contrast. He can't elevate rosters like he used to. Steph can. That's MVP to me.
              Definitely helps when you get double teamed even when you don't have the ball in your hands. Its crazy that a superstar who should have the ball in his hands is also the greatest off ball player of all time.


              • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                When do we talk about Fred being in the top 10 of the mvp ladder? In addition to his on off numbers, I found an impressive raw numbers list he's on too. 7 guys are averaging 20/5/5: Durant, lebron, curry, giannis, jokic, harden, and Greg Vanvleet
                You'll here it if Raps continue to string together wins. Lets keep it in perspective, they've won against teams fielding their bench as starters, so not really a lot driving MVP chatter for FVV right now. Just keep winning and it will all fall into place.


                • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                  When do we talk about Fred being in the top 10 of the mvp ladder? In addition to his on off numbers, I found an impressive raw numbers list he's on too. 7 guys are averaging 20/5/5: Durant, lebron, curry, giannis, jokic, harden, and Greg Vanvleet
                  Raptors are only 3-4 games behind the 4th to 2nd seeds. If they continue winning and climbing in the standings and Fred continues averaging 30, totally possible he makes it into the ladder.

                  We've been talking about how Derozan is the King of the 4th quarter this season, but Fred is getting up there with him. Maybe not in terms of gamewinners, but being clutch at the right moments. The Blazers game, even though they lost, Fred almost pulled out the win. He scored 17 straight points against the Jazz when the Raptors were down double digits, and he pulled off ridiculous heroics again last game.
                  Last edited by A.I; Tue Jan 11, 2022, 02:28 PM.


                  • KeonClark wrote: View Post
                    When do we talk about Fred being in the top 10 of the mvp ladder? In addition to his on off numbers, I found an impressive raw numbers list he's on too. 7 guys are averaging 20/5/5: Durant, lebron, curry, giannis, jokic, harden, and Greg Vanvleet
                    20/5/5 is legit all-star line. I haven't looked right now, but iirc it's very rare that a player averaging that doesn't make it, especially if they're also a 2-way player contributing to winning. I remember the year Sabonis was averaging that and almost didn't make it, and that was considered unusual (he ended up getting due to someone getting hurt), so I think if Fred sustains that, he should get it

                    For the MVP ladder the team is usually on the top 4 in the conference (unless it's an established unicorn like old lebron, embiid or Jokic). That said If we continue to win games with the kinds of performance Fred is putting and that puts us in the top 4 in the east (we're 3 games behind that spot), than yeah he should start showing up on that


                    • Fringe All Star to All Star coaches selection is reasonable

                      But Laugh Out Loud to suggesting MVP consideration


                      • LJ2 wrote: View Post

                        You'll here it if Raps continue to string together wins. Lets keep it in perspective, they've won against teams fielding their bench as starters, so not really a lot driving MVP chatter for FVV right now. Just keep winning and it will all fall into place.
                        True, but for the most part, the NBA and media are trying not to acknowledge the Covid disaster of the last month or so.

                        What you're seeing in the game recaps are stuff like: "Raptors beat an under-manned Jazz team, behind a 29 point effort from Pascal Siakam, etc...". Under-manned. Depleted. etc... lol.


                        • One under-the-radar factor on Fred's explosion has been the play of Siakam, OG and Scottie as of late, finally all on the floor at the same time with some rhythm and consistency. These three are quick, lenghty forwards that can handle the ball and don't rely on Fred to create for them. That leaves Fred free to be at his best: alternating between on and off-ball, with enough free energy to hound opposing guards on defence too.

                          Teams are having a very tough time dealing with the overall impact of Fred on the floor. They can't really afford to double him because Siakam is now gradually getting back to putting a lot of pressure on the rim and OG and Scottie are also legit contributors on the offence (there are no offence black-holes anymore), so Fred's game is thriving


                          • The Claw Reborn wrote: View Post
                            Fringe All Star to All Star coaches selection is reasonable

                            But Laugh Out Loud to suggesting MVP consideration
                            So he's upgraded from moronic mental midget?
                            9 time first team all-RR, First Ballot Hall of Forum


                            • golden wrote: View Post

                              True, but for the most part, the NBA and media are trying not to acknowledge the Covid disaster of the last month or so.

                              What you're seeing in the game recaps are stuff like: "Raptors beat an under-manned Jazz team, behind a 29 point effort from Pascal Siakam, etc...". Under-manned. Depleted. etc... lol.
                              Unlike the other 74 nba seasons, this season doesn't feel like it's about who is the best basketball team anymore, but more about who can stay away from the 'protocols' longer. A team finds a window where everyone is healthy they look like gangbusters, then suddenly they go without 3 or 4 starters for 2 weeks and you're back to "hardship contracts'. Looks feeble but it's the way the league is managing this year.

                              Kinda like a microcosm of other sectors in society: there are fewer directly mandated 'lockdowns' these days, but because depending on where you are quarantine/isolation is still very much prevalent, you see things like airlines cutting routes due to shortage of staff, as well as shortages of teachers, nurses, microchips etc., so the overall product is affected.


                              • KeonClark wrote: View Post

                                So he's upgraded from moronic mental midget?
                                So you are still reading my posts like an obsession LOL.

                                One poster here snitched on you when I was away telling me you mentioned me in one of your post stating that I have been quiet, not posting my evil ways with VanVleet having a nice stretch of games. My ear canal was filled with sand, why I have been invisible lol

                                to answer your question above…

                                he is a midget physically, that was never an upgrade. His height didn’t grow an inch taller at all

                                But I never said that he was a mental midget, he is a tough hombre.

                                Maybe you mistaken Siakam

