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  • Kagemusha wrote: View Post
    He is cold on layups and injured when he hasn't limped for a while now?

    You need better excuses.


    • Kagemusha wrote: View Post
      Why does his injury not affect him in Toronto?


      • A.I wrote: View Post

        Its probably a Scottie thing. Developmental issues, but more so mentally than on-court play.

        If it was a system/coaching issue, he'd be playing poorly overall, not just on the road.
        But he was good on the road last season(?). I seem to recall some massive rise games. Hell, even this year he wasn’t that bad early on.


        • slaw wrote: View Post

          But he was good on the road last season(?). I seem to recall some massive rise games. Hell, even this year he wasn’t that bad early on.
          Yeah, Scottie's home/road splits are truly wild this season. He had virtually identical home/road splits last year... maybe slightly better shooting on the road. The team also had an identical W-L home/road record (24-17).

          OG & Fred also drop off hard on the road, while Pascal actually improves.

          Something weird is going on, for sure.
          Last edited by golden; Fri Dec 23, 2022, 02:10 PM.


          • Still a stud.


            • It is comical coming from a number of people criticizing emotionally the ebb and flow of the game of Scottie. One in particular but that is always expected.


              • When hes on hes a joy to watch. Like kawhi. Just seems effortless to get what he wants (when he wants it) His shoulder bump for space is virtually unstoppable


                • slaw wrote: View Post

                  Why does his injury not affect him in Toronto?
                  toronto is like an icy hot cold pack 2.0 apparently


                  • TrueTorontoFan wrote: View Post

                    toronto is like an icy hot cold pack 2.0 apparently
                    Funny how he had no issues last night. I am beginning to think it was just a lack of confidence for whatever reason.


                    • The Doug Smith hatchet job on Scottie was vicious and completely out of character for him. Really makes you wonder why he went out of his way to publicly roast the 2nd year kid.

                      Is Doug doing a favor for somebody in the organization… to motivate Scottie? But even if motivation was the purpose, there’s nothing he can do about last summer. Weird.

                      Or maybe Doug has officially lost it.


                      • golden wrote: View Post
                        The Doug Smith hatchet job on Scottie was vicious and completely out of character for him. Really makes you wonder why he went out of his way to publicly roast the 2nd year kid.

                        Is Doug doing a favor for somebody in the organization… to motivate Scottie? But even if motivation was the purpose, there’s nothing he can do about last summer. Weird.

                        Or maybe Doug has officially lost it.

                        Kuzma replied to it and basically said people in the NBA have no patience.


                        • golden wrote: View Post
                          The Doug Smith hatchet job on Scottie was vicious and completely out of character for him. Really makes you wonder why he went out of his way to publicly roast the 2nd year kid.

                          Is Doug doing a favor for somebody in the organization… to motivate Scottie? But even if motivation was the purpose, there’s nothing he can do about last summer. Weird.

                          Or maybe Doug has officially lost it.

                          It’s an awful thing to say about an elite athlete who’s demonstrated a tremendous work ethic while navigating a difficult world as a young person. I’d imagine trust between Scottie and the media is almost irreparably damaged.


                          • golden wrote: View Post
                            The Doug Smith hatchet job on Scottie was vicious and completely out of character for him. Really makes you wonder why he went out of his way to publicly roast the 2nd year kid.

                            Is Doug doing a favor for somebody in the organization… to motivate Scottie? But even if motivation was the purpose, there’s nothing he can do about last summer. Weird.

                            Or maybe Doug has officially lost it.

                            Doug Smith is a big idiot.


                            • Smith typically doesn't usually criticize the Raptors much.. so I think this was mostly used as motivation. I think it worked though. He was great against the Cavs.

                              If one article is all it takes to get his game to come around.. well then I hope someone like Grange times his next Scottie piece perfectly. Maybe right before the playoffs


                              • Hardly anyone from the press asks the questions or statemente a lot of fans want to hear. Its a real kiss ass bunch. As i mentioned raptor ownership is so intertwined with the media theyre afraid to ask tough questions

                                ie doug smith - the toronto star/bell media/nordstar/bce — part owners of mlse
                                Last edited by Yuri Gagarin; Sat Dec 24, 2022, 07:45 PM.

