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  • No one will question who is running the show in Orlando:

    Nikola Vucevic was benched after halftime on Wednesday and he never got back into the game, finishing with eight points, seven rebounds, one assist and one steal in 16 minutes.

    Advice: The Magic trailed by 14 points at halftime and Vucevic was 4-of-13 from the field at that point. "[I] just didn't think he played very well," said Skiles, who is living up to our preseason fears. He's yanking around player's roles on a night-to-night basis, but Vuc is far too good for this to be a long-term concern.

    Skiles benched two of his top guys: Vuc and Oladipo. Follow the game plan or sit. Simple.


    • Axel wrote: View Post
      Few random painful thoughts that add to the #FireCasey fuel.

      Lowry is playing more minutes per game than last year. Are we doomed to repeat his burnout?

      Carroll is playing 4 1/2 more minutes per, taking 3 more shots per, including 1 more 3PA per, yet has the same PPG as last year with worse APG and RPG.

      Demar is still Demar. Same minutes, FGA, Usage, RPG - same poor decisions with a sprinkling of good plays.

      JV is getting less minutes than his 2nd season and only 1 more FGA per game.

      Here is a big one. JV is 8th on the team in 4th Q FGAs with 11. 1 more attempt than Norman Powell. DD leads the team with 47. Biyombo has 20. Surprisingly, Scola is actually lower with 8 FGA.

      Masai?!! You reading this?!
      Are there any Casey defenders out there that can rationalize this? Scratch that, are there any Casey defenders still out there?

      The Carroll thing I expected. The Demar I expected. The JV stuff I expected. The Lowry part? That's the thing I most hoped to be wrong about. Even moreso with CoJo being better than advertised. Lowry should be 30 minutes per game max. His heath is way more important in terms of what it means for the playoffs.
      "My biggest concern as a coach is to not confuse winning with progress." - Steve Kerr
      "If it's unacceptable in defeat, it's unacceptable in victory." - Jeff Van Gundy


      • CAsey is a bad coach. all doubt has to have been removed by now.

        And Demar is his guy, come hell or hell.


        • Lowry is playing more minutes per game than last year. Are we doomed to repeat his burnout?
          Part of the issue right now is that the Raps only have 6 guys who can play: the starters, plus Joseph. Biyombo and Patterson and JJ are liabilities on the floor and the rest of the bench is Bennett, Powell and Wright. So, until Ross is back and playing well, Lowry, Derozan, and Carroll are going to be playing big minutes.....


          • mcHAPPY wrote: View Post
            Is Casey a bad coach and the team is doing what he is asking?


            Has he lost the locker room and players are refusing to adapt to new style?

            Either way, not good for him.

            It seems all the talk and hype over this past summer was straight bullsheet.

            Things looked promising for first 4 of 5 games...but I guess further proof ever ying eventually reverts to the mean.
            The question moving forward is will MU allow the whole season to be wasted or cut and run in order to right the ship THIS season.


            • psrs1 wrote: View Post
              The question moving forward is will MU allow the whole season to be wasted or cut and run in order to right the ship THIS season.
              I'm curious to see how the LA trip goes, and what happens when the return home. If the trip ends winless, or even with a single win over the Lakers, as a result of poor and uninspiring play, I wonder if MU might pull the trigger as soon as they get back to town?


              • slaw wrote: View Post
                Part of the issue right now is that the Raps only have 6 guys who can play: the starters, plus Joseph. Biyombo and Patterson and JJ are liabilities on the floor and the rest of the bench is Bennett, Powell and Wright. So, until Ross is back and playing well, Lowry, Derozan, and Carroll are going to be playing big minutes.....
                I don't believe that Patterson (key contributor last season), JJ (key contributor for stretches) and Biyombo (ok...maybe him) are such liabilities that the team can't expand the rotation for limited stretches.

                Play Joseph less next to Lowry, with JJ on the wing for 5 minutes per game. That alone would bring Lowry down to a much more palatable level.

                Also, we do have Delon Wright on the roster - not in the D-League. Give him 2 or 3 minutes per half to run next to Joseph instead of Lowry.
                Heir, Prince of Cambridge

                If you see KeonClark in the wasteland, please share your food and water with him.


                • MU is keeping DC until the end of the it. Whether it's another first round embarrassment or ECF, DC is done either way after that. MU is analytical and methodical and this isn't his team yet. Expect a total reno in the off season.


                  • Axel wrote: View Post
                    I don't believe that Patterson (key contributor last season), JJ (key contributor for stretches) and Biyombo (ok...maybe him) are such liabilities that the team can't expand the rotation for limited stretches.

                    Play Joseph less next to Lowry, with JJ on the wing for 5 minutes per game. That alone would bring Lowry down to a much more palatable level.

                    Also, we do have Delon Wright on the roster - not in the D-League. Give him 2 or 3 minutes per half to run next to Joseph instead of Lowry.
                    The other thing they could do is play guys like Bennett, Powell and Wright for a few minutes with multiple starters (effectively hide them), rather than throwing them out there for a hockey-line shift along with other backups.


                    • CalgaryRapsFan wrote: View Post
                      The other thing they could do is play guys like Bennett, Powell and Wright for a few minutes with multiple starters (effectively hide them), rather than throwing them out there for a hockey-line shift along with other backups.
                      Proper, structured player development!!!??

                      I would love to see that

                      Unfortunately, Casey


                      • slaw wrote: View Post
                        Part of the issue right now is that the Raps only have 6 guys who can play: the starters, plus Joseph. Biyombo and Patterson and JJ are liabilities on the floor and the rest of the bench is Bennett, Powell and Wright. So, until Ross is back and playing well, Lowry, Derozan, and Carroll are going to be playing big minutes.....
                        The question is: WHY are those guys liabilities on the floor this season at this particular time, when they have all previously played good-to-great for extended periods in well defined roles.


                        • I'm done. I can't take it anymore. This team isn't good defensively and is a train wreck on O. DD and Casey must go. DD isn't a championship type player. He's a delusional Kobe Bryant and Casey is just delusional.

                          Who wouldn't do a DD for Randle trade? With pieces to make it work.
                          Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways
                          Because its 2015


                          • Yea...I don't know how anyone take this garbage anymore. what are you waiting for Masai?
                            "Stay steamy"

                            - Kobe


                            • This is making me angry. We shouldn't have lost that game.

                              But the blame isn't all on Casey. It's on DD too for waiting until he knows he's not gonna get the calls he deserves to show up. And this has been ongoing all year..... it's making me mental.

                              P.S. Rex is the one whose coming up with the 3rd quarter plays, per Wolstat. I read his stuff regularly. Those are how we should play all game.
                              Axel wrote:
                              Now Cody can stop posting about this guy and we have a poster to blame if anything goes wrong!!
                              KeonClark wrote:
                              We won't hear back from him. He dissapears into thin air and reappears when you least expect it. Ten is an enigma. Ten is a legend. Ten for the motherfucking win.
                              KeonClark wrote:
                              I can't wait until the playoffs start.

                              Until then, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they most often stink


                              • Uncle_Si wrote: View Post

                                Who wouldn't do a DD for Randle trade? With pieces to make it work.
                                The Lakers?

